2003-06-23 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 23, 2003 MTG# 27 RES# 306-307 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DAN STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN OFFICIALS DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CHRIS ROUND WATER SUPERINTENDENT, RALPH VAN DUSEN DEPUTY W ASTEW ATER DIRECTOR, MIKE SHAW Supervisor Brower-Opened meeting. QUEENSBURY CENTRAL FIRE COMPANY TOWER REPAIRS - JOHN KASSEBAUM Mr. Kassebaum spoke to the board regarding tower repairs noting fourteen years general maintenance had the ladder tested every year, which is basically they are making sure the ladder, and the bucket, and boom is in serviceable order. The only way to really tell what kind of shape the truck is in is to actually send it back to an authorized dealer to do a full test on it. We had put in the original budget for 2003 that we wanted to take it to a dealer for a full service test. Fortunately there is a new outfit out of Albany, tried to contact them unfortunately he felt it was too new. There is someone who has opened up in Plattsburgh, we have been in contact with them, and the next closet is South Plainfield, NJ. One of the reasons why it has to go back to a dealer is they actually pull the whole boom apart. When they were in there is when they found out we had some more problems, that we never have been able to find out in the past fourteen years mainly because we never had the opportunity to pull it apat before. We had been noticing with the truck some sluggishness with the response as far as the speed of the movement of the bucket and speed of the whole mechanism itself. The failure that they found was with the mechanism arm. The failure if it occurs, the truck starts to retract automatically. The price is $24, 177. Noted if anything else came out of this while they got everything apart he doesn't really see it ever going above twenty five thousand dollars. Felt it needed to be repaired, it's the tower; it's the most used in the Town. We do have two in the Town we're the ones most of the time either getting the calls or using it within the Town. As shown with the five-year projection is hopefully in 2006 looking at the ordering of another tower. Asked Aero Scope how attractive the truck would be as opposed to fixing it. They said most companies if they knew about it would probably never touch the truck if they knew they were going to have to send it out for an overhaul. We mentioned one of the thigs that we were going to defer the price of a new tower in about three or four years was obviously replacing it, would be selling this truck. Felt they couldn't take the chance of getting the truck back up here and if it did fail...Councilman Brewer-Couldn't pass inspection if it had that risk. Mr. Kassebaum-Aero Scope would not give it their satisfaction. It could be sent back but they have to send it back with the clause that says anything you do with it here on out, that's why our attitude is, its still sitting in New Jersey. What we're looking for and if the price came in at twenty-five, what we would do is, depending on how the Town Board would want to do it, we would remit what the final cost would be to the Town. There are some structural issues with rust, its nothing that will affect us, it should not have an issue with the sale of the truck in three years or so. The way he is looking at it is you may get a company to buy it and rechassis the whole thing. Councilman Boor-Is this disassembled now? Mr. Kassebaum-It's been in South Plainfield, New Jersey since the twentieth of May. Councilman Brewer-Do you have any money in your budget? Mr. Kassebaum-The money we have budgeted out for what we had was going to be the three thousand dollars, that's what we put into the original 2003. We can if for some reason we went above the twenty-five we may be able to make some other adjustments but right now it's nothing that's going to be able to cover the twenty five thousand dollars. Councilman Boor-What would be a guess of what you could get for this truck in four or five years? Mr. Kassebaum-Eight hundred thousand dollars is what they are looking at new we were hoping for somewhere between one and two that may be pushing it. One thing we're asking for is when a truck is sent back if we were to sell it tomorrow, which were not, but if we were what would be a fair market price. Supervisor Brower-You said you had three thousand in your budget for the inspection? Mr. Kassebaum-I think it came out to thirty-fve hundred dollars, we had budgeted three and by the time they had done some things it was thirty-five so we were able to already take some additional monies and move thern. We cut out some things that we were looking at that aren't needed right away. Councilman Boor-Is that on top of the twenty-four? Mr. Kassebaum-That's on top of it. That's monies were already into them for. That's why were back for the twenty-four twenty-five. Councilman Brewer-Could they use their restricted fund to repair this? Supervisor Brower-It may be possible. Mr. Kassebaum-Pointed out they are getting specs back on the engine they were looking to replace this year. One of the agreements we said we could probably finance the tower because this is the way the Town seemed to be leaning we weren't looking at financing the engine. Right now, if we took the truck fund as we had it at its totality and we