12-15-2011Queensbury Planning Board Agenda First Regular Meeting: Thursday December 15, 2011 /Time 7 - 11 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 Approval of Minutes 1.1 October 18 8~ October 25, 2011 2.0 Administrative Items 2.1 PB Nominations-Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary 2.2 2012 Meeting Date Schedule 3.0 Plannina Board Recommendations to the Zonina Board of Appeals Applicant(s) QUEENSBURYPARTNERS Application Type ~ Site Plan 62-201 1 C Freshwater Wetlands 5- E i 2011 Owner (s) _~~ Same, as applicant ~ _ SEQ__R„T~pe Type I~ AgentJs~___~ _ Matthew Fuller, Es Lot size 34.05 acres _____. ~._ -__.._~.. Wes.. .~_._..~_.~,~~____-__w. Location Corner of Bay 8~ Blind Zoning Classification O-Office r.-~.._ Rock Tax ID No. '.._289.19-1-23-35 Ordinance Section~~~ 179-9 ~~ Cross Reference ~ AV 61-11, SUB 13-1994 Public Hearing Not required for ~~ . _ ~ recommendation Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes a total of 56,180 sq. ft. of commercial development ; distributed between five (5) buildings and development of 175 residential apartment units distributed between ' 11 buildings to include 93 residential units within four (4) of the proposed commercial structures. Freshwater Wetlands: Land disturbance with 100 feet of a regulated wetland. Area Variance: Relief requested from density, front setback, travel corridor setback, residential setback and height requirements of the Office zone. Further, relief re nested from wetland setback re uirements. 4.0 Expedited Review: ~, Applicant(s) Owner ~. A ent s Location Tax ID No. Cross Reference LAURIE SHOPE Application Type ~ Site Plan 81 201 1 Same as ap licant SEAR T e II ~- _..~~ Frank Denardo Lot size 2.14 acres 10 Polk Drive ' Zonin Classification WR-Waterfront Residential 239 12 2 35 Ordinance Section 179-9 r _ ~ _ ~. ~ _v~...~ ____ ~. ~ ~._____ ~ _.__ ~ __-.. ~...~.<< SUB 5-1993; LGPC Warren Co. Planning 12/14/2011 °. Permits: 5234-29-11, 5234-30-1 1 Public Hearing ~ 12/15/2011 __ _ ~„ APA, CEA_Other APA Wetlands, L G CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes to rebuild cribbing, resurface dock, and replace 392 square foot .boathouse / sundeck in kind. Boathouses in a WR zone require Planning Board review and approval. 5.0 Old Business: _Applicant~sJ~ _ ' ANDREW WEST _ .._._ ~ ....m.._~ Application Ty~e~ r_..~ __-~_ _~.~.m._.....__~. Site Plan 66-20,11 ___ Owner (s) Sharon Davies 8~ Others; SEAR Type __ _W_~_ II Joshua's Rock Corp. Attn. Katherine Seelye ..._ __ _. Agent(s~j Dennis MacElroy _ Lot size ~ 0.34 acres; Location ~ 12 Joshua's Rock Road _ Zonin Classification ~__ _ .. g WR waterfront Residential Tax ID No. Cross Reference 239.19-1-9 Ordinance Section .._ ~~ AV 63-1 1, SP 31-11, SP 32- Warren Co. Planning 11, AV 22- 11, AV 23-11 179-9 10/12/2011 Public, Hearing. ~ ~ 12/15/2011 _ APA CEA Other ~ ~ L G CEA _mm ....___ _. _ __ . ___.. __. _ ___ _. _... Project Description: Applicant proposes to renovate and expand existing 533 sq. ft dock with 425 sq ft. boathouse resulting in a 575 sq. ft. dock with 589 sq. ft. boathouse. Boathouse in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and approval. 6.0 New Business: Applicant(s) :..JAMES KELLER. Application Type Site Plan 79-2011 COUNTRYSIDE VETERINARY CLINIC _Owner (s~_ m_ James Keller____ _. __ ~ SEQR TYPe__ _ _.,.~__ . Type II_....~ A_gent~~ ~_Ethan Hall Lot size 10.32 acres Location~____ ~ 270 Queensbury Avenue Zoning Classification NR-Neighborhood Residential; Tax ID No. 303.8-1-6 Ordinance Section 179-9 .. Cross Reference Var. 316; NOA 3 2009 ~ Warren Co Planning '_ ~ 12/14/11__.__~ _„_ Public Hearing _ 12/15/201.1_ ___ _'___APA, CEA_ Other_ ~ DEC Wetlands '° Project Description: Applicant proposes a 1,867 sq. ft. addition to existing Veterinary Clinic Expansion of a business and lack of sit~lan review in the_past seven years requires Planning Board review and ap_proval~ _._.. _ _. Applicant(s) HANNAFORD BROTHERS Application Type Site Plan 80-201 1 COMPANY _.. ,. _..~.___.~____ m___.. ' ~~ ....__ _ _ .~_~~ _.._._ 3 Owner U Same as applicant __ SEQR Type II Agent(s) Creighton Manning Lot size ~ 9.41 acres ~~ Engineering __ ___..~......_.__. Location __ _ 190 Quaker Road _ _ ~; _ Zonm~ Classification ~_ CI_Commercial Intensive ~ Tax ID No _...,......_~_._ _ ~ 302 7_1 41 ~_ ____....__. ` Ordinance Section 179-9 ( Cross Reference SP 61-99, SP 1-99, UV ~ Warren Co. Planning 12/ 14/2011 ' 1073 Public Hearm~-__ _......._ ._12/15/2011__.._ Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a drive-thru pharmacy window at existing grocery store location. Expansion of a business and lack of site plan review in the past seven years requires Planning Board review and approval~___ - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -