2000-03-07 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 7, 2000 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, March 7, 2000, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Hersh, LaBombard, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Councilmen Tim Brewer and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Carusone & Maine (ex) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hersh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard, to approve the minutes of the January 4, 2000 meeting and the February 1, 2000 meeting notes. There were no corrections and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICATIÇ)NS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The chairman welcomed Town Councilman Brewer and the director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence which had been sent out previously (February & March meeting packets). The commission requested further clarification regarding the Town Counsel's memorandum "Prohibiting guns in town parks" and the director mentioned that this (the memorandum) was generated on behalf of the department. He explained that the recently adopted Town Board resolution permitting the department to post "no hunting" signs on park property was only the first step. A local law prohibiting the discharge of weapons on all town property and setting penalties for any transgression, was the appropriate next step. The commission also questioned whether hunting with a bow and arrow would be prohibited under the local law. The director indicated he was unsure and will research the answer. The commission requested and received an update on the status of the Queensbury Little League including the joint contract - agreement, the town's $15,000. financial contribution to the league and a recap of the department's involvement with league registration. The director also briefly summarized the other items of correspondence included in the two monthly packets (department's relocation, Freedom Park update and lighting complaint letter) and there was no further discussion. ",NFINISHED BUSINESS Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve (HPNP) Conservation Easement The director outlined the situation pertaining to the HPNP Conservation Easement (CE) and briefly reviewed the packet of materials that had been distributed to the commission in January. He reiterated that Joe Martens of the Open Space Institute (OSI) had agreed to allow the commission extra time to adequately review the proposed CEo It was explained that the 97 acre nature preserve had been accepted by board resolution (#313.99) in September, 1999. Shortly thereafter, the draft conservation easement was received by the town and forwarded to the commission/department for a recommendation. After reviewing this document a number of town officials thought the CE appeared to be somewhat inconsistent with and more restrictive than the HPNP Management Plan (MP), adopted in 1995. It was also mentioned that the MP, because it was initially developed and approved, was thought to be the governing document. Considerable discussion followed and a number of commissioners expressed their thoughts with regard to: increased passive recreational usage in the future, modifying the CE to mirror the MP, maintenance responsibility for the area and access to the preserve. Councilman Brewer recounted his involvement with the Hudson Pointe project and reiterated his concern that the area not become overused. The commission was in agreement and the director commented that his written remarks (CE evaluation 12/99) were only to point out that the CE was not entirely consistent with the previously adopted MP. He also mentioned that future boards and commissions should, (within appropriate guidelines), have the option/latitude to consider possible additional passive recreational usage, at the facility. Here again the commission concurred and after further discussion Commissioner Schachner made a motion "That the director be authorized to direct a letter to Open Space Institute indicating the commission's view that the management plan provision should govern and that to the extent that the proposed conservation easement is more restrictive or inconsistent with the provisions of the management plan, and therefore we (the recreation commission) would like to see t~e conservation easement modified". Commissioner Hersh seconded the motion, there was no further comment and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. -2- Adirondack Community Colleae/Town - Meadowbrook Property Meeting Chairman Simmonds reported on the recent meeting with Adirondack Community College personnel. She relayed Dr. Harmon's comments with respect to "interfacing with the needs of the community" and their (the college's) desire to participate with the town in a joint park/recreation facility proJect. . NEW BUSINESS Land Trust Meeting Information The director detailed the items that will be covered in the upcoming land trust meeting (3/13/00) and requested that as many commissioners as possible try to attend. MQNTHL Y DEPARTMENT REPORT The director presented a verbal monthly report and explained that the staff would be manning a booth at the upcoming ARCC Quality of life Expo 2000. He briefly explained the program reports included in the monthly packet and the commission questioned if the scheduling situation with the G.F. Flyers had been remedied. The director requested a program fee committee meeting and Commissioners Auer and Simmonds volunteered. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm. The next meeting will be held on April 4, 2000, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. / Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director -3-