1929-06-25 F 7n the matter of appointing a dog enumerator the following resolution was adopted Resolution # 21 intorduced by Justice tayylor seeoned by Justice Hicks all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that James McCaghey be and is hereby appointed dog enumeratot for the town of queensbury for the ensuing seven months, board adjurned as Town Board and meet as town board of health and upon the the reading` of Dr Chapmans approval of the several boarding houses in the town of queensbury the board adopted the Following Resolution, Resolution #I Intorduced by justice taylor seeoned by justice hicks all presant voting in the affirmatave it was resolved that Town Board of Health authorizes Dr G.A. Chapman to issue Special license for boarding house for children under provisions of section 482of the penal law and chapter 8 of the sanitary code to the following Mrs Howard Baker Mrs H.E.Corlew Mrs Alice May Hall On motion Meeting Adjurned Town Clerk Town Town "f queensbury Special Meeting of June 5th I929 at a special meeting of the town board town of queensbury held on the above date at town Clerks office the followibg members were presant Jerry B Mead -Supervisor J.F.Hicks Justice of Peace Milo P Gifford. " Ross F Taylor " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Special meeting called to appoint a dog enumerator for the town of queensbury to fill vacancy of said office held by James Me Caghey who was appointed on may the28th I929 by resolution No2I and declined to accept said appitatment Resolution #22 Intorduced by Justice hicks seeoned by Justice Gifford all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that pauline Richardson be and is appointed dog enumerator for the town of queensbury for the ensuing seven months on motion meeting adjurned Town Clerk of queensbury Regular meeting June 25th I929 W at a regular meeting of the 'Town Board of the Town of queensbury held on the above date at clerks office at I.P.M. the following members were presant It Jerry B Mead Supervisor J,F,Hicks Justice of Peace Ross F Taylor " M.P.Gifford " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meetings held of May 28ty I929 and ,dune 5th I929 read and approved a petition of tax payers and residence on assembly point petitioning the board to repair the assembly point road was read to the board letters of Mr & Mrs A.H.Sprage F.L.CowlesF.P. Stanley and F.M.Smalley complaining of the unweatitfact wrj and dangerous condition of the assembly point road was read to the b board by the clerkb after discussion of the same the board refered the matter to -the supertendant of highways a letter of L.R.Lewis was reality the $u e2visor relative to the town taking over a highway on the ip1ey o n s s : after some discuseion the 'following resolution was adopted r Resolution Intooduced by.- Clerk Turner and !` seconed by Justice taylor all presant votin g. in the affirmative t was resolved that the town board hereby ,is favorable, to the E = acceptance of the cleverdale road from fred Fielding* farm to t arthur meads store as public highway in the town of qUeensbhry I upon the following conditions that the necessary lands and rights of ways are deeded to the town of queensbury ,'tbat said proposed, road so laid out in a manner according td law .govering the some and ;further resolved that the above des.srib*d road is subj est to the approval b! Bart ram E hurray County Supertendant of Highways and County Attorney Beecher Clothier before the &ONONWee _by the town of queensbury a On Notion Meeting adj.urned Town- Clerk of aueensbury Regular Meeting July 23rd 2929 at a regular meeting of the town board of the town of queensbury held on the above date at the clerks office the following members were presant i Jerry B head Supervisor J.F.$ieks Justine of Peace M.P.Gifford " Ross F Taylor " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Town Supertendant of highways also presant Minutes of meeting held on June 25th I929 read and approved - Mrs Grace Bakin called on the board in regard to damage to her car in which she alleges occured on May 6th919299on a.newly scraped road,when she passed over a buried rock and broke the *rank case on her automobile, In regard to the above the following resolution was adopted. Resolution X24 Introduced by Justice Hicks# second by Justice Taylor, all presant voting in the affirmative, It is hereby resolved that the chairman appointea committee of one, to inv estegate the claim of Grace M. Behm for damages to her automobile on May 6th, 19299 And further resolved said committee interview Town supertendant of highway and County Attorney .Beecher Ciother in regard to same and report at next regular meeting,ohairman appointed Justice Taylor, Mr Duero of the Duero electrical supply Co,called "' on the board in regard to the Town installing Trafficc light lights at the intersections of the highway at Monty birdie and at Onieda Conners stating that the price installed with"`'but year maintaineaee of $550.per signal. A petition containg 40 tax payers names was submitted by Glenn Hubbell and requested the board to install a traffic light. at Onieda Conners on Ridge Road A petition containg names of 31 residents of Montys section was submitted to the board. by Justic Taylor requesting _ . the board to install a traffic light' at the intersection of Boulavord and Lower Warren St, at. Montys Bridge. f Petition were filed. • I - ` ' Znregard to the above the following resolution was adopted, Resolution#25 Introduced_ by.,Justice Taylor seconded by Clerk Turner,ali present voting in the affirmative. It was resolved that the chairman'A s hereby appointed a committee of one to interview the Legal aspects of the Town placing Traffic-slights at Montys Bridge intersection and Onieda Conners- intersection, In regard to the leasing of the Quarry the following resolution was adopted. resolution #26 Tititreduced by Justice Taylor;seconded by Clerk Turner, all present voting in the affirmative. It was hereby-resolved that the Town Board, of the the agreement of J Town of Queensbury,hereby approves uy 2nd,192g r