2001-10-11 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 11, 2001 MTG. #43 4:30 p.rn. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER MEMBERS ABSENT TOWN COUNCILMAN JAMES MARTIN TOWN OFFICIALS Recreation Director Harold Hansen Highway Supt. Rick Missita Deputy Highway Supt. Mike Travis Director of Building and Grounds Chuck Rice Water/wastewater Supt. Ralph VanDusen Deputy Wastewater Supt. Mike Shaw Supt. of Pine View Cemetery Rodney Mosher Town Historian Marilyn VanDyke Director of Technology Bob Keenan Town Assessor Helen Otte Landfill Supt. James Coughlin Comptroller Henry Hess Community Dev. Director Chris Round Town Judge Mike Muller Supervisor Brower-Opened the meeting and asking the Board Members here and the sewer negotiating team to meet after this meeting in the Town Supervisor's conference room for a brief update, note that the public and press are invited to this meeting. Congratulated Helen Otte for securing a reappointment to a new six year term, I think you are doing a good job Helen and think we ought to give you a round of applause. 1.0 COMMITTEE SYSTEM ESTABLISHMENT Rodney Mosher-Pine View Cemetery-Noted he felt to have a member of the Board at their monthly meetings was very important. That individual can bring back to the Town Board concerns of each department. It is important to have a representative there even with the Commission so that they know the workings to. Councilman Brewer-Noted when we first got elected this Board decided not to have committees because we did not want the employees or department managers to feel that we were trying to micro manage thern. I think it is important to sit down once a month or every two months if there is one or two board members to a department at least it opens up the communication channel. Chuck Rice-Building and Grounds-Noted he sees committee meetings with the Board Members getting more in touch with the departments. Suggested one Board Member per department.noted one problem in the past was that we never met. Water/wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Noted he had been involved with committees that have gone a year without meeting, some committees dictate what sifts the operators should work in the plant, that is the spectrum of what we have seen. Over the years there has been both positive and negative by those committees. Noted it could add a layer of bureaucracy by going for a project with the committee and repeating it at a Board Meeting..need communication between the committee and the Town Board.creating committees may not answer all concerns. Councilman Brewer-Noted he was looking for ways the five board members to have a line of communication. regular communication and hands on I do not want to micro manage any department. Water/wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Noted that if there is a committee system the Supervisor should not be left out of the loop. Jim Coughlin, Landfill Supt.-Noted he has members visit him weekly. Harry Hansen, Recreation Director-Noted he has seen both good and bad. not an advocate of the committee system because information that we pass to the committee when they showed, sometimes was not accurate. when we came in front of the Board we had to repeat everything. Noted he has a commission a committee member would be another layer. Suggested having one individual to bring back information to the Town Board.or have Department Head meetings. Rick Missita-Highway Supt. -Agree with Ralph there are pro's and cons. Noted some of his men would not know who was a Town Board Memberjust come over and visit, see what is going on. Supervisor Brower-Requested to ride a plow truck during the winter. Rick Missita Highway Supt. -noted that one person per department should be considered. Water/wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Noted that when the Board did visit the plant it was appreciated by the workers. Rodney Mosher-PineView Cemetery-the only way to get this to work right is you have to set a time on a monthly basis..suggested that the Board take an involved interest and visit each department. Helen Otte- Town Assessor-I am an advocate of committees or some form of enhancing the communication between the Town Board Members and Dennis with the individual departments and the employees. Committees give a good opportunity to discuss issues and general things and receive on the spot feed back. Suggested have a staff meeting in the department and have a Board Member attend. Henry Hess-Comptroller-I am not going to speak against the Committee System, communications between the Town Board and Supervisor and Departments could be improved. I think this takes a conscientious effort on the part of the Supervisor and Town Board to do that. Noted we have a full time administrative Supervisor he is the executive and we are all members of the executive branch of government and report to him first. That doesn't mean that Board shouldn't know what is going on it is a great opportunity to inform them and find out what the direction of government is going to be. See this in terms of a liaison even on the rotating basis that is fine. I would hate to see a committee system established that in any way by passes the Town Executive the only legislative person, executive person that we have that is elected town wide to usurp that authority or by pass him in the regular chain of command that is my only reservation. Councilman Brewer-I do not think anyone is trying to do that I think my whole point we have been here for two years how many department head meetings have we had? You can probably count them on two fingers. We have to have these meetings if we are going to work as a team. Supervisor Brower-I will acknowledge that I wanted to have more meetings of town managers and frankly we haven't. I have to plan to have these meetings on a regular basis. I would like to have a meeting next Friday of Town Managers. We should talk about the recent terrorism and bring a member of the Warren County Public Health office to speak on Anthrax and what to watch out for. Henry Hess-Comptroller-Noted that the meeting should be long enough to accomplish the agenda and items brought before the meeting by the department heads. Chris Round-Director of Community Development-Noted we need better communications. We need direction from the Supervisor's Office on issues.. Marilyn VanDyke-Town Historian- Noted she has a one-person department with some volunteers, with a community advisory group, would welcome the Town Board Members to visit the department. Darleen Dougher-Town Clerk-Spoke on the existence in the past of meetings between certain departments that ultimately effect each other, these meetings seemed to work and open communications. Suggested three times a year have all departments meet with the Town Board. Henry Hess-Comptroller- Noted the discussion on anthrax as a valuable training session. Chuck Rice-Building and Grounds Supt.-Suggested quarterly meetings along with Town Board contacts between meetings. Supervisor Brower-Noted his door is always open to any manager, at work or at home. I sense from this meeting that you want more communication, I certainly will strive to make that happen. Town Councilman Brewer-Thanked everyone for coming. I want the Town Employees to know that if there is ever any time they need to talk to anyone of us I am certainly available at any time problem or not a problem. Supervisor Brower-Noted budget meetings with managers are now being held. Thanked everyone for coming today..1ike to ask the Sewer Negotiating Committee the reporter and Town Board to meet in the Supervisor's Conference Room. Supervisor's Conference Room Discussion was held on sewer negotiations, it was by an unofficial pole taken by the Supervisor as follows; that the Supervisor is authorized to sign the MOU with the City of Glens Falls regarding Sewer Negotiations: Supervisor Brower-Yes Town Councilman Turner-Yes Town Councilman Stec-Yes Town Councilman Brewer-Abstain Town Councilman Martin-Absent. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury