2001-12-04 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting December 4, 2001 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, December 4, 2001 at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present: Commissioners Auer, Hersh, Irish, laBombard, Maine and Simmonds Also Present: Asst. Director Lovering and Director Hansen Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Maine moved to approve the minutes of the November 6, 2001 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICAnONS AND RE~ARKS FRO~ VISITORS Aquatic Supervisor Diane Herald hand delivered a letter to all commission members. Chairman Simmonds stated, for the record, that each member of the commission has received a letter from Diane regarding her response to a letter that was sent to her by the Director. The items of correspondence included in the monthly packet were reviewed and there was discussion on the following: The copy of a letter received from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) relative to the State owned Sandy Bay property on Lake George. The State has, on its own initiative, resurrected the possible development of this property. The Director wrote a draft stewardship proposal to the State in 1986 regarding this site, but no action was ever taken. The State is currently redoing their watershed revitalization development plan and would like to discuss a possible cooperative venture for this site. The Director will follow up on this matter with DEC. The possibility of putting a beach at this location was briefly discussed. Discussion of the two-acre parcel that the Town owns that is next to the State land followed. Apparently, according to Chairman Simmonds, the land was donated to the Town by an individual who intended it to be used to provide lake access for residents of the Town. Director Hansen briefly reviewed his original Sandy Bay plan. Discussion on property adjacent to Hudson River Park - Commissi<?ner Irish mentioned that he had been approached by former Town Councilman Pliney Tucker concerning the acquisition of a 140-acre parcel owned by Finch Pruyn at the end of Big Boom Road(adjacent to HRP). Commissioner Irish explained that he knows Dave Manney (Finch Pruyn executive) and volunteered to set up a meeting including the director to discuss the possible lease or purchase by the town of this property. The director's thank you letter to Commissioner Carusone was reviewed and Chairman Simmonds mentioned that the personnel committee would soon be interviewing possible applicants who had applied for the vacancy. !,INFlNI$HED BU!iINESS Oueensburv $,:hool Exoansion Pl'Qiect The director met with Dr. lomanto, Queensbury School Superintendent, on behalf of the commission/department to discuss the Queensbury School expansion plans. Dr. Lomanto explained that they had previously passed a bond issue for 38.4 million dollars. They anticipated that part of the funding will be for the relocation and expansion of the tennis court facility from its present location north about 150 yards. They (the school) plan on creating parking and a green area on the site where the present 6 courts are located. Commissioner Irish said, as a taxpayer, he is concerned that the school is contemplating moving the tennis courts to create additional parking. Director Hansen said that the school would be responsible to move the six courts and the lights associated with those courts. The town would be responsible for the four additional courts and, if the commission agrees, the new basketball court as well (Dr. Lomanto's request). The estimated cost would be about $125,000 before adding the basketball court. Commissioner laBombard does not think that the basketball court is the town's responsibility. Dr. Lomanto and the director agreed that if all 10 courts were built under one contract, that the price would be better (divided proportionately). The school is hopeful that the project can begin in the spring after the bids for the other building projects are let. The six courts could be demolished after the new 10 courts are built. The estimated cost would be about $125,000 before adding the basketball court. The Director reiterated to Dr. Lomanto that additional input from the school is needed before the town can commit funds or retain an architect and he agreed. Their plan right now is to go out to bid in January. We have a little time before funds become available and a decision has to be made. According to Commissioner laBombard the tennis courts are at the top of the list for add-ons. Due to safety concerns the present location of the tennis courts is not considered adequate. Commissioner laBombard remarked on a number of other items including: the school's plan for the 10-acre Indian Ridge site, the growth of the student population, the planned student sidewalk from the Indian Ridge site and his plan for a campus quad. He mentioned some of his ideas: streetlights, benches, a bandstand or gazebo, etc. The director said that Dr. Lomanto is supportive of Commissioner laBombard's plan. The Director will set up a meeting with Dr. Lomanto and the commission for sometime in January. He reminded the commission that none of the tennis court expansion project will happen unless the primary school project comes in under budget. However, included in the 38.4 million budget is the expansion of the outdoor running track and the relocation of the play apparatus area. There was more discussion of Phase II (school project) and Commissioner laBombard will relay the commission's comments and report back. Riverside Parts and Nature Preserve CRPNP1 Manaaement Plan The Director has made some corrections to Jim Miller's Draft Management Plan and he believes the plan is very progressive and will result in a good town park in the future. He has talked with OS! and reported that they have spent over a quarter of a million dollars in the purchase of the park. Therefore, they will not be doing a lot of adclitional work on further park development, as was the case at the Hudson Polnte Nature Preserve. Subsequently, the town's responsibility for RPNP improvements could be substantial. He summarized the discussion and Indicated that if there were no additional corrections that the draft would be returned to Jim Miller for final printing. OS! will then present the final plan to the town for their adoption. All agreed ~EW BUSINESS Tentative 2002 Commission Meetina SChedule The tentative 2002 Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule was reviewed and it was noted because of the holiday (New Years Day) that the January meeting will be rescheduled for January 8th. The schedule was approved and will be distributed accordingly. Bav Meadows Golf Course Commissioner Auer relayed his discussion with Garth Allen, the owner of Bay Meadows Golf Course, and will schedule a meeting including the director to discuss the possibility of acquiring the golf course. Recreation Commission VacancY The vacancy has been advertised in The Post Star and the personnel committee will be interviewing applicants in the near future. COMM:rm:E ß~PORD None MQNTlfL Y DEPAI\TMENT REf!ORT The Director displayed pictures of the four-section floating dock at Hudson River Park. Commissioner laBombard expressed his concern about the dock and the water level. Director Hansen noted the high water mark on the concrete abutment and assured the commission that the dock will be fine and that the water will never over-top the abutment. However, the recent low water level did cause a problem when the dock was installed. Director Hansen mentioned that the Brownell Lumber Company had been contacted about the purchase of another 10 or 12-foot section to neutralize possible low water levels. Director Hansen distributed a copy of the department's budget presentation to the Town Board and relayed that the board only cut $700. Director Hansen mentioned the town's tree lighting ceremony on Friday, December 7ti1 and relayed that all winter programs were underway and progressing well. Information regarding a retail supplier for doggie-bagging stations at all parks was circulated and it was the consensus, the idea had merit. There being no further business, the commission was adjourned at 8:37 am. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2002, in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37) at the Queensbury Town Office Building. /' ~'t~ Sharron Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director