2001-01-02 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING January 2, 2001 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, January 2, 2001, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, LaBombard, Maine and Simmonds Also Present: Director Hansen Absent: Commissioners Hersh and Schachner (ex) Visitors: Ryan Pollack, Eagle Scout Candidate and Mrs. Pollack APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner LaBombard made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Carusone to approve the minutes ofthe November 7, 2000 meeting. Commissioner Auer commented that the minutes did not reflect his comments and suggested that under the section New Business, Recreation Commission-Media Communications that the last sentence be changed to read "1 will not make comments on behalf of the Recreation Commission." There were no further corrections and the motion to approve the minutes as amended was unanimously approved by voice vote. Commissioner Carusone seconded by Commissioner Maine moved to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2000 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING The director temporarily assumed chairmanship of the meeting and explained per the commission's by-laws, that the officers for the organization need to be elected annually. After reviewing the present slate of officers, motions were made, seconded and unanimously carried to have Chairman Sharron Simmonds, Vice .Chairman John Carusone and Secretary Jack LaBombard remain the unchanged for the year 2001. COMMUNICATIONS & REMARKS FROM VISITORS Chairman Simmonds welcomed the Pollacks who were present in order for Ryan to complete the Citizenship Merit Badge as a part of his Eagle Scout Badge requirement. The items of correspondence included in the monthly packet were reviewed and the commission commented on the Town Board resolution officially accepting the Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve. It was suggested that a sign denoting the "nature preserve" be located on the comer at the entrance to Hudson Pointe (HP) and the director will coordinate this with the HP Homeowner's Association president. The commission's revised Meadows PUD memo to the Town Board was also reviewed and there were no further comments. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Faith Bible Church - Ooen Soace Institute (OS!) Manal!:ement Al!:reement The director reiterated the situation relative to the Faith Bible Church/OSl management agreement previously distributed. He reminded them that 081 had confirmed that their purchase of the parcel was assured. He also pointed out that the management agreement between the Town and OSI would need to be finalized as soon as possible. He again circulated copies of the draft management agreement and requested that the commission review the document and be prepared to discuss same at the February meeting. There was additional discussion on the reduced acreage (90+ to approximately 68 acres) to be conveyed as well as possible park amenities that OSI may agree to provide. NEW BUSINESS Oueensburv Land Conservancy The director updated the commissioners on the status of the QLC and there was no further discussion. Meetinl!: Date/Time Discussion The chairman relayed the details of Commissioner Schachner's situation (Tuesday evening meeting conflict) and after discussion it was the consensus that the commission change their regular meeting time to mornings, 7:30 or 8:00 a.m. The director was instructed to check with the commissioners not present and if agreeable set the February 6th meeting time in the morning. The director will also notify the press and post the change on the Town Clerk's bulletin board. Monthlv Deoartment Reoort The director presented a verbal monthly report and updated the commission on: the student intern (Jamie Coffin) from Green Mountain College, the ski lesson program, the upcoming magic show and the increased swim lessons being offered in an effort to accommodate those on the waiting lists. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 6th at 7:30 a.m., in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. )~~.~rrn~ Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director -2-