1937-06-17 SP 17 Queensbury for its share of the cost of construction of said side i7a.lks , it is further RESOLVED, That the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and hereby is ailthoraed and directed to execute a certificate of indebtedness of s Town for the sum of Ti.fteen ITundred Dollars, payable march 1st, 1938 , at the Glens 'Falls National Bank and Trust Company, with interest not to exceed six per-cent, it is frrt'i.er RES._.u,VET), That said sum be paid and credited to .iter^ One of I?'i?hwayfund and the -Tom Superintendent of Highways pay out said money ana account nor sane as other moneir paid for said Tter? One. DTTT,Y adopted by thF following vote; Ayes "'fir. Rllsworth, 7'r. "Tobles , "Tr. Tarpson, ?,Tr. Tlentley and I:'r. Fowler. Yogis - Yone. RESOL'U'''ION ITo. 4.i, Introduced by I,Tr. Tllsmorth, seconded by TTr. PertIP'TT R SOITTFT?, 'What the. Supervisor r.e and hereb,,T is authorized to cd-7prt _se tlla.t ti-.e ToT„n T'oard ;gill receive for tie f1•rnisl-1in r of cement -'or the construction of xx:U side -Twilks for Glens Falls-Laie -Ieorge ', Road, the Glens Falls-Corinth Road and the Glens 'falls- Hudson 7alls Boulevard Road. DULY ,Oooted by,.'tll.e following vote: Ayes f Mr. Ellsworth, Yr. Trobles, 11r. Larpson', Txr. Bentley and :Tr. Fowler. Noes — *Tone. On TTotion T•Teeting ad, ourned. Special,, I',Teetin Tune 15th, 1937. At a special meeting of the .Town Board of the Town of Zueensbury, l^Fld on the above date, at 5 P.M. in the Common Council Room of the City Hall of Glens Falls N. Y. the follo-Ing members were present. D Elmer Bowler, Supervisor _ Floyd K. Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles to n Curt; s Lar'ps on Vererlit'i Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk y County Attorney Beecher S. Clother z±xx xxxxz t, and several residents of the 17es�t Glen Palls, plater District also present. The Board. generally discussed with the `later Board of the City of Glens : Falls the proposers alterati.on in t'�?e pla.ns of. correcting on the City * z ITains to supply Water to tll_e "lest Glens Falls Vater District, On Xti_on Ifeeting Adjourned: Special 1:eei June 17th, 1937. ;° At a, Speci�j "Yeetf g of the Town Board of the Town of Lueensbury, held on above datei” At 7 P.T,T. a.t t'ne Town Clerk' s Office, the Following, fibers were. present. D. Elmer Fowier Su-nervisor , . v. Floyd.. Ellsworth Justice of Peace Mered it's BPnt1e3T It n n Curtis Larpson Charles Nobles Bert D. Turner. Town Clerk. County Attorney Beecher Clother and - rnest Meyers Supt,, of the 'Hater tiVorks of the City of Glens Falls, A petition, of the taxpayers in ±h.e 7rest Gler.s Falls Water District was -'-' presented to the Board renuestin `tie Board to connect the main of the Jest "lens Fa.11e, Water District at` Sherman Ave and 7estern Ave, as .w�� as at Rroa:d- St. in A r 172 ?',FSOL' TIO?T ?To. 449 Intrc,?1?ced b5 ?Tr. Fentle , seconded b�� Yr. Nobles. 7TE73-E AS it is deered advisable to connect the ?."rains of 'the nrr pnsec 77est dens "ails 'later District at Sherman Jkve.and 7eston Ave. as rell es at Proa.-? St. and s­c'i chanties re-mire 4n additional ex-)ense to t'^e sa,ld `,7gter District not to exceed Twenty-five j7iandred Dollars (�°?50^. ) BE IT R.ESOL=, That tile: Supervisor and tt^,o rer^hers of t?a.e Tos!m -hoard be Aut'^orized to meet t' the Board of Water Com. of Glens Falls to make a contra.-t t*!ith 1,4 ,i.d City for construction of tie proposed new Water 3.�ain and si-n 1i contrast for the use of � 'later for the benefit of said 'Vest 'lens Falls `�Tater Di strict under such terms and conditions as are to t� e 'hest advantage of t'-e 4 T 71 f est Glens .pater ?fist. k DTJ,Y Adonted by the followin7 vote: I- Ayes - Mr. Ellswort'n, ?.7r. Nobles , amps on, 1'`"r. Bentley and ?LLr. Fm-ler. Nods -.None. � The firi J sealed bids w/ and nd opened. for Portland Cement; for use in construction of side walks. J. 7. Singleton 800 or more bbls. Iron Clad Portland Cement at -2.37 BBl. discount of 10 cents per bbl. •pa.yable 1-ith in" fifteen days F,O.B. Glens Falls. Top of the '7orld bills: 8An or more bbls. Portland Cement a,t 12. 30 bbl. in lots not less than 132 bole shipments F.*O.B. Glens Falls.Each Shipment a discount of X0.03 per bbl. pa?-?able within fifteen days from date of invoice. Cta,ton ry. Woodbury & Son: 12. 40 per bbl. F.O.B. c^rs on annroximately 800 bblsof Iron Clad Portland Cement a discount of 10j per bbl. payable ­tilthin fifteen dag of delivery. i Finch Pruyn & Company 800 bbls. in paper 12.42 Der bbl. Iron Clad Portland Cement. 800 bbls. in cloth Co. ?2. 67 Terms 10,e bbl. cast. discount 10 days net. O' Connor Coal Co. 800 bbls. Portland Cement. P 17," COT TON ' Velo ��?'� Q5 bbl. 3.15 Iron Clad 2. 115 2.70 Ten d-y discount - 102' ner bbl. . RESOLUTION 1"o. 45, Introduced by ?Tr. Nobles, seconded by 11r. Lar,nson .a 7HEPMAS tie Town Board. did adverti.ze to receive bids for Portland Cement at this tithe and place and- several bids were received. RESOL'IED That the bid of J. W. Singleton to furnish 800 bbls or more mLf but not to exceed 1000 bbls of Iron .Clad Portland Cement at 2. 37 a bbl. with a discount of 10X per bbl. pn.vable with.ir 15 days F. O.B. Glens ills, N. Y-. "be and � the same hereby is accented and that contras for same be i awarded at :�2.?7 net per bbl payable rithiri 15 'd.�,ys F.O.B. Glens Falls, TT. Y. DULY ad.onted by tie following vote: Ayes - ?;Zr. Ellsworth, ?.?r. Nob les, Mr. Lor�nson, 11r. Bentley and Yr. Fowler. Noes - None. On ?lotion ?Teeti_ng adjourned. C ., ,