1968-02-02 J; 1(eeti'.lg ~ "j,,! . OJ~ \;he B(1),rd of the Held ;.:1; ~ueenebury Town Office BUilding Wednesday, Feb. 2, 1968 at 7 :30 -!).Y. I }' ~ ToJn of (~,L~eenf;5bury "+ ~reelding: George Kuehner Present: Austin, Cushing, lCårch, 1;orton Absent: Kirkpatrick, Sinnott GUÐet: Jim Keller, Z.B" of A., .ire. SherDlan, 1~e"7sþaper Reporter, Don .Ainsworth, Clayton .Martindale, Leslie Ry.D1kewlcz 1. Minutes of last meeting were àpproTed. 2. Cusbing reported on the book ., The f.>tructure of Urban Zoningll.' This would be of more use for the 'I'own Attorney. Cushing made' a motion to suggest that the Town Board purchase this book, Austin E\econded,carried. 3. Kuehner reported a question from the Building Inøþect.or as' to whether the pump ielands for Humble Oil on Corinth Road are a . etrueture and theretora subJectt. the 50' setback. Karch will inyestigate. - 4. Kuehner presented each member with & oopy of Niagara ~ohawk's booklet on Renewal A8sistanoe in New York btate. 5. Kuehner reported onmeetinge of the Intermuniclpal group con... eleting of the Chairman of' the Planning Boarda of the City of Glens :'&'$112, Villages of ¡"art Edward, Hudson j'alle, ø.nd South Glene FaIle· a.nd the Towne of 1!'ort Edward, Kingsbury, ¡¡oreau &; Q,ueenebury. A ea.mple resolut.ion wae presented and. reTiewe"d. A motionwa.s made by Austin, seconded by Cushing and oarried . suggesting that the Town Boar.d participate in this iletropolitan_ Plannil18 Board by passing the. sample resolution wi ththe addi- tion ot the name "Town of ~ueenebury" in the appropriate blanks. 6. Kuehner reported on & meeting, Febrµar,y 26th, 1968 at 7:30 at- the Glens Falls City Hall with Planning Boarde of Glens Falls, South GlenlSFal1e, &nd queen_bury to reTiew our Aaeter Plans eepeciallY in regard to IIlghway planning. "I. J'-.mee Houghton and At torney Vim. . Bacae . appeared in regard to _ Variance #023 for Garden Åp.artaenta at the corner of Cronin and Meadowbrook Roads.. The application &lSk" tor a change of zone which would be under tbeTowD. Board although they will acoept a variance. KUlShner read the reaeon tor granting a uee Yarianoe rather than an area zone change. This i8 where unneceeeary hardship shows (a) that the land in 4uestion cannot proTide a ..- ,rÇ \,/ ~ ..~ 'wi ( 2) reasonable r(~turn for 6.ny of t:he permitted uses in the zone, (b) that the hardship is unique and not shared by all properti,~s alike in the general area , and (c) that th~ varia.nce granted· .will not change the general char- acter of the district. Alsop the hardship (a)eannot be self-created.. (b) shouldsbow tbat the variance is the minimum necessary to grant relief and (c) that it will not destroy ';;;'he intent of the comprehensi va plan. The court.s have held that financial loss alone is not suffi- cient ground¡s; for showing of unnecessary hardship. Bacas and ao~ghton feel they had proceded in good faith before Zoning was in effect and that the Planning Board had given preliminary approval of a similar project to the present one on this site but with questions of parking and sew- age treatment.. Norton made a mf:rtion and Karch seconded that tbis be referred to the Town Attorney for an opinion as to whether this should be a use variance Ðr a zone change, .carried 0 8. Jack McAndre\'\1s and Allen Jacobson appeared for Slinger- lands Apartment Development on Glenwood Ave. The f'lann- ing Board gð"ile preliminary approval for four (4) units on this site in a different layout before zoningo Now asking fQr 72 apartments. A motion \.¡asrnade by Cushing, seconded by Austin# and carried that this also be referred to the T~wn Attorney to determine if this should be a use variance or zone chan.qß. 9. Bob Ruggles appeared regarding #7-65 Blind Rock Road Estates owned by Northern Homes. He is considering pur- chase of this but is concerned about it being surrounded by a C-l DisJcrict. He will confer with the Owners of the C-l property. 10" A special meeting will be held p'ebruary 14, 1968 at 7:30 . to review the proposed sign ordinå.nce change:;. II. It was felt we should look into the possibility of more R-5 Districts in the Town. 12" Jerry Ardledge, Soil Scientist, presented slides showing the use of soil studies.for subdivisions and planning. He gave us a list ofpos$ibleanalysis tbat can be made and weCOlld have school students, Scouts or similar groups color maps to show these uses. , 13. Next meeting, Queensbury Town Office Building Wednesday, February l4p 1968. AdjourJ:?ed J. Arthur Norton Secretary