1936-02-25 120 February 25th I936 Regular meeting held on the above date by the Town Board Town of %neenebury at the Town Clerka Office at I P M.. the Following members were. presant D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Charles Nobles, Curtis Lampoon " Meredeith S Bentley " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Arthur R Stone Town Snpaedidasit of Highways also Presait Justice Bentley who was appointed a Committee of one of Feb 21 1936 to confer-witjt County attorney B.S.Clother in regard to the the north Glens Falls Water District reported his findings at this � meeting Resolution No 17 Intorduced by Mr Ellsworth Seeoned By Hr Nobles VHXMSe the (Pity of Glens Falls did on the 25th day of february , 1936 file with the Town Clerk of the Town of $ueensbury a petition asking for the consent of the local authorities of said 3butalpa14ty for perstission )e place and install two new water -.Mills I Maine which will in part travedse certin Highways of the said Town of queensbury and to makes such necessary excavations and fills as may be necessary- therefore NM THEREFORE BE IT RE.SOLVED,that a public hearing on said petition be held before the Town Board of the Town of Opeensbury at the Town Clerks Office in said Town on the IO.th day of march. 1936 at A, "Clock in the afternoon and at any further time and plaaeto which such hearing may be odlurned for the purpose of determing whether or not said consent shall be granted and ' Be it further resolved that the clerk of this body caused to be published a notice of said hearing once e&Vh in the f Glens Falls Times and in the Post Star both publiatted at Glens F 7a11sB.Y. on the 27th day of February 1936 Pool Call, ayes Mr Ellsworth, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampoon, Mr Bentley, Mr Fewler, Noes None Clayton Woodbury galled upon the Board in regard .to the Town purchasing a part of his lot for a p6lie. Highway on layfett avenue Mr Lampoon who was appointed a committee of one to act in unison with the Superintendant of highways to leaste a quarry site reported at this meeting that that' had takdh the matter with Jon R Loomis and could get it for $500 per year of ` I2 I� cents per yar! Bence that time Mr Stone said he had saw Orlie Gwinup and that Mr Giwinup had seen Kr Loomis and stated that Ur Loomis said that he thought that IF 500 was little high and thought 300 it could be obtained for pr year A letter was read to' the Board :moo holler relative association of terns „ ;. A petition was read to the Beard petition the Board to donatlsn to the Mountain Side Grange Free 1110burar Resolution - IS Istorduced by "r Xlleworth, seeoned by Ur Bentley It was resolved that the following be and hCr40y are appointed inspectors of Election for the Districts and party set Opsit their Names James Sullivan District #I Democratl+e Y.D.Sullivan District #1 Democratic Ribert Stott District #3 Democratic Pauline Richardson Dist #4 Republics[ pool Call Ayes Mr Ellsworth, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampoon# Mr Bentley, Mr Fowler Noes Non 121 Resolution N0I9 Intordueed by Mr Nobles Secomed By Mr Lampoon it was resolved that the following po3ting laces 1W the Torre of queenebury for 1he year of 1936 District I Cole aitit Sulli van Ina lower warren & poulevard Dist #2 Grange hall at oneida Corners Dist #3 Town Storehouse at avation Field Road DiStriet #4 Seward Lampoons garage at West glens 7alls at a yearly .ental of $30.00 per year outside of District Rool Call Ayes Mr Ellsworth, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley, Mr Fowler, 4o es You Resolution #20 Intorduced by YrBentley Seeoned by Mr Nobles It was resolved that the clerk be and hereby authorised and directed j to communicate withe the vassar Tailor of peugbkeepaie and quote the prices onboilers as follows I Vargors and engirt at a price of $150, one Boiler at a' price of $50.00 Rool Call Ayes 'Mr Ellsworth, Mr Nobles, Mr Iimpson, Mr Bentley, Mr Fowler, Noes Non v Adjurned Meeting Starch 26th 1936 at a adurned_Meeting Meld on the above date by the Town Board � Town �f queensbury at the Town Clerks Office -78 0" Clock P,M. The Fallowing Alembers were presant D Elmer Fowler Supervisor Floyd $llswerth Justice of Peace dries`Nobles " Vurtis Lampoon " Merdeith S Bentley " Bore D Turner Town Clerk 3 Audits Nor tote Yenth of February I936 The Board Proceeded to audit the JN►Ilowing Accounts Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amount 4alAissd amount allowed He Printing of appeal 25 Otsego Press nary Isaac Town of Queensbury $322,24Not audited 26 loon Brasier Poor Relief orders 16.02 I6,02 k 27 Finch Pruyne Co Poor Relief Orders 1,30 L 30. 28 Finch Pruyne Cc Poor Relief Orders 7.00 7.00' 29 Tay Raiseout Poor Relief Orders 7.00 7000 30 Dr W.w.Bowen Poor Relief Order 2,00 2.00 32 Clayton Martindale Novift Supt-lies 10100 I0,00 32 Aetna Surety & Hillis .Clow.vanwagner, Causelty Co Ideke s Aaldwin,Hall 25 + 25174 33 Homer Hewitt Poor lief Order 4,13 44 Coollnsuranee Aget COmpenaation Ins I691.7I I69I.7I 35 Cool Insurance Agency Supervisors Bond 71.68 7I.68 36 Cool Insurance Agency Track Insurance 54925 54.25 37 Cool Insurance Agency Supervisors P.O.Boad 50100 30100 38 Cool Insurance Agency Supervisors Sokool Bond 37.00 37.00 -QA- 39 39 Harold F Dean 3lestriet Service Trafie Light 33.45 .97,foi e 40 Harold F Dean Coming Lights 25140 15.40 iffy 41 Nick Bush Poor Relief Orders 4100 4100 42 Charles Baldwin billing Dog 4.00 4.00 43 Charles W4vin Service as Constable 4.60 4,60 44 Charles BalAvU Service as Constable 8190 8.40 45 Harry #Suer Poor Relief Orders 10.00 10.00 46 A...J T'aa wagaer Constable Service 114,15 �-- 47 Bert D Turner „° ark Service 80100 80100 48 7.A.Riehardeea r Relief Orders 43.88 43.88 49 Mordeith S Bentley Asard Meetings I6.00 16.00, 50 Fred E Ricketts- 0otstable Service I00.60 100.60 31 Curtis- bsmpsna Board & Cowittee Meetings 20.00 20.00 S3 Arthur S Poor 'aelief Orders 3.00 3100 52 Curtis I a± n ftstise Service I9 50 I9 5 0 54 Floyd BS' r4ita Jnstee 6er*ise 39.25 39. 5 55 Floyd Jlsworth. JWard7meetiggs, 8.00 8000 56 Challeo 3N901es. awstiae Service 55.15 550I5 l L ,¢k yton G4 V odb Poor ,ta Order 12.90 I2 9ai0 Sd R.T.Delo ,. Poor . .. et Order 2100 $. 9733ick BuWv 1of 14.35 In this audit 5.50 5150 z 5 so" WIL r i�dit]F*b 26-1936 is eCBB ?•7731