1995-11-03 SP I, QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING NOVEMBER 3, 1995 Minutes of the special meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Friday, November 3, 1995 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:34 a.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Schachner and Simmonds Hersh, Maine ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioner LaBombard (ex) VISITORS: Dave Hodgson and Hobbes BIKE TRAIL EXTENSION Chairman Simmonds welcomed Dave Hodgson and explained that his presence had been requested in order for the Commission to clarify some of their (the Commission's) concerns regarding the bike trail cost estimate. Commissioner Auer mentioned that he had driven the 9.4 miles of roadway listed in the cost estimate and that a 2'-4' paved shoulder already existed on many of the roads. Therefore, his estimate (Hodgson's) which included cost figures for as' extension were somewhat inaccurate and, in fact, double counting. In addition, a number of the roads listed had guardrails, fences, mailboxes, and in some cases fire hydrants less than 5 feet from the edge of the present roadway. Was the expense to relocate these items included in the $50,000. estimate per mile? Furthermore, where did the $50,000. figure corne from? D. Hodgson explained that the per mile estimate reflected only the cost for materials to build a brand new 5' shoulder extension (surface and sub-surface materials). This information had been obtained from K. Wheeler (Washington Co., DPW) and R. Gebo (Warren Co. DPW) and was, in fact, considered a low estimate by P. Naylor, Qby. Highway Superintendent (probably did not include labor costs). Regarding the cost to relocate items which might have to be moved, Hodgson mentioned that they were not included in the $50,000. cost estimate. In terms of the 9.4 miles of roads scheduled in the project, Dave pointed out that those roads that already had some road shoulder (2'-4' approximately) would only receive an additional amount (1'-3' approximately) in order to make the "end result" a 5 foot bikeway. -2- A number of Commissioners summed up the discussion assuring D. Hodgson that philosophically the Commission was in favor of his project. However, the cost estimate was "somewhat generic" and before making a recommendation to the Town Board, this would have to be corrected. Dave explained that the ISTEA funding was different in that changes and/or additions to the original application were permissible as long as the "spirit of the project was maintained." Therefore, if a specific road in the original grant was eliminated, or did not need 5 foot of shoulder, then that money could be arbitrarily diverted to another roadway chosen by the applicant. He assured the Commission that this grant application was quite flexible and could be modified. The Director explained that in terms of the ISTEA grant, the Town was obligated to spend the entire amount ($530,800.) up front and then be reimbursed for the 80% "grant share." He also mentioned that based on Dave's rationale and explanation (grant flexibility /modifi- cation) that the Town would certainly expend whatever amount it agreed to fund ($106,160. request). After further discussion, Commissioner Schachner made the motion to recommend that the Recreation Commission draft a letter of support for the project. Commissioner Carusone seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Chairman Simmonds was directed to draft and sign the letter and then insure that copies were distributed to all Town Board members. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:25 a.m. The next meeting will be held on December 12, 1995, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~;(~~ /Sharron L. Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen