2001-06-11 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 11, 2001 7:15 P.M. JOINT MEETING OF THE QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD AND THE CITY OF GLENS FALLS COMMON COUNCIL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER CITY OF GLENS FALLS COMMON COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT MAYOR ROBERT REGAN COUNCILMAN HAROLD TAYLOR COUNCILMAN SCOTT PAUQUETTE COUNCILMAN DANA PALMER MEETING OPENED AT 7:15 p.rn. TOWN COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC LED THE PLEGE OF ALLEGIANCE DISCUSSION ITEMS 1.1 MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Town Supervisor Brower-Noted that the event was well attended by the public. Town Councilman Brewer-Thanked Mr. Jim Clark for his work on the event. Town Councilman Stec-Noted a scheduling conflict with the Queensbury Central Fire Company Service, suggested that the parade be coordinated with the Fire Company services. City Mayor Regan-Noted one issue was the parking along the parade route, a constituent suggested that there be no parking along the route, requested that the parade committee look at that suggestion for next year. Another suggestion was to have the ceremony at the Ice Rink, a closer building than the Civic Center Heritage Hall. 1.2 WATERSHED PROPERTY Town Councilman Stec- There is a concern in Queensbury to protect open space, noted he had calls on what the City mayor may not be doing with Coles Woods with the access off from Dixon Road. People value the non-basketball court, non-hockey rink non-tennis court kind of recreation opportunities. Regarding the Watershed property a lot of the citizens are concerned about opening that to development. City Mayor Regan-Noted that with the number of things on the Common Council plate at this time that has not been a priority to discuss future uses or non uses. City Councilman Pauquette-Noted in the short term there are some improvements to the dam to be made. Town Councilman Stec-Spoke on the use of the property for snowmobiles, a recreational opportunity for the area. Questioned if the City was going to let them use the property next year? City Councilman Taylor-Regarding water: if we go on our own in getting a water treatment plant that is going to give us an opportunity for passive recreation, so it could be used for fishing etc. If we did not go our own then I do not know if we have to have that as a backup? City Mayor Regan-I think we do. If we bought water from Queensbury then the reservoir system would be used as a backup, and being that it would not be treated to the level that the State is going to require it probably couldn't be used as passive recreation. City Councilman Taylor-If we are not supposed to use it now in the untreated state why would a backup be ok to use in an untreated state? Town Councilman Brewer-We do not have a backup, do we? City Mayor Regan-We are each other's back up right now. 1.4 SNOWMOBILE TRAIL/WATER SHED AREA (taken out of order on agenda) Town Supervisor Brower-The Water and Sewer Board did give permission for utilization of the trails last year; I am assuming that you are going to do the same this year. City Mayor Regan-There is no indication that they are not going to give permission again. I think it is a settled issue. Town Councilman Stec-Noted some of the Snowmobile Club's issues were the conditions of the trails, damaged culvert pipes etc. suggested that between the Club, Town Highway Dept., Building and Grounds, Recreation Dept. and the City's DPW and volunteers we go in there with equipment and fix up the trails, a manpower and equipment issue... Town Councilman Brewer-Suggested that Town Counsel be made aware of the proposal and see if it can be legally accomplished. 1.3 SMART GROWTH Town Supervisor Brower-The Town's Committee has met several times. City Mayor Regan-The City's Committee will meet for the first time on June 20th. Town Councilman Brewer-Requested that the Town's mission statement be given to the City. 1.5 SEWER NEGOTIATIONS Town Supervisor Brower-Noted that the Town and the City met last Thursday and will meet again this Thursday at 3 :00 P.M. City Mayor Regan-Noted we are working through the process, now having the Attorneys draw up, as much of a final contract as is possible leaving some blanks and what have you. I think that the meetings have been productive. Town Councilman Brewer-Will the dead line be met? City Mayor Regan- We intend to. Town Supervisor Brower-Asked Mr. John Salvador to speak to the Boards. Mr. John Salvador-Presented in written form his comments regarding the history of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Glens Falls... (ltr. On file) City Mayor Regan-Noted that the project was around twenty seven million, the City paid its local share, the Town did not, it is not a situation, there is a myth out there that the State and Federal Government paid for this whole thing and you got it for free, that is not the case. There were significant costs that we had to bear when the plant was built and we are still paying for in debt service. I would respectfully disagree that there shouldn't be a buy in charge. We have paid as much Federal and State taxes as everybody else but those are the facts. 1.6 UPDATE OF STATUS OF OLD GLENS FALLS DUMP IN QUEENSBURY Town Supervisor Brower-Where do we stand as far as the capping goes? City Mayor Regan-We are waiting for funding for that, the State DEC told us if we would get a dialog with them in terms of developing a plan for capping it according to the up to date 2001 regulations as opposed to when it was capped back in the late seventies according to the regulations that were in place at that time. I do not think it is right if you follow the directions at one point in time they come back and say you have to do it all over again. They will cover seventy five percent if the State legislature passes certain funding provisions. We are in a wait and see type of mode. Town Councilman Brewer-Questioned if there was a timetable for capping the area? City Mayor Regan-No. We have not gotten to that point yet. We said we would work with them and figure out a way to do this. 1.7 CITY's BRUSH DUMP IN WEST GLENS FALLS Town Supervisor Brower-Noted that the Town has taken many of the bags ofleaves and yard waste to the City's site at the end of Sherman Avenue. Questioned if the City had investigated the potential for mulching the materials. City Mayor Regan-We have had some discussions, there are some communities that sell mulch. Town Supervisor Brower-Had been questioned if the area could be a fire hazard, noted it is a sand pit this is placed in... MISC. DISCUSSION ITEMS AGENDA City Councilman Taylor- Requested that the agenda's for these meetings be given to the Councilmen in advance. LIBRARY Town Councilman Stec-Re: Library Resolution...Our Attorney has forwarded a copy of the proposed resolution to both the Town of Moreau and the City of Glens Falls. JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Town Supervisor Brower-It looks like we can participate, in the joint Symphony Event on July 4th...discussed the use of ACC's Shell for the concert...might need transportation for the Shell to be moved from ACC to the concert site... 1.8 JOINT MEETING DATES TO BE SET Mayor Regan-September 17, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION Town Supervisor Brower-Asked for public input..no one spoke. Thanked the Common Council and the Mayor for coming this evening and all our Board Members. Called the Meeting Adjourned.