2003-07-01 Queensbury Recreation Commission Minutes of the July 1, 2003 regular meeting held at the picnic table at Hovey Pond Park, Town of Queensbury. Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Goedert, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Staff Present: Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering Also attending: R. Boor, Town Board Liaison Approval of Minutes: Moved by Commissioner LaBombard, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes of the June 3,2003 regular meeting, All members present approved. Financial Report: Copies of the Parks and Recreation Department's Budget Control Report were distributed with the mailing and briefly reviewed with questions answered. Commissioner Fusco asked Director Hansen when the new budget process would begin and was told in July. The Department will develop a budget and review with the Budget Committee. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: Director Hansen distributed letters of thanks to those who contributed to a successful Arbor Day Celebration. Director Hansen remarked on the publicity article on Amy Dittinger and the mural painted at Gurnery Lane, Unfinished Business: . Park Project Status Report (see report dated 07/01/03) reviewed: o Pool cover is in operation at Gurney and has had a positive effect on the temperature of the pool water. · Several questions and answers on the operation of the cover were reviewed, · Staff is becoming more proficient at installing and removing the coveL o Review of survey map at Ridge/Jenkinsville Park. Paving is complete with a more material used and a longer time to complete due to a larger area than was estimated, Higher cost is expected. Still, completed at a bargain by the highway crew. o Hiland Park survey is in the process to detennine the exact acreage. o Discussion on Open Space Committee their purpose and authority. Seems the Recreation Commission is left out of the loop in some of their discussions. Is this just a communications error? o Glen Lake Property-closing completed. Discussion on the launch and the type of vessel allowed to be launched. Law enforcement authority should be called by anyone who observed a violation of what is launched. A physical barrier may be the best answer to limit undesirable launches. Discussion on working with the Docksider Owner to remove the guard rail and put a more aesthetic border between the two properties. House should come down as soon as possible. Rest room facilities (Port-a John)?? o Hovey Pond-meeting with the volunteer group took place and many issues resolved. They will have a key to gate to be able to park vehicles closer to work area, Cannot regulate fishing practices at this site. o Faith Bible Church Property-Management plan approved by the Town Board, Information was requested on the contents of the "barrels" Dan Luciano will respond in writing. New Business . Contract was signed with Project Consultant Greg Farentino. . There will be a meeting with Mr. Farentino on Friday July 11th at 7:00 a.m, at the Town Office Building to begin the planning process. Important for Commissioners and Staff to attend. Committee Report Personnel Committee · Three applications received for the open position on the Commission, · Chairman Irish and Commissioner Fusco interviewed the three individuals. · We are recommending to the Commission, Mr. Douglas Cramec · Discussion on the process to be used in making a recommendation to the Town Board. · Motion was made by Chairman Irish and seconded by Commissioner Goedert for the Commission to recommend Mr. Douglas Cramer to the Town Board for appointment to the Commission, All members approved, Planning Committee · Director Hansen reported on a New Center in Ridgefield, Conn., which seems to be similar to what we are planning. Commissioners requested some figures before a site visit is planned, · Commission Etu reported on the Skaneateles, NY center and the approximate $10 million cost. Profit is being realized due to user fees. Run by a user advisory board. A visit has not taken place. · Reaffirmed our planning will include "wish list" approach and scale back as necessary, · Discussion on pros and cons of a state of the art ice facility. We need to be careful about not being selective, but all inclusive in recreation activities. Monthly Department Report See packet for programs offered. Smooth first day for all operating programs. Commissioner Maine asked about the Wetland Delineation proposal by Deb Roberts, A Request for Proposals (RFP) should be issued to better compare the cost of this project for the KLAFF property on Meadowbrook Road. This was tabled for the present time, Adjournment Motion made by CommissionerEtu, seconded by Commissioner Maine to adjourn at 9:15 a.m. Respectfully Submitted: Joseph Fusco Commission Secretary APProv:~i Ission Chair