1978-09-06 ~j- ':.. QUBENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QVEENSBURY '.rOWN OPFICE BUILDING SEPTEMBER 6, 1978 Rober~s, Chairman Mon~esi , Secret:ary, D. 1(rebs, Sorlin, J 0 Dybas and H. Mann 'l'hrew Liapes, S. Lynn Presiding..........................R. Presen~............................R. 1(. Ab.en~.............................W. GUest...............................G. ExecuUve ..ssion a~ 7:00 P. M. 10 Regular mee1:ing a~ 8: 00 P. M. Minu~es of Auqus~ 2nd mee~ing approved. 2. RezOnin . Mancini' MorrisseY, Corner Roú~e 9L (Ridge Road) and Rou1:e 9 - want. t.o rezone enUre parcel t.o C-l (pre.ent.ly part. C-l and part. R-3) Lawrence Mancini and Donald Morrissey were pr.sen~. Mo~ion by Krebs seconded by Mann t.o recommend approval of 'this rezoning request.. Vot.e waa 4 for mot.ion, 2 oppoeed. Mot.ion carried. Board felt. rezoninq would zone 'the t.ot:al piece of propert.y t.o C-l and make for a bet.t.er approach t.o 'the area and proper~y a. a commercial u... ~. .~ ~bert D. S. Condit. (Pudqies Pizza), 630 Upper Glen 3. ~, è-;r)one,.,=-t.o place a re.t:aurant:; W1th le.s t.ban 'the requi~eð front. and si4e .et.back. on 'the proper~y sit.uat.ed a~ 630 Upper Glen S~. Rober~ Condit. and 'l'ony Morgan present. on ~bi. variaDqtt. 'I'Ms variance t:abled from Augua~ meet.inq. Discussed parking and paving. MoUon by Monuai t.o recc:MDen4 approval of fron~ and side se~cks. MoUon seconded by Serlin and mot.ion carried by ~. ~t.e. '!'be Board r~ approval of 'thi. variance as t.he uãê is ODe specifically emaera'te4 in 'the district.. The Board quest.lon t.he effect. the buildinq will ba.e, if any, Oft HalCway Brook. '!'be Board .... 110 other reasoft not. to r8CQIIINI.Dð approval. SUsan Goe~. t ,League of wanen vot:er. repreHDtat.ive qaest.ioftec! signs. Mr. Condit. said they Would be coDformin9 . 4. :~~;t.!5~~=:þ ~~;a:r~t.4 : ~C:':t.5:i:u:e ft.. Rou1:e 9 - C-3 lOae. Mr.. I.oIabarðQ pres.t.~., Mot.ioD by Mont..ai seccmded by nebs to rtlØGl. 'tal appro..l of this v8Jriance. MoUOD earrie4 1IMDtmously. '1'hèBoard recœaMm4 approval t.o place a 50 .øq. f~. siqft as per variaàc:Jerequ..t. with the con41t.ion that. if and when Mr. Lecmbardo buy. the 8f:aål 1aD4s in froat. of his braaiDess, he will relD.Ove roof si98 aD4 place a f.....taD4inq ccmfoøinq si9l1 in froD~ of propert.y. 5. VariaDce U1L Gol... - 1:0 erect. a canopy over qasoline pump 1s1aad W},8ïB ft. ~ZOD '..t.back' in 11_ of the required 50 ft.. setback in a C-3 10M oa t.be property situated at. 52 Avia~ion Roa4. Robert. S~, at.'tDrDey for: C. R. WOod pr.sent. and stat.ed that. there were no qroaa4. 1:0 CJZ'-~ t:Id.. variuace.S. felt: t.his canopy would obstruct. vi_ of nat.aunat: ad _'tel owned by C. R. Wooð. Mot.ioll by Maim MCODde4 by 8oc'1iD t:o reocl ~ approval. Modon oarrieCI ananimously. !'his is _area vuiaDce DO't .. u.. variance as indicated by app1icat.loD. Boarct reotønac1 aPl*09al a. pamptnc¡ gas in the rain does create a pract.lcal 4ifficult.y. \~ QUEBNSBURY!l'OWN PLAHRDIG BOARD MEB'l'ING September 6, 1977 Page 2 6. Var1ance '578, Walt:er ~ to const:ruc~ an add. 1~ion to exis~il1CJ bu1ÍdÍnc¡ w1.~b 8 f~. rear It in 1ieù of the required 30 f~. on ~ prcper~y e1t.uai:eð at: i:he 1JOU'th side of Quaker Road. A~tornay Jtobert. St:ewart pre8el1t: on this ...'t"iance. Mot:ion by Mann seconded by SoJ:'lin to reoaU4md approval. Mot.1on cArried unanimously. 'rhe Board also xeoœ n .84 that. 'the second proposed road cut not be alloweð as one road cut 1n 235 ft.. of fmnt:age 8e8mS more than enough. 7. variance :51' t, J.... Shovah - to place commercial signs in . R- 3 Zone on the pr-piiQ' s1btat.eèl at sweet. Road and. Lawton Road. Mr 0 Shovah present. 011 th1e varianoe. Motion by Mont..i .'8Conded by Dybas t.o reccmaend 1:hat: signs conform to S1gn Ordinance in 1986. 8. 9. 10. 11. Variance '581, United Way camr:1CJn ... to place a temporary oversize sign in C-3 zone on t:be propert.y 8 uated at Aviation Mall, Aviation Road. Motion by Monbs1 aeoobèleCI. by Krebs to recommend appro,,"'.l. Mot.ion carried unanimously. 6 sq. ft. siqn allowed and 32 sq. ft. sign asked for· by 3~p~8tJ~"--U9!ðð ðr'3Bo&fd4"MltBi. Prp~lr:· ·ri:Rt a~F~~~~f~iS vø'1ance 1582. Charles Caputo.. to place a i:empor8:ry real eaut.. branch oft.- '_~". pl:'opta:ty .1nKÞ4 at Queens Way (R-S .Q~e). Charl.e Caputo pr~t.. Motioa by MaDn secondeð by Krebs to reoa...nd approval of this var1a:D.ce for one year only aa a ~..PGrary offic.. Motion carriee! unan.wouely. VU'i-c"u.:5~ .All. B.~a~. ....eetoe L. -'ald.na, Jr. - to place aoooaa ....t.. 0 r a' íâ M-l ICme U4 alao place a free aundiDg aip with 1... 1:hu the required front ..t back OD the propet.y at 261 Bay -...s. ... Jeùins pr...t. Mot:1oa by Mann 1IeOOII4e4 by Sor11n to ~ecK I .xl approval of thi. us. variaD.c. and alao reca~aw.¡.nd appzoval of the eiqn per application and drawing. Motion carried UMa:l.mouely. Heating adjourned at , 150 P. M. Next. regular ...'tUg October 4, 1978. Respectfully IlUbniti:eð Fona14 Monteai, Secretary