2001-10-02 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 2, 2001 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, October 2, 2001 at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present: Commissioners Auer, Hersh, laBombard, Irish and Simmonds Also Present: Asst. Director Lovering and Director Hansen Absent: Commissioners Maine (ex) and Carusone APPROVAL OF MINUTES At the request of Commissioner laBombard the September 4, 2001 minutes were amended as follows: Commissioner laBombard reported, based on the meeting he attended, that the new tennis courts would be built behind the present courts. A final decision has yet to be made. Also a final decision has yet to be determined regarding the construction of a field house. Commissioner Hersh moved to approve the amended minutes of the September 4, 2001 meeting and after a second by Commissioner Irish the motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The items of correspondence included in the monthly packet were reviewed and there was discussion on the following: The copy of a letter sent to the department regarding the summer yoga classes, requesting that more classes at various times be offered during the year. A copy of the second letter received by Supervisor Brower from the Hudson Pointe homeowner complaining of horseback riding at the nature preserve site. The letter was copied to the Director, Councilman TIm Brewer and The Post Star. The Director pointed out that, as of now, the management plan between the Town and the Open Space Institute (OSI) allows for horseback riding (in the nature preserve). He mentioned that this could be changed by the consent of both parties. After a lengthy discussion it was suggested that the department take pictures of the slopes and trail for future reference. The department will also monitor the situation on a periodic basis and the Director will advise the Supervisor of the commission's discussions (itemizing the information). The director will ask the supervisor if he would like him to draft a letter of response to the complainant. The director was also asked to check with Warren County regarding their regulations for equestrian usage of the snowmobile trails and bike trail. There was also discussion of imposing a weight limit on the nature preserve bridge, fixing the slope by adding a type of stair system and designating equestrian trails in other parts of the town. No additional action followed. The letter regarding the Ridge- Jenkinsville Park upgrade proposal has been forwarded to the Town Board. They have had two meetings since receiving the letter and we are still awaiting their response. NEW BU$INESS Commissioner Simmonds relayed information regarding an ambitious project (pool, community center facility) in the Moreau area. The project group has the land and plans to build a multi purpose facility with an indoor swimming pool and an ice rink. COMMI1TEE I\EPORTS None MQ'fTHL y D~PARTMENT REPØRTS The Director reported that Jim Miller, Miller Associates, has requested the commission's input in naming the Faith Bible Church property. The Director researched the history behind the undeveloped parcel to the east of the church property and determined it was to be developed and named "Riverside Park". Dan Luciano (051) added "nature preserve" and at this point the park to be is being called "Riverside Park and Nature Preserve". This is only tentative and further discussion by some commissioners suggested that the new park name include JADAMADA, after John Beale's day camp facility that he operated as this site years ago. A final decision does not have to be made for some time. The Director circulated a picture of the playground apparatus that was recently completed adjacent to the picnic area at Hovey Pond Park. The apparatus was designed and constructed as the final requirement for Adam Baertschi's Eagle Scout merit badge. Another eagle scout candidate also completed his final project (wooden bike racks) and these 2 items have been located at Hudson River and Hovey Pond Parks respectively. The Hudson River Park floating dock (4 sections) has been completed and is ready for installation. We have been unable to find a contractor who will put in the concrete abutment for a reasonable price. The lowest bid we have right now came in yesterday after a month and a half of telephone calls and meetings. That bid is $10,300 which is much more than the department should be paying for approximately 6 yards of concrete. The director hopes to negotiate with the contractor and get the dock finished and in, yet this year. The Director displayed a draft map of the Gurney Lane Recreation Area cross country ski trails that will be on the back of the winter brochure and available to skiers at the site. The Director relayed that he had received a call from David Michaels (The Michaels Group) regarding the status of their donation of the ten-acre (10) parcel adjacent to Adirondack Community College (ACC). Mr. Michael's indicated that he would be happy to work with us (Town & ACC) to develop a recreational facility at the site. The Director said he would like to call the President of ACC to set up a meeting with the commission and discuss the possibility of building a multi-purpose facility with gym, swimming pool, classrooms and offices. Commissioner laBombard said this could possibly be the site for a field house, rather than the Indian Ridge/school site. It was mentioned that initial discussions with former ACC President Jane Harmon indicated that the college was supportive of a therapeutic swimming facility and if built cooperatively (Town & ACC), that the project could receive up to 700/0 funding from NYS. It was agreed that the commission should put their ideas together first before discussing the proposal with ACC and Queensbury School personnel. The director briefly outlined some of the fall programs already underway and there were no further comments. There being no further business, the commission was adjourned at 8:37 am. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2001, beginning at 7:30 am in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37) at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director