1995-10-10 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 10, 1995 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, October 10, 1995, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice- Chairman Auer called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioner Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard and Schachner ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Maine (ex) and Simmonds (ex) Councilwoman Goedert and Mr. Jim Miller VISITORS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioners Hersh/Carusone made the motion to approve the minutes of the September 13, 1995 meeting. Commissioner LaBombard seconded the motion and Commissioner Schachner suggested inserting the word "creating" (top of page 2, first sentence), in order to clarify more clearly the Director's comment. The Commission agreed and after polling all commissioners, the motion was unanimously ap- proved. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Director introduced Jim Miller who explained that he was pre- sent to assist the Commission with regard to how to proceed with the Hudson River Park project. He pointed out that a project se- quence needed to be developed including data collection, the de- sign phase, preparation of construction documents and finally the construction phase. He mentioned that the first phase of the pro- cess had been started (environmental assessment underway by Town) and that it was crucial that the on-site data collection phase be completed before winter snows covered the ground. The wetland habitat needed to be identified (flagged) and both the Department of Environmental Conservation (ENCON) and the Army Corp of Engi- neers (ACOE) would probably have to conduct an on-site environmental field investigation. He also stated that the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP), would have to assess the site in terms of the parcels's archeological significance. Jim distributed a two page project sequence draft and a number of commissioners had questions about the master plan phase. There was discussion on whether an architect or engineer was needed and it was explained that considering the scope of the project, that an engineer was not / I i "-" -2- required (no structural documents). In addition, because of the Town's purchasing policies, it was pointed out that it might be possible to just hire a qualified architect, thereby, eliminating the request for proposal (RFP) rout~. The Commission questioned Mr. Miller on the cost for his archi- tectural services and Jim distributed a cost breakdown in letter form. This information was reviewed and it was agreed that the project was now at the point where professional assistance was warranted. There was further discussion and Commissioner Auer made a motion to retain Jim Miller Associates for the design phase of the Hudson River Park project. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Hersh and approved unanimously. The Director was in- structed to advise the Chairman who would then draft a letter to the Supervisor/Town Board. Vice-Chairman Auer thanked Jim Miller for the information and for his efforts in assisting the Commission with respect to the Hudson River Park project. Commissioner Carusone requested the Commission deviate from the agenda, so that he could mention a personnel committee matter, before having to leave. He explained that the Department's em- ployment application was in need of revision and suggested that it be turned over to the Town Attorney for his input. Thereafter, the Commission could review the document, make additional changes and turn it over to the Department for use in 1996. The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and there was discussion regarding Mr. Rahill's Hudson River ·Park plans. The Commission commented on the Supervisor's memo to the Chairman (10/3/95 - Capital Improvements to Town parks), especially in light of the park planning discussion which was scheduled on the agenda this evening under new business. Councilwoman Goedert explained how and why the memo was written and the Director/Commission briefly detailed the history behind the Commission's effort since 1991 relative to capital project planning. PARK PLANNING: PRIORITY LIST DISCUSSION The Director briefly reviewed the 3/11/91, Commission Park Planning: Priority List and displayed the design sketches/ maps (Gurney Lane and Ridge/Jenkinsville Park) which J. Miller had drafted four years earlier. The Commission discussed . the list and Councilwoman Goedert requested clarification on a number of items about both the list and the designs. She remarked that the sketches were well done and expressed her satisfaction with the Commission's efforts. with regard to park planning she questioned why the plans had never been acted on. It was explained that the Commission had developed a priority list of projects four years ago. There was discussion on updating/ revising the list and, subsequently, resubmitting it to the Town Board for their perusal. Each of the listed parks were discussed and a new priority list was -2- required (no structural documents). In addition, because of the Town's purchasing policies, it was pointed out that it might be possible to just hire a qualified architect, thereby, eliminating the request for proposal (RFP) route. The Commission questioned Mr. Miller on the cost for his archi- tectural services and Jim distributed a cost breakdown in letter form. This information was reviewed and it was agreed that the project was now at the point where professional assistance was warranted. There was further discussion and Commissioner Auer made a motion to retain Jim Miller Associates for the design phase of the Hudson River Park project. The motion was seconded by Com- missioner Hersh and approved unanimously. The Director was in- structed to advise the Chairman who would then draft a letter to the Supervisor/Town Board. Vice-Chairman Auer thanked Jim Miller for the information and for his efforts in assisting the Commission with respect to the Hudson River Park project. Commissioner Carusone requested the Commission deviate from the agenda, so that he could mention a personnel committee matter, before having to leave. He explained that the Department's em- ployment application was in need of revision and suggested that it be turned over to the Town Attorney for his input. Thereafter, the Commission could review the document, make additional changes and turn it over to the Department for use in 1996. The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and there was discussion regarding Mr. Rahill's Hudson River Park plans. The Commission commented on the Supervisor's memo to the Chairman (10/3/95 - Capital Improvements to Town parks), especially in light of the park planning discussion which was scheduled on the agenda this evening under new business. Councilwoman Goedert explained how and why the memo was written and the Director/Commission briefly detailed the history behind the Commission's effort since 1991 relative to capital project planning. PARK PLAHHING: PRIORITY LIST DISCUSSION The Director briefly reviewed the 3/11/91, Commission Park Planning: Priority List and displayed the design sketches/maps (G. Lane & R/J Park) which J. Miller had drafted 4 years earlier. The Commission discussed the list and Councilwoman Goedert requested clarification on a number of items about both the list and the de- signs. She remarked that the sketches were well done and expressed her satisfaction with the Commission's efforts. With regard to park planning she questioned why the plans had never been acted on. This was explained and there was discussion on updating/revising the list and resubmitting it to the Town Board for their perusal. Each of the listed parks were discussed and a new priority list was -3- drafted. A park at the North Queensbury firehouse site was chosen as the first priority followed by R/J Park, the Gurney Lane Rec- reation Area, Hiland Park and the Sandy Bay site. The list of Department projects was also revised to include; the Hudson River Park project, Gurney Lane and the South Queensbury Park site. The facilities at each park location were also evaluated and after con- siderable discussion a new revised list was adopted. The re- vised priority list was approved and will be retyped and available for discussion at the November meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Schachner commented on the rough draft Commission rules of procedure which was included in the monthly packet and the Director explained that this was an edited version of the draft which was initially proposed in May 1994. The Commission will re- view this copy and discuss it at the November meeting. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The Department's monthly report was reviewed and there were favor- able comments on the Aquaerobics program. Commissioner LaBombard mentioned that a portable ladder for pool ingress/egress was some- thing that was needed and that the school or Town should investi- gate purchasing one. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was ad- journed at 9:04 p.m. The next meeting will be held on November 14, 1995, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~~~ harron L. S'mmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen