2000-09-05 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 5, 2000 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, September 5, 2000, at the Gurney Lane Recreation Area, Queensbury, New York. Following a commission/staff and family cookout, Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 6:58 p.m. . PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, LaBombard, Maine and Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Aquatics Supervisor Herald and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Carusone and Hersh (ex) VISITORS: Department Typist Ramsey and family, Rick Simmonds & Nancy Hansen APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Maine made a motion, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard, to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2000 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was approved by majority voice vote (Commissioner Schachner abstained). A motion to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2000 meeting was made by Commissioner Schachner and seconded by Commissioner Auer. There were no corrections and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The director briefly reviewed the correspondence included in the monthly packet and there was discussion on the Flyers letter (re: shared pool time) to the school. The director explained that the new School Superintendent for Business (Tim Place) was reviewing the school's usage policy and it was suggested that the director follow-up his previous meeting with a short note (pool situation status) to all parties concerned. The recent letter from the Michaels Group and the director's request letter to Ms. Christine Delorier (Army Corps of Engineers) were reviewed and briefly discussed. The director also detailed the revised paragraph regarding the requested change to the May 2, 2000 commission meeting minutes and there were no further comments. NEW BlI5INESS The Meadows Planned Unit Development (PUD) The letter from Attorney John Lapper representing The Meadows PUD was discussed and the director explained that this was the same parcel that had been included with the Garth Allen development project, in the late 80's. He pointed out that the 4-acre parcel borders Halfway Brook on the west bank and is just north of Cronin Road. He suggested a site visit to view the parcel firsthand and after discussion a 3:30 afternoon meeting on Thursday, at the site, was set. Reminder notes will be sent out to all commissioners beforehand. 2001 Budget Review The department's 2001 tentative budget summary sheets that had been included in the packet, were briefly reviewed by the director. The major increases reflected in the maintenance salaries, equipment and supplies/materials categories were questioned and explained. It was pointed out that these initial budget figures were only estimates submitted by the department and previously reviewed by the commission's budget committee. There were additional questions relating to the increase' in the supplies and materials categories and the director will research the account and report back. He also mentioned that the Town Board would be conducting budget review meetings in October and at that time the question of salary increases for full time staff personnel, would be discussed. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPO~T The director presented a brief monthly department report and explained that the staff had decided to keep the Gurney Lane Recreation Area (pool and park) open to the public through September. A picture of the wheelchair accessible drinking fountain planned for at Hovey Pond Park was circulated and the director will order the item shortly. -2- Aquatics Supervisor Herald conducted a short tour of the pool facility and explained the pool repairs, the filtration system and highlighted some of the future improvements planned for at the facility. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 7:51 pm. The next meeting will be held on October 5, 2000, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's Conference (Room #37) in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, NY. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director -3-