still financed we would be able to get an engine. Supervisor Brower-If you refurbish the ladder truck, which sounds like somethig you should do, would it extend the life of the truck? Mr. Kassebaum-It could for us; it doesn't answer the structural things as far as the rust noted they have considered this as well. Right now, even as far as the new truck goes, as far the new engine goes which is a replacement piece right now, our focus is this truck is out of service, it has been since May 20th, at this point we're not looking at it much before the end of July, this is the priority for us. Mr. Kassebaum-The great thing about buying twins is they are both new. The bad thing about buying is, they go at the same time. Three one nine according to some of the dealers that we're dealing with and some of our guys, they are saying three one nine should probably go first. One of the recommendations was as soon as we ordered the truck we should probably look at trying to sell it right away because it may take a while to get it out there to the public. Councilman Brewer-If this would extend the life one year it would pay for itself. Mr. Kasebaum- The thing we would definitely need to pay for this year would be a chassis. The question is depending on who we go with and again we don't have all of our bids in yet is when the payment would be due on the truck itself. Councilman Brewer-You already put the specs out to bid? Mr. Kassebaum-One Company hasn't had the specs yet. The plan was to have it ordered in 2003 for delivery for 2004. The original plan was to have it here by 2003 that will not happen now. Councilman Brewer-How much money do you have in your restricted fund? Mr. Kassebaum-We had asked for a hundred and twenty the Town gave us seventy five, right now we have somewhere between a hundred and forty or a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in there, the rest of it was going to be financed. The one question is we had reservations about financing the engine to begin with because we knew we were going to end up financing the Tower. Councilman Stec-I don't think that's enough reason not to do it. Councilman Boor-We need to get this hing done. Councilman Stec-I would prefer to pull it out of the truck account if you can. Supervisor Brower-I think you should use your truck for now, we can always put it in next years budget. Mr. Kassebaum- Basically what we would be looking at if we went and used the twenty-five thousand dollars out of the truck fund the Town would then reimburse that for the 2004 year? Councilman Stec-We can do that. Councilman Boor-Yes. Supervisor Brower-I think that's what I'm hearing would be fair and reasonable. Councilman Stec-So we'll take the one ninety and make it a one fifteen, is that what we're saying? Mr. Kassebaum-Ninety plus the twenty-five, by then we'll know what the price of the truck will be. Supervisor Brower-Hopes they will be able to extend the life for twenty years with the cost of these trucks, if we can get them to go twenty years its prudent to do so. Mr. Kassebaum-The question is going to be the body. The problem is the twenty year standard used to the old standard. It used to be fiften years then they moved it up to twenty years, any of the firehouse magazines they are all going back to the fifteen-year rule mainly because what they are finding is, that the uses are becoming harder. Supervisor Brower-All set, not sure if we need a resolution. Councilman Brewer-All we need to do is find out tomorrow if they can take the money out of the restricted fund, if they can't then we need a resolution. PROPERTY REZONING EAST OF L.G. OUTLETS JOHN MC CORMACK JOHN MC CORMACK PRESENT Executive Director, Mr. Round-Spoke to the board noting he is ninety-five percent sure they will receive federal funding for their Route 9 sewer district. In our application we made arguments about the job creation benefits of Great Escape, commercial businesses on Route 9, and some other activities, public safety building, that's going on in Warren County and need to identify the potential.... Because there has been some discussion in the past about this. In our application we have been communicating with John, doesn't think Mr. Mc Cormack hasn't taken any active progress towards making progress so he wanted to come back to the Town Board to revisit this potential project before he decides to invest his time. Mr. Mc Cormack spoke to the board noting there is approximately forty-eight acres of property just to the north of Equinox Drive, which is in Courthouse Estates. The access to it is from the north end of the Days Inn and the proposal is to construct potentially eleven, one hundred by one hundred thre story brick structures for a business park potentially creating the opportunity for fifteen hundred high paying jobs in the Town of Queensbury. The question is the existing zoning is single-family residential one acre to rezone the property to commercial so that the property could be constructed as a business park. I don't think that anybody cannot see the value of the potentiality of fifteen hundred jobs in the Town of Queensbury. If! was to leave the zoning as it is and complete the balance of the subdivision and construct forty more homes we know the value of what that would be in the Town of Queensbury, favorable, however, you want to look at. From a planning aspect it seems to make more sense to develop this parcel with the recognition of what's potentially happening with Albany and Serna-Tech to break it into a technical business park that would create high paying jobs for our Town. Supervisor Brower-The entrance is by the north side of the Days Inn? Mr. Mc Cormack-The north side of the Days Inn Last year when we originally spoke through meetings we've had through the development that we were looking to infiltrate the property from two directions, one from Exit 20. As we all know now with the jail that has been constructed, that opportunity has left and the opportunity to come into the property is from the north side of the Days Inn. If we bring in fifteen hundred potential jobs that's fifteen hundred potential cars on an expressway that's already over burdened at periods of the summer months, noting this needs to be addressed from both avenues. The Million Dollar Half Mile there is a great opportunity for tax revenue from all the retail basis on both sides of the road. Had we structured that a little differently today, if we were to replant it, we probably could have accomplished scenarios that we were looking for, an easy flow of traffic and the opportunity to generate tax revenue from that retail basis. This has come and gone, in this case here we have the opportunity to look at it and be sarter about the planning process, if that's the direction we want to go in. If we want to go in that direction what's the smartest way of doing it? I'm not here to sell anyone anything I'm just here to throw these forty acres of potential property out on the floor for the Planning Board to take a look at. Something is going to happen to those forty acres because something is happening in Albany today that is going to be out of our control ten years from now and this is a ten-year project obviously. Councilman Brewer-Is it your plan if we did decided to rezone this to whatever zone we're talking about here to pursue the development of that? Mr. Mc Cormack-It is. If we rezone it commercial, what my intentions would be initially would be to put the road work in, then with the cooperation of the Town of Queensbury get the designation for Empire Zoning and try to promote the first building. Once you get one in there, then I think it will sell itself after that. I can't do it by myself; I can't do it directy with Real Estate Company. I think if the Town of Queensbury recognizes the value of what it can be to the Town. Ifwe work at partnership on this, it's dollars in the Town pocket, it's dollars in my pocket, and it's a win-win situation for everyone. Councilman Stec- The only vehicle access into the property would be that north access now? Mr. Mc Cormack-My agreement with Don and a few of the other residents in the development is that we would shut it down right here, no connections between Sections 3 and this Business Park. Councilman Stec-Would much rather see this used as what your proposing than for development of forty residential units, brought to the boards attention an allowance for expanding the bicycle path. Mr. Mc Cormack-Probably the most critical item is to establishing the positioning of all the residents that are already living in Courthouse Estates with regards to this project. Mr. Donald Sipp, resident Courthouse Drive-Thinks this is the best solution. If this is zoned commercial and or some reason this is never developed, do not want to see a gas station, used car lot back there. Councilman Boor-We would have to deal with the State on getting the cars in and out whether it's a light or whatever. I have always had a setback with regards to the clipped corner of the Reebok Building it narrows down to thirty feet. That's where Dave Kenny and I come into play here. Dave is of the mindset to develop it for the potential sale, use, and or, either a Hilton or Marriott Hotel, which ties into the business park scenario. The corner of the building comes down to thirty feet where we need a fifty foot right-a-way for a public road, at what point do you become public and what point does it become private, this is a stumbling block for me. Councilman Stec- That's something that Dave will be willing to work with you on? Mr. Mc Cormack-He has plans for that. Councilman Brewer-I for one am all for it, I would like to see it happen. Supervisor Brower-My only concern was the neighborhood seems likewe've done that work. Mr. Sipp-We had a meeting last September with you. I think the Equinox people are against any road coming around back of the Mall property off of Exit 20, now that's a dead issue I believe. I think a lot of people believe that this has to be settled this way. You have a few on Equinox who are against this; I think you have the majority of people. I think personally this is the best solution you've come up with. Mr. Mc Cormack-How would you think is the best way to let the Town of Queensbury know that the residents of Courthouse Estates are on board by a public hearing or do we want to follow-up and have a letter from the residents of Courthouse Estates? Mr. Sipp to put letter out to residents of Courthouse Estates explaining location of road. Executive Director, Mr. Round-John has approached QEDC to see what their role might be. Mr. Sipp-When would the hearing take place? Executive Director, Mr. Round-We are dealing with them on a quarterly basis noting they are months away fromsomething like that. After further discussion it was the decision of the board to bring this back at a later date. DISCUSSION TV8 BROADCAST PROPOSAL Discussion held regarding TV 8 proposal Supervisor Brower to set up meeting for next workshop. RAMADA INN SEWER DISCUSSION ATTORNEY MICHAEL O'CONNOR, REPRESENTING RAMADA INN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM RAMADA INN PRESENT Supervisor Brower and Wastewater Director, Mr. Shaw met with the owners of the Ramada Inn facility noting they have expressed interest in the possibility of bringing sewer to the Ramada Inn Complex. They did talk about the potential of running sewer up Dixon Road to the facility, it will also be able to service John Burke Apartments also, and it could potentially serve the School. We contacted the School four or five months ago and suggested the sewer proposal, they told us it was too late they didn't want to delay the project. Mike Shaw and I talked about the possibility of having a study done to see what the cost implications would be to bring it from the City. Wastewater Director, Mr. Shaw-The area has been talked about many times in the past several years. There are some other areas along the way to that I would join in with that. There is a place near the Plug Mill small subsurface disposal system that we would like to get away from and join in the district. There are areas in Broadacres that we ocasionally here from. We hear from Lyndon Drive area and Northup Drive area. We could connect to the City and Town line because the City's infrastructure at that point is in poor shape. There would have to be a Map, Plan, and Report. We've talked about that area over there for years, we've never had any idea of what the numbers are at all or who the interested parties are. A good way to go about it is maybe send a letter to the residents along the way to see if there is interest. Councilman Brewer-Questioned if John Burke has its own system? Mr. Shaw-They have their own system, we have talked to them before, noting they would like to do away with their system. Attorney O'Connor-Noted both Ramada Inns are separate distinct partnerships, they have separate members and separate operations, both would be interested in tying into municipal sewers. Councilman Brewer- Asked if the hotels system is working now? Attorney O'Connor-It's on-site sewer, they redid the septic a few years ago maybe within the last tn years, we got involved with that because we just got approval from the Planning Board to convert the existing pool to a dining banquet area and build a new pool area. They wouldn't be able to put any additional rooms with the existing system. Councilman Boor-Had discussions with a couple individuals, they have suggested and apparently talk to you to running the sewer under the Northway connecting into Route 9. Mr. Shaw-Currently what we're doing with Route 9 and Bay Road were opening up another problem over there. Attorney O'Connor-Would like to see if the Town would entertain a Feasibility Study, noting this is probably a two-year project before it actually becomes a reality. Councilman Boor-Questioned if this would be a district by itself? Mr. Shaw-It would be a new district. It has the potential of being something smaller or larger, we need to identify the service area, the best way to do this is by a questionnaire then a Map, Plan, and Report noting he envisions starting this maybe in September t mail survey, then come back to the board. DISCUSSION HELD Attorney Michael O'Connor-Spoke to the board regarding the Cedars Project. Noted he has met with Rich Schermerhorn on behalf of the people who own the Cedars, what he proposed was tie in fees to us noting this seems reasonable. We need to have our septic system for Phase I in the ground by September 1st, so we will probably end up putting in our own system in, they will end up putting in their own system for Phase I of the Cedars. Even with that they probably will still want to tie into Schermerhorn's line. Schermerhorn's line extended from Walker line up to their property. If it gets extended up to their property he would be interested in extending it up to his property on the corner noting he doesn't have any particular plans for the property it would make it that much more usable. What he has projected from what I've seen so far was reasonable. We asked that we be recognized for some type of restitution or some type of reimbursement for that cost the same that he is asking for reimbursement for his ecess capacity, he builds up to Walker Lane because it's a Sewer Corporation its not clear. When we build that extension up to Cedars we're told that we have to deed it up to the Sewer Corporation, noting this is something to be worked out. RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 306 2003, INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and moves into Executive Session to discuss an Article 7 matter. Duly adopted this 23rd day of June, 2003, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower Noes: None Absent None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION AND SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 307,2003 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 23rd day of June, 2003, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Boor Noes: None AbsentNone No further action taken. Respectfully Submitted, Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury