2004-06-01 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the June 1, 2004 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Office Complex Conference Room. Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present: Commissioners Fusco, Goedert, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott Staff Present: Director Hansen Others Present: Councilman Boor. Approval of the Minutes: Commissioner LaBombard noted a needed correction under the section "New Business". In the first bullet, first sentence the word "my" should be changed to "may". A motion was made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Mott to accept the minutes as corrected. All members present approved. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) · Budget Control report as of May 21, 2004 was distributed. Unfinished Business · Ridge/Jenkinsville Park-Director Hansen reported there were four potential bidders on the softball field renovation, however only one returned a bid. This was O'Conner Construction for $179,500. This about $60,000 more than we anticipated. Several options were considered. Consensus was for Director Hansen to meet with O'Conner to solicit suggestions for reducing the bid to acceptable level. · Queensbury School/Town Cooperative Project- Chairman Irish reviewed the meeting with Town Board recently. The Town is having reservations about approving a resolution of the recommendation of the Recreation Commission to appropriate $176,250 for our share of the tennis courts, lights relocation, and gas line relocation. A great deal of time and discussion on this topic. A joint meeting of the Recreation Commission/School Board Liaison Committee will take place on Wednesday June 16th at 4:30 p.m. at the School Board Office. Recreation Commissioners are asked to attend. · Queensbury Land Conservancy-request to the Planning Committee to create trail and parking area and access through our property on Fox Farm Road, which was presented to the Committee in January. No action taken at that time. A motion was made by Commissioner Goedert seconded by Commissioner Irish to approve this request. All members present approved. · Park Project Status Report-(See report dated 6/1/04) Update given by Director Hansen. Hovey Pond Master Plan is being worked on by Miller Associates. Concerns expressed by Commission members regarding Friends of Hovey Pond. There is an appearance of this group over extending their authority in many aspects of Hovey Pond. Recent example of sand being requested of the Highway Department and upon delivery the truck rode over fire department property defacing the lawn area. A motion was made by Chairman Irish and seconded by Commissioner Goedert to develop a written agreement on the use of Hovey Pond which would include a chain of command concept. All members present approved. · Glen Lake-boat launch and new dock should be ready by mid June. New Business · Glens Falls Home Property-Chairman Irish reported on the meeting held on May 17 where many questions and concerns were expressed by the Home Board. At the conclusion of the meeting it was felt that they were not interested in selling a portion of this property. However, a recent phone call ftom them indicated it was still a possibility. More information and pictures were sent to the Glens Falls Home Board. Discussion then took place on alternate sites. Director Hansen was contacted by a property owner on Haviland Road who was interested in selling 18 acres at $8,500 per acre. Upon further review it was discovered this offer had conditions attached. Director Hansen was instructed to contact the parties and indicated we may be interested with no conditions attached. · Architect Selection for proposed Community Center-process of screening was reviewed by Chairman Irish. Nine responded to the RFP. Six were invited for interviews. Four finalists selected from the Six for a second interview with the entire Commission. These interviews will take place on Thursday June 3rd beginning at 6:30 p.m. with Joy, McCoola & Zilch, 7:10 with Glynn, Spillane, Griffing, 7:50 with Dore and Whittier and 8:30 with Collins and Scoville. · R/J Park Phase One, part two-this includes the tennis courts, basketball court, parking improvements. RFP will be developed for this Phase 1 part 2. Committee Reports: · Budget-no report · Bylaws-no report · School Liaison-Meeting on June 16th. · Personnel-no report · Planning-no report · Program Review-no report Monthly Department Report The Commission was extremely pleased with the Summer of 2004 brochure. The format was easily read and understood. The color cover with photos was a nice change ftom previous brochures. Assistant Director Lovering received many accolades for a job well done. Adjournment Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Mott at 8:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joseph Fusco, Secretary