1996-11-05 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING NOVEMBER 5, 1996 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, November 5, 1996, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen & Ass't. Director Lovering ABSENT: None VISITORS: Jim Miller, Paul Crandell, Elizabeth Dalaba, Laurie Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Harrington and others APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Auer made a motion seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes of the September 3, 1996 meeting. The minutes were approved as amended, by majority voice vote (Commissioner Schachner abstained). A motion (Commissioner Schachner) and second (Commissioner Auer) to approve the minutes of the October 3, 1996 meeting was then made and unanimously approved by voice vote as amended. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Director briefly highlighted some of the correspondence which had been included in the monthly packet. Commissioner Schachner suggested that copies of Commission-generated correspondence be sent out earlier through the mails, in addition to the monthly packet. This will facilitate better communication as well as keeping commissioners informed and the Director agreed to institute this procedure from now on. Chairman Simmonds welcomed the visitors and Paul Crandell spoke on behalf of the Glens Falls Flyers Swim Club. He briefly detailed a history of the swim club and explained that he and the club board members were present to request additional swim time at the school pool facility. He mentioned that their program (the Flyers) had grown over the years and that to accommodate club swimmers a minimum of 1 1/2 hours per night was necessary. Ass't. Director Lovering outlined the Department's evening swim activities and there was discussion by the Commission on pool usage and participation by adults, usage by other groups at the pool and the school swim team's use. P. Crandell summed up his presentation and requested an additional 1/2 hour on Wednesday evenings. He agreed -2- with a number of commissioners who pointed out that future growth in the Flyer Swim Club program would, because of lack of available unused swim time, undoubtedly necessitate use of another swim facility by his organization. The Director reiterated the Department's desire to work with the Flyers organization and assured the Commission, based on their (the Commission's) comments this evening, that the situation would be resolved. The Director reviewed the offer of dedication of parkland request by G. Passarelli and he reminded the Commission that they (the Commission) had been asked to evaluate this same parcel in 1992. At that time the Commission had toured the site and deemed the parcel to be unsuitable as a possible future recreational area. The Commission was apprised of the Town Board's recent workshop discussion concerning this same parcel and instructed the Director to draft a response to the planning board rejecting the offer. HUDSON RIVER PARK (HRP) PROJECT Jim Miller and the Director updated the Commission on the status of HRP project including details on the 10/25/96 bid opening. The three page project bid summary sheets was reviewed and the Commiss ion questioned the alternates and proj ect fund balance. The different bid options were explained and reviewed and after further discussion it was the consensus that the low base bid and alternate #3 were the minimum project items which could be approved, per the grant criterion. Jim Miller explained that the other alternates were not included in the initial grant application and could be rebid at a later date, or added in during construction. He relayed that it was not uncommon to negotiate with the low bidder after the contract was let. Commissioner Carusone recommended that NuTech Industries' low bid (base bid and alternate #3) in the amount of $149,360. be accepted by the Town Board. Commissioner Schachner seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by voice vote. Chairman Simmonds will draft a note to the Town Board and J. Miller and the Director will present the formal resolution at the upcoming meeting on 11/18/96. Jim Miller presented the most recent conceptual land use plan for the Faith Bible Church property in the West Glens Falls area and he and the Director reported on the status of the informal negotiations between the Church, Open Space Institute (O.S.I.) and the Town on this property. He relayed the circumstances with respect to passive vs. active area usage and explained the church's position as outlined in the one page fax received today (copy circulated at the meeting). The Director summarized the recent meetings between the three groups involved and the Commission expressed dismay regarding the church wanting to sell the property while imposing restrictions on its land use. The Commission reiterated their desire to acquire the property and be a "good -3- neighbor II but also be able to develop the property without contingencies. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The Commission reviewed the Department's monthly report which was included in the packet and there were questions on the program numbers for the children's soccer league and pigskin football program. The Chairman inquired on a tentative date for the Commission's tour of the Saratoga skateboarding facility and the Director relayed that no date had been set. A number of Commissioners also requested information on the annual joint school/commission meeting and the Director explained that he would contact the athletic committee representative (L. Mott) to arrange the traditional January meeting. Commissioner Carusone suggested that an upcoming meeting be scheduled as "a rap session" for commissioners and staff to bring out ideas, review the past years activities, brainstorm, etc. The group agreed, decided the upcoming meeting was suitable and the Director was instructed to draft the December agenda, accordingly. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. The next meeting will be held on December 3, 1996, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~~riJ~ Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen