1937-10-04 SP .-,;le Peary', AtAd.iteO. the rlairns n.s Follows. N6 Nmre of 11a1.ment Nature of Cla..ir, Amt.. Claimed Ant. Allowed. � 205 A. J. Van ',Vag,ner Constable Services M0.S6 X40.86 20�. ,as. S. Nobles Board Meetings _-- -._._.. 35. 00 36. 00 207 'Fred Ricketts Constable Ser. 40, 58 40. 58 208 Cool Tns. :agency Agri culturalpIns. Storehouse 22,00 Not. Audited. 2n 2 Cool Iris. A-envy Yr. Bentley' s bonds 10.00 10.00 210 Cool Tns. Agecgy 1!r. •Towler' a Fonds 121. 63 121.68 '111 Thurston Tngraham Poor 7,elief 3. 5^ 3. 52. '.7illiar, 71. Jones Ins. Voting..Ya.chines 79. 30 79.20 ?31.3 Edward Sleight Assessor Ser. -10. 3b 10.35 214 Cha,rieis 7. Richards Assessor Ser. 143..46 143.46 215 Ernest ITil.lis Assessor Ser. 143. 46 143.46 216 Edward Sleight Assessor Srr. 133. 12 133.12 . 217 Anthony "anon Deputy 32. 96 R .96 21&1, Curtis hampson Justice ' Services 35. 4C 35. 40 219 `� Curt.is 7,ampsbn 7oard "Meetings 12..00 12. 00 220 "red . J. rrannell Poor 7?eltef Order. 9.8 i 9.88 221 Charles TTobles Justi..ce services 109. 15 109.15 ^`?? TT-eredith S• ''Bentley. Board Yeet-,Imgs 12. 00 12.00 223 Theodore Turner Rent 25.00 25.00 2?4 vloyd 1�. I':I_lswo.rt- ?Board Meetings-- 8. 00 8. 00 ?251 I.Rari.on Yarti:nda ..e• Tnsp. of Tli-ection 10.00 10.00 26 7red Richardson Poor Relief Orders 21.00 21.00 227 7obert 71, Stott' Insp. of -Fiection 15. 00 15.00 2?8 Bert Do `Furrier Town ^,lerk Ser. -3'3. 00 88.00 229 Charles 7.ldwri-n Constable Ser. 32. 52 32. 52 230 Rich._ C. Da-vi'& • Tnsp. of Election 10. 00 10.00 231 Glens Palls Post Co. Law Briefs 60.00 60.00 To ta.1 1265.14 X1243,14 On Yotion Meeting Ad,iourned. �-)Pecia,l. Yeeting � ctober 4th, 1937. At a, Sped meeting of the Torn "-R%ard of the Town of jueensbury held n on the abM date at 7 -oclock at the Town Cl.erk' s Office, the following members were preeefit* .. T). > lrer 7owler Supervisor . Floyd Pllsrorth. Justice of the Peace d Charles Nobles Meredith Bentley Curtis Lampson Cert D♦ Turner Town Cl er-k ' Behr� �. t Attorney and Ernest S. Meyers Engineer also ti r +sere receivei.ln Pipe for the ',hest dens Falls, a7at wf Di- w � s Besd Spigot Sand Spun Centrifugal pipe ��m Tie ll. ideral Specification 'r7`T-P-421, ft.' 4 . . « . : . . . . .: • , . . . . . . 0. 52 per ft. ,. 6" 0. 75-1 +r . A. 07-L n ft. 120 . . .-. . . .. . . 1.86 �ttdr� BCS Ft_t4.ns.s Class D. specificetfis 'L , 00{ x. 4 e 0 ♦ . . 0 . . . . . • . . . . . . ♦ 0.06 per Lb. r, 1-2000 lbs. 611 to 12+' • • . . . . . . . . .0.055 '+ j fide above prices are f..o♦b, cars Glens Falls, N. Y. Neil � f � e 0f �• i 'n or for payment in ten days a. SLAB DeLAVALTO CMITRIPUrALLY T COAT I) ' ATFR PIPE, (11 SS 15 ,0, 12 04 18 fit. lengths, P '1*EDEP�AI, SPECIFICATIONS �ff-P-421 s �. ro a. t i t '- ';!'" k,' *".` #Y°- .4"fie;. l• ,� . s ♦♦ ♦9© p e f r 3730 l t. 811 fell -r i, . 4870 ft. - 6" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 73 2310 ft. - 4" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 :► rr ry r, a . ^t '.?CI TT: RHL_Jf_: 3 T`^T T ?.T T ,'Y�:�, '1l !r c I'D" A M '.IC N.>1 I.tll ice_:; O�ua ii3 S' IT ;Tr?, T"i T ri�T���T t 1,2000 lbs. - 6" to 12" . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5-1/4/ per lb. 10^0 lbs. - 4" . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . ; . . -3/4,,r�' a to These prices are f. o.b. our works irith de i� ht allowed to "rlens -'all;s, T:e,�*r York, n.nl cio nn t i nc_Lu�e any tinding eha,rrpes. TIP. lTet Cash 7^-i ty T?a,ys fror? date o I ' invoice. if PT-71-7 T 17 7 T n n T F ! :310 ft. 12" Ry-S 'ta.rren Spun C1. f150 I'i_n e, Std. 16, lengths in a.ccord.ance with Federal spec. 7,7-P-4:21, Tar Coa.ted. . , . . . . ?, 07 per foot. 3730 ft. 8" ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,pl,20 per , 4870 ft. 8" ditto except std.. 16' 0-3 lengths. . . . . . 84,E p�Pfot. `?310 ft, n n d itto. . . 582' ner foot. 12, 000 lbs. 6" to 12""3'c3 31)ecial except Y' s and Off sets,A7' 1' Std. Tar. Coated , for use with ",a.,st Tron fine noted above only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-l/2_' per lb. , 1,nnO lbs. art ditto . . . 5-3/4,, . lb. Prices quoted are f. o.b. cars '_'lens ",al s, Zr. via. Freight Pr epaid . "err,o of '"airr^ient: Yet 3n fro- 'in,te Of invoice. j7.1 ..q T Class ►^" Transt Pipe for '.Test ;dens falls, `,,ester Dist ict: x;310 lineal feet 1?1' (inside ')iarieter) I1. 7Q net -per foot 3730 " to g+► " " 98 to to rt 48 7n " n 6" ,t " . 66 " ?310 r► n ;}" " " 40 u " " . Terms are 2 ' 10 T)ays, net 30 Days and quotation is linited to fifteen days acc-entance. f Class '►D Cast Iron Reel nr_d Sni.go t_ s sec ia.ls or fi ttin s to standard s-oeci fications of t1ie :.rrri.can „;a,ter rorks Ass. for Class 110" Cpst Iron ripe and fittings: 1p-^,roxinately 12 00 lbs. of 5" to !2 (inside d i:.r etFr) 5 3/4 cents 4 net er lb. " i600-lbs. " " ,► " 6 cents net per lb. The above prices ;=�re f. o.b. r'nin;:inrr no _nt 7 th full frei ht nren:.id and all°,*Teel to destination, Ix"hicl. we ur.,?e tan is 'ten- Falls, N. Y. . . Terri are 25 10 net 30 0n77,; and 7uot�attor is liaiter' to fifteen Bars ccentance. k "7)0IT1TT(1N No. 649 Tntroduced 'bir TTr. Nobles, seconded by the "b-.-rn -Roard advert .7.ed to rPCeive bids on cast iron ''pine _and trn.n i_te ceaent a.spestos nine and cast iron fittings and several b i_d F ;*TP re received -,..nd ,Try-h7AS there .s an uncertainty as to the leng th of life of the transit nine in conna.rsien ri_t'-, t',-.e cast iron pipe and fittings it was resolved that the "oard elects to purchase thF cast .iron pipe and fi,ttinrrs 7771 Y Ao?�ted by th P followi_n;? vote- - Ayes - TTr. Ellsworth., ?tr. Larnson, "°r. 'fie tley and Noes RESOLUTIC:T +*o. 65,' Introduced b r TTr. Fllsworth, seconded by TTr. Lamson, Tl'T7UTAS the Town Board advertised to receive alternate bias on transite nine and on.st iron pipe and fittings and whereas the Town Roard has elected to nurchase cast iron pipe a.nd fittings and 77T71FAS the R. D. 7ood Co. has subnitted the lmiest bid. on cast iron nine and fittings, IT 'ETAS RESOLVED that t1le r?d or R. �?> ';rood Co. be a.ncT the same is hereby accepted and IT IS 77M'777' TIESOLV73ED that F. Tt. Meyer Ingineer of the `afest glens 'a,lls later District on the approval of the Supervisor be ^.nd is hereby authorized to order said pipe as needed in accordance with the bid. of R. T). "food Co. , nT� Y FtD�� ?�Y ^'?L. Sj OL—'ITr,T VOTFs- '1T'9 - ?Tr. rllswort'h., TTr. 11"oble s, T"'r. Larrnson, TTr. Bentley amd TTr. "o;^l cr. Two Anplicatdns wE re received for custodian. of Voting ''Tacl­ii.nes, the .following resolution was adopted. R74,S0I.t.TTT0Y,, No. hr,, Introduced by 1'rr. ?roY:les , seconded by T'r T,F,-nson, IT 'SAS- ? { LVED T' T Town po rd. bereb�T recor,r ends to the Board j of rlectdns for a,ppointement, as Custodians of voting rnac'-'.ine ; in the Town of ;ueensbury Ralph P. 'burner and T'tzel I . 'Hopkins in accordance t*rith the election haw. Y Dt �� rdopteO by the_,fal. N7ing vote: Y75 T,!r, ? Ilse ortb' r. Noblest Mr. La.mpson, TTr. Bentley and 71Tr. Fowl er. k ?ro e s - 117me. Or�Ito on IT-c A.dj o urn ed. > Rear Meet October 26th, M7. , At a Regu eetix ,of #�h,e Tovm Poa.rd of the Town of nueensbury held -3 on the aboue d te1 � �7 clock a..t t�.e 'o�m `lerk'' s Off too, t%e f01IQ��,... memb Wit were'pre is en 7). Elmer -'Fowler Supervisor ., --l oyd El lswo.rth suss e of Peace 3s Lam, son t. Bentley Bert n 'Nrner Town ',lerl: A ?st. of Highwsys and S. H. Meyers 34gaee ; vt " its , presented a Petit, to the Zbwn ` 'e repays surtax� and r The r H. Stone presented. his estimate for the . .d7 .qtr uc:ed b ir..All smorth seconded by fir. ; t t .-July 1-d ,1937, made by and I be i'te¢r, COW IS ., , :af ,t%s City of Glens Falls, i and of, the ? a! I *"Vury, it was, ix pare- 8 � ,=girth*r thtjKs , tjpujated that said .Board of s .;, ► as " s€� tl e«x ressarir sra ements or iglus _ Of Weeks, through Come IT** a « f said Poster C %,4 (aU_.nesessary -fer the It'd, cast iron water t4u ply main for the V'es t_ Falls: : ?istriet in the Town of jueeasbury, Warren 'County. , , and �< ,