1971-05-26 SP MEETING C1I THE PJ.ARRIRG JOA1U) OF TIE Tam œ QtJlSUSltBy HELD AT THE ~"II&Y TCìII Cll7rcZ JUIU)~J . , JAY 26. 1971 Preøidq', I'u8bør Preset:: ndtpatrl.ck. Mel1OD, Ifortoa. Siœott Absent:~ 'HooabaD .. Cuestat, Sot.om.D. GeraU 30 HD~l;18011 - Office lalaahla s.:v~o . tlll/IIII/III////11111//IIIII/I//I//I///I/III////////117//11//11/111//1/1/1/11111 1. aevt_ed cOD8UltaDta scope of .ervice. &-evf.8ec1. SubcU. via10a nauJ.åt1aM aad a&-f·nlatratioa pJAte1iDe. have heeD dzoöpped. Bow . $9,950." total, 2/3 . Ped..l funds; 1/6 ..., York State. t/6 QueeDIIbuzoy. Proaf- to atai1: Ju1J I, 1971. State COfttracts with coaaU1t8Dt an4 TOIIDo . . ~.\ Application revt.eeI ad w. ~t 2 copt.. of appllcatiølto J)ed)o*i arrived 9,00 p~.~. State take. two veeka to p&-OCM8 aft.. .ppl1~tioD. I.a received" 20 D18CU88ed County Pl.tIftPins Board - India.tria,1 Park DeftlopDØ1t, 20d Pbue "....tlle,. StudJ' - Quatioa of wath.. Couaae,. bullda aDd ·1.... or aub- dlvtdea and ..11 1aad aad the affect OD the tax H.eo 30 H_ Yom State n8Y8loF-.t Coq.ontice waata ".ter PlaDa.O: 40 Lake'CbaIIIp1a1a. Lake Gear,8 "'1..1 ~1. Ioat:d wozkiJla OD ncnatlOD pl.h ,.' J ò Artbur BoI:1:oa seen tu7 JAN/pej