1940-08-13 32 Regular meeting August 13th, 1540 At a regular meeting of the Town BoArd of the Town of Queensbury held on the above date at 7;30 P.M, at the Clerk' s Office, the following members were present: J&bez Ingalsbee Supervisor Curtis Lampson Councilman CharlesF'Nobles Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Ralph Been Justice of Peace Bart D. Turner Town Clerk H, Russell Harris,Town Superintendant of Highways Minutes of meeting held on July 23rd , 1940 were read and approved. Stanley Miller called on the board in reference to the. con- dition of Pershing Road and requested that the streets be fixed in that vicinity. Mrs. H. G. Potter called on the board in reference to automobiles parking on the sidewalk in front of Hubbells on the Ridge Road, A copy of a letter to the Supervisor from Charles H. Tuttle was read to the bogrd, in reference to the repairof the French Mountain Road under W.F.A. project, Andrew Bennett requested the board to take some action in regard to the, Town taken over as a public 4ighway a, portion of his land. A communication from Salvatore J. Leombruno in relation- to damages to lots owned by Rolland Sumner was read to the board. Mr. Harris , to whom the matter was referred, reported that he had no opportunity to make an examination of the claim, Collin, Foxp , inc. submitted the following quotation 1-rebuilt 1109 Ingera-oll Rand. Air compressor and 1-J. A,, 55 Ingersoll Rand Jack Hammer $1100o00 under 50 day 9parantee against all mechanical defects. R_qsolution Now 61, Introduced by Mr. Bentley, Seconded by Mr. Nobles— - W ereas, . thp' Town Board did form and additional Election District in,the Town of (4ueensbury and Wiereas, ad9"itional Chairs and tables and Boothsaare needed for the use. of the inspectors of election in said. distriet. Resolved that Mr. Lampson be and is hereby authorized to purchase material and supervise the construction of a necessary table for said district. Further resolved that the clerk be and hereby is authorized to order for use in said district six metal folding chairs and booths for iXse in said district. Further resolved that verified bikis be. presented to this board for audit. D,41y adopted by the following vote:- Ayes- Mr. Been Mr. Nobles, Mr, Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr, Ingalsbe. -Noee-None RESOLUTION NO*062, Introduced by-Mr, Lampoon, Seconded by Mr, Nobles WHEREAS, Charles Pike and Fan Bill Corp. instituted certiorari proceedings to review the assessments as assessed on the assessment 33 roll for 1939, and WHEREAS the attorney for the said Charles Pike and Fan Bill Corp. , have requested and consented that the actions instituted herein be discontinued and the `writ issued therein be dismissed. RESOLVED, That Ralph B. Turner, Attorney for the Town of Queensbury in said proceedings be and hereby is authorized to enter into and sign a stipulation with the attorney for the said Charles Pike and Fan Bill Corp. consenting that the said 4etions be discontinued and the writ issued therein be dismissed with out costs to either party, Duly adopted by the f ollgwing vote:- Ayes ? Mr. Been Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe. Noes:- None, On Motion Meeting Adjourned, REGULAR MEETING AUGNST 20th,1940 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of i�ueensbury held on the .above. _date at -7:30 -P.-M.. -at -the Clerk' s office the following menbera werepresent, Jabez Ingalsbe, Supervisor Curtis Lampson, Councilman Charles Nobles, Justice of Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Ralph Been Justice, of Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, H. Russell Harris Town Superintendant of Highways, also present. Minutes of meeting held on August 13th 1940 were read and approved. RESOLUTION No. 632, Introduced by Mr. Lampoons Seconded by Mr. Nobles It was resolved that the following places be and are hereby designated as pilling places for the five election districts in the Town of vueensbury as follows: Dist.-1- Leo LaFountaine Store- Monty's Bridge D " -2- Mohigan Grange Hall.- Oneida Corners " -3- School House-SchoolDistric6 #22 on Glenwood Ave. " -4* TDwn of �ueensbury Store House on aviation Field Road. " -5- Seward Lampson's Garage- West Glens Falls- All in the Tow. of 4ueensburyat a yearly rental of $30.00 per year outside of district #4, Lessors are to furnish heat and Lights. Duly adopted by the following tote: Ayes- Mr: Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr.Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe, Noes- None solut ,o,D.."..,A&_„ Introduced by Mr. Lampoons Seconded By Mr, o_b7 es. NHEREAS it is necessary to purchase additional equipment for election districts. RESOLVED That the Clerk be and hereby is authorized to order six ballot boxes for use in said districts. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoons Mr. Bentley and Mr. Ingalsbe Noes- None.