1968-01-03 ,.-- r ¡ t Meetin~ of the Planning Board of the Town of ~ueenBbury held at ~ueenBbury To-n Office Building Wednesday, Ja.nuary 3, 1968 at 7:30 P. 11. Geot'le -"Uahner Auetin, Cµ.~~~g, Karch. Kirkpatrick, Norton Sinnott Presiding: PrelSent: .Abeent: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. ( Jim Keller, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals Welcomed Ken Aarch as a new member to replace De~b08ki. ~nute8 of last meeting wereapproTed. Guest: ReceiTed highway approyal tor Gr:U':f'in #11-66 Ldgewood Park Section #1. 6. ltuehner w111 get somee>ne.frOillt.he State. office of Plan- ningCoordination tota1.k.wlth Zoning Bo"rd~f.Appeala, Town Board, Building In,-,pector and our Board on coains. I<.ll.r 1ß. ) asked for a letter fromU8 etating that\W. baTe noo'bJection tøthedlstancetrøm Boychuckf¡Jn'trance to Borthwayaccess. Auetln made a motion to thilS·effect, CUll111ng seconded,carried. Kuehner askedCuehing"nd 1»orton to look into purchas- ing·a pook on Urban Pla.Ding. Kuehner reported that aiJaeetlng was held with the City of Glene :b~al111 Planning Board 12/20/67. 7. 8. neTiewad co:mment8 on eign ordinance. Auøtln will re- Tiae , then we will Pass toToWD Board for them to baye put in legal terme.. Next meeting, Q,ueeaBbury Ton ottice Building, Wednes- day, February?, 1968. 9. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Seoretary