2009-03-16 SP MTG#11SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-16-2009 MTG. #11 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #ll MARCH 16, 2009 RES. 95 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TIM BREWER COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER COUNCILMAN RONALD MONTESI COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH TOWN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC TOWN OFFICIALS DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND GROUNDS CHUCK RICE WATER RESOURCE SPECIALIST JIM LIEBERUMAN Deputy Supervisor Tim Brewer-Opened the Meeting Noted that Supervisor Stec is on vacation and Councilman Metivier is out of town. 1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBORDINATION, CONSENT AND WAIVER CONCERNING PROPERTY LOCATED AT 95 MAIN STREET, QUEENSBURY AS PART OF MAIN STREET UTILITIES RELOCATION PROJECT RESOLUTION NO.: 95, 2009 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury holds a mortgage on a parcel of property located at 95 Main Street in the Town of Queensbury identified as tax map parcel no.: 309.10-1-31, which mortgage is presently a lien on such premises, and WHEREAS, the Town is acquiring an interest in such property as part of the Town's Main Street Utilities Relocation Project as shown on an acquisition map prepared by R. K. Hite & Co., Inc., and therefore the Town, as Mortgagee, wishes to consent to the subordination of its right, title and interest to the grant of interest described in the acquisition map and waive any claim to the compensation paid or award rendered for such acquisition, and WHEREAS, a Subordination, Consent and Waiver form has been presented at this meeting and is in form acceptable to Town Counsel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-16-2009 MTG. #11 2 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and accepts the Subordination, Consent and Waiver form delineated in the preambles of this Resolution and substantially in the form presented at this meeting and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor or Deputy Town Supervisor, Tim Brewer, to execute such Subordination, Consent and Waiver and any other needed documents, and the Town Supervisor, Deputy Town Supervisor and/or Town Counsel to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of March, 2009, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES :None ABSENT: Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier DISCUSSION: GLEN LAKE ON-SITE SEPTIC PROGRAM - WC SOIL AND WATER Water Resource Specialist Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District-Jim Lieberuman -Glen Lake Project - On site septic education and outreach program for Glen Lake-send letters out to approximately 300 landowners from three hundred feet of the shore line and asked them if they would participate in a septic pump out program. The program would receive a bulk rate pump out cost and they would be reimbursed approximately fifty percent of that cost if they participate, the landowners would also receive a water conservation kit. Noted it is the landowners responsibility to fix any problems in their system. Bid requests have been sent out to perform the pump out, we have received six proposals back. Stone Industries have received the bid, pump out cost $145.00 plus tax. A secondary cost would be iF they have to dig a cover up, $30.00 to have that done. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-Questioned if there were funds left could the project be moved to Lake Sunnyside? Mr. Lieberuman-Yes For the program we have $29,000 for the program. Updated the Board on two other grants, 1. Glen Lake Stormwater Grant - 2. Halfway Brook Grant The scope of work has been developed, then turned over to the State to be reviewed... . Noted the Stormwater project we will be working with Highway Supt. Mike Travis and his department does a terrific job. Deputy Supervisor Brewer-Thanked Mr. Lieberum for his presentation. DISCUSSION: BUILDING AND GROUNDS PROJECT UPDATE CHUCK RICE Director of Building and Codes Chuck Rice-Updated the Town Board on the following: 1. Highway-Oil/Water Separator We have a circa 1975 oil/water separator over the years the system has slowly gone south and is not functioning. Technology for the separators has improved over these last years, now at a point to look to replace the system. Replacement: 1. replace the oil/water separator and install 2. remediation of the soils around the old existing waste oil separator New system will have a sediment pit and pump station ...looking to go to construction in May for this project...Discussed the fueling station island, tanks were installed in 1985 they have a thirty year warrantee. Ethanol in the gas if over 10% will lessen the warrantee of the tanks and they would have to be upgraded. Sight assessment and soil testing will have to be done to see if there is any contamination if there is contamination we would have to do a remedial action work SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-16-2009 MTG. #11 plan, will be meeting with DEC next week on this project. Councilman Brewer- Questioned the cost of the project? The oiUwater separator $75,000 on the job at this point, it will be a contract to bid. Site clean up is to be determined; a few thousand will be spent on soil testing. Proposal to put in above ground tanks fuel and move them away from the creek. Board discussed going ahead with oil separator ... plan for a capital project on the fuel tanks and their relocation. Need a survey of the ground that is out there now. 2 . Queensbury Center-Appliances in the kitchen -Proposal electric grill and stove commercial grade, high temp dishwasher, commercial one door refrigerator and three bay drop in sink and dish cart ...approximately $7,110. Board discussed the purchase of the equipment, to be placed in storage until it can be installed. 3. Various Projects under development Discussion held on State Police Building-internal remodeling in the basement adding two rooms. Discussion-Queensbury Court -modifications to be done-Judges Bench, moving Jury Box ...grant was received which will pay for some of the work being done. Discussion-Water Plant Roof replacement-The contactor will start that at the end of the March beginning of April, approximately two weeks to put roof on. Discussion-Michael's Drive-3000' feet of pipe in the ground...we have seen a reduction in the monitoring wells of five to six feet of water table in that area. Discussion-Hillman Drainage Project-We have looked at the pipe associated with the septic field needs to go and we are looking at moving one pipe that is up on Cleverdale for that project to get everything into a roadside drainage Swale. Currently getting a survey on that. Highway Dept. will be working on that project. Discussion-Drainage Project-Tire Warehouse -will have a meeting tomorrow regarding the easements and contract documents Discussion-Western Reserve-Waiting for final approval letter to go out, will be monitored over the next year, based on that we will determine that the final solution. Discussion-Trail-Councilman Strough re-negotiated for Phase II. New property of 55 acres has an existing trail and will have parking area for fifteen cars ... total cost $10,000 for Phase II will discuss the project with the rest of the Town Board. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 96, 2009 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Ronald Montesi RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its meeting. Duly adopted this 16th day of March, 2009 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Montesi, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Stec, Mr. Metivier SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 03-16-2009 MTG. #11 Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury