1992-08-24 TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 24, 1992 7:00 P.M. MTG #83 RES # 451-462 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT MICHEL BRANDT -SUPERVISOR BETTY MONAHAN-COUNCILMAN SUSAN GOETZ-COUNCILMAN NICK CAIMANO-COUNCILMAN PLINEY TUCKER-COUNCILMAN TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL DUSEK TOWN OFFICIALS KATHLEEN KATHE PRESS: G.F. Post Star, Channel 8 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN MONAHAN Supervisor Brandt called meeting to order ... PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED LOCAL LAW, AMENDING THE CODE, ENTITLED "ZONING 7:00 p.m. ATTORNEY DUSEK-This proposed local law is a local law to amend the zoning ordinance of the Town of Queensbury. It is scheduled to amend five different zones within that zoning ordinance which is the Plaza Commercial, Highway Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial zones. The amendment basically allows or provides for a clause that says, accessory uses are allowed and that they generally don't require site plan review with certain noted acceptions that have always been the case in the ordinance. It also indicates that accessory uses are customary uses and accessory use structured incidental to a permitted use. In other words, broadening a part of the ordinance to indicate a more general type of accessory use that would normally be found in your various zones that I've just indicated. Some of this, I believe actually every, I just want to check one before I say this, but I think every zone that I indicated, this has been added to and this is fairly new language. Although a couple of the zones had some of the language already in them, compared, if you look at your Light Industrial versus your Plaza Commercial zones. Some of the language under accessory uses, customary accessory use for instance was always part of the Light Industrial or Heavy Industrial zones. But generally this is a broadening then, if you will, of the ordinance and basically to allow more accessory uses and also to not require site plan reVIew. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Paul, a question. Page 9, in the one that we had at home, not the one today. ATTORNEY DUSEK-Yes. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Just a question where apparently this is to be deleted now. Note, these uses are not permitted in AP A resource management areas and then it goes down through the type II. Why is that being deleted? ATTORNEY DUSEK-No, that's not to be deleted. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Oh. ATTORNEY DUSEK-If you'll note, because there were brackets in the original text, the brackets are there down at the bottom, I hope it's on your copy... COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Yes it is. ATTORNEY DUSEK-It would indicate double brackets. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-But I got confused to be honest with you. I thought that only applied to the number type of things. ATTORNEY DUSEK-No. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-See it says, if the number is to be deleted, double brackets only will indicate deletion. So it confused me. ATTORNEY DUSEK-You are right but the only thing in this particular law, what has happened actually, we are only adding. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-So that point that I just mentioned is still going to stay in there so people will be aware of it? ATTORNEY DUSEK-They will be in there still. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Thank you. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-In the course of events here, do we have to address SEQRA first or just go into the public input? ATTORNEY DUSEK-As it turns out, the timing of this and the timing of the Planning Board Meeting were such that the Planning Board Meeting and their consideration has not yet occurred. So I would recommend to the Board that you not consider either SEQRA or the local law until after tomorrow night which of course would make it next Monday. But you could conduct the public hearing to see if anybody wanted to be heard on it and you could close the public hearing tonight but you should wait before taking any action what so ever. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Okay, well if it's alright with everybody, I'd like to go ahead and conduct a public hearing, see if there's anyone here that would like to give us input on it. So this is a public hearing, if anybody wants to comment on this law, proposed change, now is the time. Come up and talk to us. (no one spoke) If there's nobody that want's to talk to us on it, then I'll close the public hearing ... PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION APPROVING MINUTES RESOLUTION NO. 451, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the Town Board Minutes of August 10th and 11th ofl992. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: ALL THOSE IN FAVOR: AYES ALL THOSE OPPOSED: None ABSENT: None CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD TO DEDICATION RESOLUTION NO.: 452, 1992 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz WHEREAS, Letters Patent issued by the State of New York dated the 17th day of July, 1992, conveyed certain property described therein (referred to generally as that parcel of land adjacent to and at the end of Farr Lane) to the Town of Queensbury and its Highway Superintendent for highway purposes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury to make an order laying out a highway on the lands described in said Letters Patent dated the 17th day of July, 1992, conveyed for highway purposes, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law and other statutes applicable thereto. Dated the 24th day of August, 1992. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, Warren County, New York. BY: MICHEL R. BRANDT, SUPERVISOR BY: NICHOLAS CAIMANO, COUNCILPERSON BY: SUSAN GOETZ, COUNCILPERSON BY: BETTY C. MONAHAN, COUNCILPERSON BY: PLINEY W. TUCKER, COUNCILPERSON Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Brandt NOES : None ABSENT: None (Town Board signed original resolution and submitted to Town Clerk as part of the record) DISCUSSION BEFORE VOTE: Supervisor Brandt questioned Attorney Dusek for description of resolution. Attorney Dusek-A while ago the Board adopted a resolution accepting land from the State of New York at the end ofFarr Lane. There is a Senior Citizen's 202 HUD project scheduled to go in on about 5 acres. The Declaration of Restrictions were previously adopted. This resolution is the next step towards constructing a road there if the Board desires. The road being only over the portion that's on the State land that they gave us, not a road into the actual property that was rezoned but a portion from Farr Lane up to the border line of the property that was rezoned. If you adopt this, you are saying yes to the highway to be laid out by the Highway Superintendent and you are taking the first step towards actually having them put an extension of the highway, including the blacktop, everything on that area. Supervisor Brandt -Questioned, who pays for that? Attorney Dusek-The Town. Supervisor Brandt-Is there money in the budget for it? Attorney Dusek-That I don't know. This we talked about and Councilman Monahan had asked that I prepare the next step. Councilman Monahan-Mike, before the National Church Residences can come in with their site plan to the Planning Board, they have to have that land fronting on a Town road or the road that will be going to that will be to a Town road. With their time schedule, I don't think it would be necessary that that's blacktopped this year. It could go in the next year's budget. It's not very many feet, less than 200 feet I think. I don't see any reason, as long as we've accepted this as a Town road so they can go through with their site plan review, I really don't see any need that Paul would have to expend any money on it this year, that would be my own opImon. Supervisor Brandt-I'm all for moving this resolution and accommodating the project but I've seen an awful lot of items that are approved, in the last administration without money to pay for them that are due in this administration. On December 20th we bought a couple of trucks and there's no money to make the payments for this year, a case with a $360,000 transfer and after a while you get a little sick of seeing those things and that's why I bring it up, just simply to put it on public record. But I don't oppose moving this along. RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RESOLUTION NO. 453, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints Tom Philo of 6 Brookwood Drive, Queensbury to fill the unexpired term and vacant position on the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals. The term, previously held by Bruce Carr, will expire November 30, 1994. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RESOLUTION NO. 454, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints Christian G. Thomas, 21 Pinewood Hollow Road, Queensbury, to fill the unexpired term and vacant position on the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals. The term, previously held by Mike Shea, will expire September 14, 1994. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 455, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints Craig MacEwan, 333 Morningside Circle, Queensbury, to fill the unexpired term and vacant position on the Queensbury Planning Board. The term, previously held by Noel P. Harding, will expire September 30, 1992. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 456, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby appoints 1. Roger Ruel, 10 Mabel Terrace, Queensbury, to fill the unexpired term and vacant position on the Queensbury Planning board. The term, previously held by Stephen Barson will expire October 22, 1998. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPOINTING ASSISTANT PLANNER RESOLUTION NO. 457, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz WHEREAS, the position of Assistant Planner has previously been created in the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, in accordance with the Civil Service Law, hereby appoints Scott Harlicker as Assistant Planner at an annual salary of $23,500 prorated to be paid from Account #1-8020-1610. Said appointment to commence September 8, 1992, said appointment to be provisional in accordance with the Civil Service Laws and carry a probationary period in accordance with a letter to be sent to the appointee by the Town Supervisor. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: None DISCUSSION BEFORE VOTE: Supervisor Brandt-Noted, this resolution is part of the general reorganization, we've created the position of assistant planner, really a replacement of the vacancy of zoning administrator. The salary is $23,500 which also fits the total reorganization chart. When it's all done, the salary should be about the same as they are today, it's not done as a cost savings but rather as a reorganization administratively. Attorney Dusek-Would like to make one suggested change to this by adding the following statement at the end ... 'said appointment to be provisional in accordance with the Civil Service Laws and carry a probationary period in accordance with a letter to be sent to the appointee by the Town Supervisor. Councilman Caimano-Questioned the time period for the probationary period? Attorney Dusek-I believe the Board has been using six month time periods. AFTER VOTE: Councilman Caimano- I would like to say something about that. I'm on the record of having been wary of some other personnel moves and this move is a move that has to be made. Mrs. York will not be here, we need to have an assistant planner. We have interviewed this person, this person is on a probationary basis and appears to be a good addition to our staff. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT CONCERNING CERTAIN TRAFFIC LIGHTS ON QUAKER ROAD RESOLUTION NO. 458, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano WHEREAS, the County of Warren and the Town of Queensbury are desirous of entering into an Agreement concerning certain traffic signals located on Quaker Road at intersections with either Town or County roads in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has previously considered this matter and proposed agreements, but the County and the Town have not been able to reach an agreement satisfactory to both parties to date, and WHEREAS, an Amended Agreement has been presented at this meeting, the same to be proposed to the County if the same meets with the Town Board's approval, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, afterreviewing the revised Agreement presented at this meeting, hereby approves the same and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the same on behalf of the Town of Queensbury and further authorizes the Town Attorney to transmit a copy of this Agreement to the appropriate County officials and request execution thereof. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Brandt NOES : None ABSENT: None DISCUSSIONS/PRESENT A TIONS DISCUSSION / RIVER STREET SIDEWALKS / Tom Yarmowich Town Board held discussion, referring to Mr. Yarmowich's proposal. Requested Mr. Yarmowich to revise the proposal to reflect the elimination of the DOT permit application process from his proposal and bring back to the Town Board for further discussion. PRESENTATION / NORTH QUEENSBURY VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY John Shahay, President of North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company (and other members of the fire company) gave presentation to the Town Board for the proposal of a new fire house for North Queensbury. (tape on file) Town Board held discussion and the following resolution was proposed: RESOLUTION OF INTENT RESOLUTION NO. 459, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mrs. Betty Monahan WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Nick Caimano RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury after hearing from the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company determines that it would be in the best interest of the fire company and the residents of the Town of Queensbury to erect a new fire house at a cost not to exceed $1,750,000 and the Town Board hereby states it's intent to undertake whatever steps maybe necessary, including that of public hearings or referendums to amend the current contract when it comes up for renewal in January to accommodate such a construction, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby indicates that by giving this Resolution of Intent, that it cautions the fire company not to go out and contract based solely on this Resolution of Intent but rather it is the understanding of the Board that they will come back to the Town Board once they have the hard figures so the Town Board can then take the matter up, following the proper laws and taking the proper public hearings, with the understanding that a vote will then have to be taken concerning the financing of the project. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: None Members of the audience noted concern of necessity and cost expenditures. Town Attorney-Noted that public hearings will be required before any expenditures are made. Barbara Bennett-Questioned what the Town Board just voted on? Supervisor Brandt-Noted, we voted on a resolution of intent, saying that it's our intent to work out something with these people. If they go to bid with this project and come back with some hard figures, we'll enter into negotiations with them to try and find a way of putting this together. That's what we're really saying, that's my understanding of it. DISCUSSION / PRE-SORT MAILING CONTRACT Town Board held discussion regarding mailing services, agreed to go with the lower price with Adirondack Pre-Sort. Requested Town Attorney to prepare contract and resolution for Town Board to take action. DISCUSSION / CODE OF ETHIC'S APPOINTMENTS Town Board held discussion regarding the scheduling of meetings for interviews of applicants for the ethic boards. Town Board agreed to hold the following meetings for this purpose: Monday, August 31st, 1992 at 5:00 p.rn. Wednesday, September 2nd, 1992 at 5:00 p.m. DISCUSSION / SIGN ORDINANCE Town Board held discussion regarding sign ordinance, noting the proposed revisions. Supervisor Brandt noted concern in the length of time that temporary signs are left at construction sites after the job is completed. Councilman Goetz referred to the lack of enforcement with this particular problem. Supervisor Brandt stated that the issue of enforcement will be addressed. After further discussion with the members of the Audience, the Town Board agreed to hold a workshop before setting a public hearing for the proposed revisions to the sign ordinance. OPEN FORUM 9:00 p.m. STEVE SUTTON-I'm here tonight, as President of the Queensbury Business Association. Noted, I've received numerous phone calls concerning the reorganization that has been passed by the Town and especially a Mr. Parisi. Although we haven't had time to fully investigate some of the allegations that have been made, we are making it our priority at this point. One of our major concerns is the authority taken away from the building inspector for the issuance of building permits and CO's. We feel this authority should remain with the building inspector, the one with the knowledge and experience. These permits have to be issued on a timely manner and they're not being done at this point. In the past, we as an organization and I, myself have been one of the critics of the building inspector, namely Dave Hatin. Although he's always acted in a totally professional manner, treated everybody the same and actually mellowed over time. I think his intentions have always been good and my only concern sometimes, speaking personally, was that his interpretations seemed to be against us alot of times. As I said, I think he's mellowed a little bit. But as I said, it's always been professional and from what I'm hearing from our members, that's not what is taking place right now. I don't think the Town of Queensbury should treat it's residence the way Mr. Parisi, he's the leader, all of sudden we have a stranger in Town whose been given alot of power and I'm hearing nothing been negatives. I haven't heard one positive. It took alot for me to come here because I don't like to get involved. The QBA was formed because we wanted a more friendly, user friendly Town and that's not happen. Now whether it's the reorganization or this person in general, I don't know who checked his references or what not, but there's alot of information out there that says, they weren't really checked. So, we have a major problem, we are giving it our attention and we will be coming back on this matter. DAVID KENNY-I find it difficult, if it's true, that we have the building inspector today has no authority to sign building permits and issue CO's. It's very important as a contractor, as a builder to me, to make sure there is someone there that can get my building permit issued on a timely fashion and get a CO issued and answer my questions. With the reorganization, I've been told to let see what happens but I don't believe one man can function and handle all these capacities. I heard possibly closings were missed because CO's were denied because the person who had to sign it, wasn't available at the time. We spent alot of money on the building inspector to send him to the state school to learn everything about building and code. I'm another one who has problems with him but he always did act in a professional manner and at least I had someone that I could go to and find something out. To me, you can't have a zoning, planning, one person doing all these functions and have it function properly. I also have my own personal view, of whether or not, there isn't a conflict of interest that is done. If we have a person whose in charge of planning and zoning, follows my project before the planning and zoning committee and doesn't agree with you but it gets approved, and yet he's the one whose going to finalize the building permit, he may want to delay me 3 or 4 days because he doesn't like me because of what happened with zoning and planning. The building and codes I think should be ... because what gets a building permit issued, is a blanket of whether that building meets code. One person can't do it all. I think we're taking a step backwards. We're becoming less user friendly, we're costing contractors money and we're costing the Town of Queensbury people money. We want to see government work in favor of the people and I have a feeling it's going in the opposite direction today. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I'd like to handle some of these in Executive Session. I was going to ask for Executive Session on personnel matters which I think is related here. If you think we're trying to make a czar who holds all the power and we pay seven people to stand around and watch the czar work, you're wrong, that's not our plan. What we're doing isn't working, you better believe it isn't working and nobody knows it better than I do. That people have been held up in the process, incredibly held up and I've spent the weekend working with people on it. I had a meeting last Thursday with the staff, I have a meeting at 8:30 with the staff tomorrow morning, you danm well better believe we're going to address it because we're going to deliver what your expecting, better service. Are we trying to make a czar? No, we're not trying to make a czar. That czar, as he's called, has the right to designate people or will have the right to designate people to do this work. But we're going to do it professionally and we're going to do it legally and that means we're not going to just find some way around the law to accommodate someone to keep things on schedule and by God, that's what's been happening. We're not going to do that. We are going to have a law, we're going to enforce that law, the same for everyone. It doesn't matter who you are or how much pressure you can bring to bear on this Town politically, your going to live under the law. If the law isn't right, then we'll change that law. That's a long process and we've got a hell of a mess and nobody realized how big a mess we had when we stepped into it. Now we do realize that we have a mess and we are, I think professionally addressing it. I'll be glad to share with you what we're doing but not in personnel matters and I think we do have some personnel matters that are related to this and you better believe they'll be addressed. MR. KENNY-The one issue I would, other than the fact I felt at certain times that there were some overbearingness within the building and codes department, I do believe that department in the last 4 years has been run extremely professional. Maybe I didn't agree with alot of decisions, but it was a very professional department. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I'll show you some work that isn't too professional. Do you want to go down to O'Tools and look at that deck? Tell me how the hell we approved a deck that's 15 feet from the payment when we had to make Trustco get a special variance to build 41 feet from the payment. Tell me about that professionalism? MR. KENNY-Was it on the site plan? I'm not saying everything is perfect and I don't even know if that's a building problem or much of a site plan problem. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I don't know either but it happen in this administration and I don't like it. I want to see laws enforced uniformly for everyone. MR. KENNY-I respectfully repeat my statement, I've had problems but the one department in this Town that has always tried to treat people and even though I disagreed with alot of it, was the building and code department. Zoning and planning, is another issue. I don't believe that building department did treat people differently. I believe some decisions were wrong but ... SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Whatever, it came out wrong. That's the problem and whether it's by intent or not understanding the law, it came out wrong. We're not going to do that, we're going to make it the same and it's going to come out right. MR. KENNY-No one does everything right all the time, it's impossible. If you make a 100 decisions, 10 of them are going to be wrong. SUPERVISOR BRANDT -I'll tell you one thing, the bigger contractors, the bigger projects push things through, got their way alot better than the little guys. We're not going to do that and that means some reorganization. Are we aware of it, yes and we're going to address it. JACK CUSHING, Queensbury-I think we have a major problem. I'm asking at this particular point, to take a hard, hard look at the person that's been brought in because my phone has also been ringing off the hook. Every meeting I go to, this is the topic of conversation. The things that I'm hearing, I can not believe my ears that any individual would act in that manner, act in an unprofessional manner, use the obscenities that have been used and also, just refuse to answer telephone calls. Take a hard look at what is happening and then use your good judgement. P AT CRA YFORD-My phone to has been ringing off the hook. I have a flow chart here, has this been adopted, these existing positions, proposed positions, existing salaries, proposed salaries? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-No, it hasn't been adopted as such. Parts of it has been adopted. MRS. CRA YFORD-It indicates here that Dave Hatin will receive less salary in the amount of $5400 less. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-That's correct. MRS. CRAYFORD-Why is that? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-It's a change in what is being expected ofhirn. MRS. CRA YFORD-Can you give us an example? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Would like to discuss it next week, let us keep working with it. MRS. CRA YFORD-I hope you take into consideration what you've heard this evening concerning Dave. SUPERVISOR BRANDT -Yes. MRS. CRA YFORD-I hope your going to have an answer soon for everyone in Queensbury about Mr. Parisi. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-That's up to the Board, whatever they decide. MRS. CRA YFORD-Regarding O'Toole's, when I was Zoning Administrator, I approved that site for building permit based on the plan that was approved by the Planning Board. It had that deck with that setback. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Our research doesn't show the same thing, Pat. MRS. CRA YFORD- That's what my research indicates. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Well I'll be glad to compare notes with you but our research shows something very different. MRS. CRA YFORD-I'd like to also say, you indicate that when you came into office, that everything was a mess in the building and zoning and planning department. I differ with you. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I don't think I indicated that, did I? MRS. CRA YFORD- Y es you did and I differ with you. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Recently we have found some mistakes as we get into reorganization of this thing that seem to be fairly fundamental. MRS. CRA YFORD- Would you care to elaborate? SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Not in public because some of them can bring law suites. MRS. CRA YFORD-Okay, this is what I would have loved to discuss with you months ago. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-There are problems and we're well aware of them. MRS. CRA YFORD-Everything was very smooth before. DON KRUGER, Queensbury-I'm a builder and like most other builders in Town, I have a question concerning reorganization. I was here for the meeting when Mr. Parisi proposed his reorganization plan and I can understand where the Town is coming from with it, you want to simplify it. I have a problem with the one guy being the key to decide whether we as builders, live or die and on and on and on. I personally have spoken to the man. As a business man, you tend to judge people. I made my decision of what I felt he was a person and the one issue I bear with him, is his misuse of personnel under him in the Town. I think as a Town, we have enough money that we don't need to misuse people to reduce their quality of life to where they have to work in atmosphere of fear and intimidation. JOHN SALVADOR-My phone has not been ringing off the hook. I too have had my differences with Dave Hatin but I must admit I always knew where I stood. My concern with what's going on here is, I really don't understand what your trying to accomplish with your new organization chart. I think that's where all your problems begin. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-The organization chart started to see if we could set up the administration of the Town without 20 department heads reporting to one person. Set up a system of management where it would be centralizing of certain functions, one of which was planning, zoning and building and codes and one person who would report to the Supervisor for that group. There was another area of accounting and those related departments where one person would report. That organization included the same thing for public utilities where one person would take charge of that. That was the idea. That we got into more of a mess here than any of us saw, is probably a fact. It's a very complex question, I don't think we have the answers. Are we going to tell you that we would never review the hiring of a person? Obviously not. I think we have to look at all our options but I think we have to solve the problem. I think we can't hide from the problem and I think we can't mislabel it. It's complicated. I found in the last few days where applications have come into the process, one of them August 7th, the other August 8th and they eventually require a signature by Mr. Parisi to move on. They first show up at his desk on the 18th some time, I don't know if that's in the morning or late afternoon. On the 20th he's gone and by the 20th we have a meeting with all the personnel involved because there's all these things that aren't being approved. So I stepped into the process, I did a review of them and I started looking at each one individually to see why the delays were there. I don't know the answer to that totally but we're going to have a discussion about it with the group again tomorrow morning to look at why they are there. When files don't show up where they belong for a week at a time or better, there are delays. Whose causing those delays? I don't think it's Mr. Parisi. If he hasn't seen the file yet, I don't know how he can. There's alot of records to track, we're doing it and we're going to find out where it's breaking down. Perhaps there's resistance to change in organization, perhaps there's misuse of people so that they don't want to cooperate. I don't know the answer. I don't run the department and I don't want to but I'll step in if I have to temporarily until we can organize it correctly. Are we trying to set up all the controls in one persons hand, no. That was never the design, it's a temporary expediency to avoid some problems. Is that a good expediency, I'm not sure. It's being reviewed, we're looking at it right now. Are we going to delegate out responsibilities, certainly, we have to. You wouldn't bring this kind of professional staff together if you didn't and that's certainly Mr. Parisi's idea too. I'm not going to defend or prosecute him here or anyone else. I think there's alot to the problem and we have to look at the whole problem. UNKNOWN-I was held up by one week by Mr. Parisi. I was out of Town and now he's delegated a new rule to start measuring setbacks. They came to my property and measured the setbacks, they were within variance of the subdivision but since it didn't meet the plot plan, I was denied through Mr. Parisi not to go ahead. I was out of Town so I couldn't get this information and this man has caused me one week of delay. This new thing that he adopted makes no sense ... he just wants to make things harder. SUPERVISOR BRANDT -I'd like to talk with you and look at that in detail. Could I get the details from you tomorrow? UNKNOWN-Sure. MR. KENNY-Just to make a point. For him to go out and say, I want you to have surveys done in the middle of the job and show me where that foundation is, unless we change the law, the law doesn't state that. For him to do that which apparently was done, whether he moved his building or not is immaterial, the fact is, why was it questioned? There is no law saying he should have questioned it at that point and time. Unless he chooses to create new laws and have building inspectors go out with tapes before the building is finished. If you want the building inspectors to go out there with tapes before permits are issued, then we better change the law to state that so we know what we're dealing with before hand. SUPERVISOR BRANDT -I couldn't agree with you more. MR. SUTTON-I think one of the major complaints, is that you can't get to this guy. I don't know what time he comes into the office in the morning, I've heard 10, 11, whatever, but I know one person told me tonight, he made 15 calls to this guy. No response, no return. The contractor wears a beeper, has a cellular phone, Mr. Parisi could have gotten back to him any time of the day or night, 24 hours a day. He made 15 calls to this guy, you can't get to hirn. How can the leader, the guy whose responsible for all of this, how come you can't get to this guy? This is supposed to be user friendly. He won't return your call, that's professional. We've got a major problem here, Mike. It's not going to go away. Our message to you is, the guy ought to be gone. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Thank you, I appreciate it but let me tell you a message. Today, I looked into a complaint from a lady who called me about one of these same things and Mr. Parisi was holding up this applicant's application. So I jumped in and looked into it and he held it up since August 7th. The secretary told her today, I don't know why he's holding it up. Well he got it the 21st, on the 21st he saw that there was a major deficiency in it. It had to have a certain distance measured to comply with a part of the rules that is law. So we sent someone out and got that measurement and today that application got signed and processed. After, I followed it through, it went back to the building department and I called to see where we were with it. Well, Mr. Parisi has it. Well that wasn't the truth. Mr. Parisi didn't have it, the department had it. Then there was a conversation between the ladies and one said, oh, no, we have it but we've contacted the party and they're on their way to pick it up. Well I called the party and they hadn't been contacted and they weren't on their way to pick it up. So not all is what it seems. We're not blind to what we're looking at and maybe you're getting set up a little bit while we're getting set up a little bit and whatever it is, that's my job to look into it and I'm going to. I think it's more complex than what you think it is and I think it deserves some hard looking. Simplifying it and putting it back the way it was, is not the answer. MR. SUTTON-Nobody is saying, put it back the way it was. But personnel is a key element to your whole plan here and this person doesn't seem to be the right thing for this Town and that's all we're saying. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-Well, am I going to defend what he says to the public, no I'm not. I'll defend what I say to the public. But each person that works for this Town will stand for what they do and Mr. Parisi included. MR. SUTTON-We were hoping he would be here tonight because we had hoped to have him explain some things. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-I would be glad to have a meeting with you and Mr. Parisi but I'd like to have all of the information on the table in my hands too. Part of it's my problem, I have to deal with it and I will and I have been. We'll stay right on it until we find the answers. MRS. CRA YFORD- The problems you are experiencing are exactly what the people in Washington County have experienced every place he's worked. He does not want to be accessible to the public, he does not like to keep regular hours. The example of a building permit being misplaced for days, there's no excuse for that and the reason it's happening is, it's going from building department to one clerk for zoning, to another clerk for zoning, to another person for zoning and then back to building department and then back to Parisi. You can't do that for building permits. Please look into that. SUPERVISOR BRANDT-We are. Thank you. OPEN FORUM CLOSED Town Board held discussion and agreed to authorize Town Historian to attend conference in Saratoga. Attorney Dusek spoke to the Town Board regarding a proposal, an amendment to the law, for the acceptance of construction and demolition debris from outside the Town to be taken in at the Queensbury Landfill. Town Board held discussion and agreed that the first step would be to begin communications with the other municipalities to see whether they are receptive to amending the agreements. Supervisor Brandt and Attorney Dusek agreed to work together on preparing the proposal. (Councilman Caimano left meeting room) Attorney Dusek spoke to the Town Board regarding Inspirational Park, the filing of the amendment and noted that Schedule A, the property description was omitted. Town Board held discussion and the following resolution was proposed: RESOLUTION CONCERNING CORRECTION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 460, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Pliney Tucker RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby supplements it's previous resolution concerning the correction of a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Inspiration Park Project to provide that the Town Attorney may also add a Schedule A to be in a form to be approved by the Town Attorney and to reflect that property which has been rezoned and identified in the tax map numbers in the agreement and the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute and place the Town Seal as may be necessary upon any documents so revising the correction, Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Brandt NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Caimano RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 461, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt WHO MOVED IT'S ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Pliney Tucker RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session to discuss personnel matters, several matters of litigation and an union collective bargaining negotiation matter. Duly adopted this 24th day of August, 1992, by the following vote: ALL THOSE IN FAVOR: Ayes ALL THOSE OPPOSED: None ABSENT: Mr. Caimano No further action was taken. On motion, the meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, DARLEEN M. DOUGHER TOWN CLERK-QUEENSBURY