1975-04-16 /0 ---- MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on April 16, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. There were present: George Kurosaka (Acting Chairman) Richard Sanœrspree ' Charles Sicard Sjoerdje Richardson being the zæmbers of the Board. On a notion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mrs. Richardson, the minutes of the March rœeting were approved as read. OID BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS - Variance #396 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Rockwell and Haviland Roads, Zone R- 3 to construct a church spire tower higher than the required limit on the proper- ty situated at Rockwell and Haviland Roads. Mr. Ronald Viola represented the church and said the height of the steeple 'WOuld be 40', 52' including the lightning arres- ter. Dr. Brassell was present and objected only to the lighting of the steeple as his house is only 300 yards away and 'WOuld like the lighting to be subdued. Mr. Viola explained that a spotlight 'WOuld be at the base of the steeple and would be on a tiIær to go off at a resonable hour. The Town of Queensbury and Warren County Planning Boards both approved. Richard Sanderspree rrade a notion that Variance #396 be app- roved as it is in oonformi ty with both planning boards. This '- was seconded by Charles Sicard. UnanimJus. /7 -2- --- Variance #397, Glens Falls City School District - to enlarge a non-conforming use with less than the required rear setback on the property situated at 31 Glenwood Ave. Mr. Charles Sicard disqualified himself from this appli- cation as he 'WOrks for the School and appeared in behalf of the School. Mr. Sicard explained that they 'WOuld like to replace a storage shed and that the rear of the building would be 15 ft. from the rear of the lot instead of 30 ft. as prescribed in the ordinance. The building would be 72 ft. x 55 ft. open front with rœtal roof and the old present building 'WOuld be torn down. Mr. Sicard stated he would like to table this application until the next rœeting to be able to provide The Warren County Planning Board with rrore information. Mr. Sicard further stated that the present shop is in very bad need of repair, and one problem being that they are present- ly storing equiprœnt on the street and it is a residential zone. They 'WOuld like to rerrove the old building and the buses could be parked behind the nav building. Mr. & Mrs. ÜJWell Henry, Mr. Harry Coombs and Mrs. Leland Pierce, all residents of Glenwood Avenue were present and wanted to look over the plans which they did. After they looked over the plans and had several questions answered, Mr. Henry said he had no objection and Mrs. Pierce just wanted to know if they could get a bus through without going on her land and Mr. Sicard ,,- assured her they could. This matter was tabled until the next rœeting. TP Gek¡ ?/~II' ß¿/.t"~ í¿¿ "rJ:;~ 7¿>/';U r~S'~¡;"N/ þfj/ It '-.. -3- Variance #398, Jaxres Hermance to repair rrobile hones in an R-4 Zone on property situated at Feld Avenue. James Hennance and Gary Renaud were present. Theyex- plained to the Board that they repair damaged trailers for an insurance corrpany and that there 'WOuld be no rrore than three trailers on the lot at one tine. It usually takes one nonth to repair each trailer. The Town of Queensbury disapproved this variance stating: Board recomœnds disapproval of this variance. The Board is concerned about the access to and from the property and how many trailers 'WOuld be on the property at one time. This application did not have to have County approval. Charles Sicard rra.de a notion that Vàriance #398 be appro- ved subject to the following: That there not be nore than 3 trailers on the lot at anyone time and that no trailer will remain on the lot over a 60 day period. This was seconded by Dick Sanderspree and was unanim:>us. The rœeting was adjourned at 8:23 P.M. ,