1980-02-06 \ ..; . .... QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING B()I~D MEETING QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING FEBRUARY 6, 1980 Presidinq;;......".. ..... Q ... 0 ... ~... ..R..Roberts, Chairman Present.......o".....o~,.......~...R.. Montesi, Secy., J.. Dyba.s, 1(.. Sorlin, W ..Threw, H. Mann D. 1(1- eto ~ ". .. , Guest~.o.Q~.o..~.~~ou..Q...Q..So Lynn 1. 2,. 30 4. I: ..;. Minutes of January 2, 1980 meGi:.,ì~q approved. , . : Berkley Subdivit!~n No. 4...78, "itiots, West Mountain Road, o.,AAis R. Berkley, Developer. J'or.J( VaDDta.en present on this subélivisio'n. Motion by Dybas seconded by Sorlin to:q'rant. Final Approval.. Motion Carried unanimously. Subdivision 9ran~êd with restrictivecov1mant.sfoJ: 7 lots. P1anningBoard will go ~.,it.h DEqfindinqs on sewage tin4:,rat:er . ,Motion by MOntesi seoonded by Dybas to accept the Depar,tn\M~,'"o,f BnviroDla8Dtal Conservation approval of 7 lote ,~~and SPEDES permi-t.' . ,Motion ca~ried. Rezonin.g - ..22~sa Oil ComEany,lJøute 149 east of Rið¡ø.Þoad from R-3 to C-l. Geor9"e Nelson is th~ owner o~ the property. '"t;Eorney ~.h Stehlin WãS present on this request . The Planning Board'madet:be fol'1owine¡ , recommendations: Applicant wi~~draw rezoninq reque8~aDd the Board would make a recomMen,dat.ion i;:ø J'iaster Plan review. t:hat.,700 ft., be SOD" C-l. We could include both tbe.e parcels into C-¡,qna~ our Dew Bonine¡ plan.. It was our intention~Q~tíake this corner Hig:þv.y CoIIiItercial, and not be sp~ific in terms of 500'£1:., 600 ft. or70Ø ~t. We will aMr..s, ,. a letter to Rush Stehlin,' sta,t4~9 that we will r~j~.W.,:~ new Master ' Plan and include the 200 ft..,int.he C-l zone.. T4i.~ '·"j¡11 lUke 700 ft. of' frontage on Route l49 i:;1 Ç....1.11: is our intenti()Ì1ø~·tbe new Muter Plan to make t,bis corner HC Hiqhway Commercial and i 1:,·WQu~4':._r.eaaonable' ,,' to include the 200 ft.. into C-l,~ Mr. Stehlin witb.4.evbis r..()Dinc¡ application.. Let.ter will be sent. to Mr.. Stehlin,B,¡Qnqwlthr..funð of $2ScOO rezoning fee. , 1 " V~.Ei.a.n,?~f6~"L" John f,:ubric~y.~$qns, Inc.. - to B1;:tJ..p':Ø¡Jsoilon property in a.Ð oM-I tone on the propertY ',.ituated off Big BQ,.,øo.ð on the Hudson Rive~, own.e<:1 by Carl DeSanti$. William Donnelly pre,.~~ti on this application fr0R! JomA Kubricky& Sons, Inc. Motion by: .,..nn seconded by Krebs to recol'mnenÔi approval<;>f this Variance Wi th~eçOlllDènda tion that thra gr;:rund be replanted as p~r D~part.ment of Agric:ulul1%'e with perennial ryegras8 - 20 lbi!! per acre.. £!otion carried unanimoQsly. Varianc~:..f:6~!., Dennis CurIex (\iVt)ZAt - to place an addition tö, office DufIèIrng' E éU'l 1\11,-1 Zone ontlie property situated at Everts Avenue. Dennis Curley a~d Joseph McGrath present on thisvar~a~ce. Mot.ion by Montesi seconded by Threw to recommend approval ofth~8 variance as it is reason~le use of la)''1d Qmd in keeping with loo)tofpresent baildinq. Mo·clon carJ::ied unanimoualy. The parking lot is to be I'Oved to the, rear and grass replac~~ blacktop ",This buildinq will ad::, as . buffer zone to resi.d.en(~es ac;xoss t.hé street.. ' "' ... QUEENS BURY TOWN PLADINGBOARDMBB'rIRG paqe 2 PEBRÚÀRY 6, 1980 6. variance '659, David Barnø."t'" 1:0 place a 470 aq.ft,. ad4,it:ion 1:0 Auto BOdy Kèpa1r Shop 1n.D}~-4 lObe on the 'property si~te4 at Indiana Avenue and LuzerJìe.ad. David Barnes present èS,ia t:h!. variance. Motion by Manri,/hconðed by,'·'.Jtr.b. ,to J:'ecx-end approval of this variance. Motion, CUr ied unaniiDously,>, TÞe. Boai."c! feel this nUl improve the a~~anQe of the pr~~:~.\!; 'l'he laDd is large enougb 1:0 handle tl1e. ~.ion aDd wil¡:ª})tov. f1r.e aDd safety stanclard8.. Tbe"þp,t:lcant bas J.-proved'"~b.;appear.aDce of hi. property . 7. I,. ' ::..¡.... 8. "$~i~l perait: '89, S~~~to Indu.tri.s, I.aø·~"~ba Tuff+1(ote .ta.n9l ",",: tp park vehic:\,e8.f~ resale on i:b.p~¡)et'ty S1t\\i~eèt at Áv1ation Road, in C-~ 'aJ1(l,C~3 ZODe.. Denni.Y~j.tln.., Månager was present on t:bisSpea~l 'perait. MotiOÌ1by."'I4p:~~.sl secondeð by Krebs to reoo8teDCl aPFøval oft:h1sSJMK:i._l ;}\~it. Motion carr ied unani!lou.ly . The" "JQaJ:d 'r~', apP~'I:..J .s it i. a p~it:.t:ed u.., and th... doe. not appear 1:obe.,~y ~"SOD why ¡ the B~rd should not: 'apptove.. ' " Meetil19 adjourned at 10100). M. Next regular ...tine¡ March 5, 1980. Respectfully 8\1ta1tt:ed, Ronald Montesi, Secretary