1994-01-12 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JANUARY 12, 1994 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Wednesday, January 12, 1994, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Hersh, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering ABSENT: Commissioners Carusone (ex) and LaBombard (ex) VISITORS: Tom Nace (Haanen Eng.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Auer questioned a paragraph in the November 10th meeting minutes which in his opinion, did not adequately reflect Mr. Demers' assurance to the Commission that he (Demers) would design some mechanism in order to secure and stabilize the portable benches he would install at Hovey Pond Park in the spring. Furthermore, he (Demers) also agreed to present documentation (pictures) to the Commission before continuing on the project and this too was not correctly addressed in the minutes. After some discussion, those present unanimously agreed with Commissioner Auer and the Director was instructed to correct the minutes as discussed. A typographical error (incorrect date - page 2) was also pointed out and this too will be corrected in the revised minutes. Commissioner Auer moved to approve the minutes of the November 10th (including the omission/correction) and December 8, 1993 meetings. Commissioner Hersh seconded the motion and after polling all commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS/REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet. Commissioner Maine mentioned that the (over) -2- Environmental Advisory Committee would be making a presentation to the Town Board in January and the Director pointed out that the Commission's recommendation (Bike Trail Concept) would be discussed later this evening (new business) and given to the Supervisor/Town Board later this week. Tom Nace arrived and after introductions, he outlined Mr. Passarelli's proposal (Baybrook Subdivision letter) which was included in the packet. There was considerable discussion on the usability of the 6 acre parcel which is classified as an "existing wetland" and the Commission agreed that the parcel should be evaluated firsthand before making a decision. Considering that Haanen Engineering also represents Mr. Potvin (Clendon Brook dedication-new business agenda item), it was decided that the Commission should attempt to visit both sites on the same day. This will give the Commission somewhat of an opportunity to see the parcels before having to make a recommendation to the planning board in February. This was agreed and those in attendance decided to meet at the Bay Road site at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, January 17th. The Department will remind all members as well as contact those not present this evening (reminder note). The Feeder Canal memo from the Supervisor was discussed and Commissioner Auer volunteered to serve as the Town's liaison on the Feeder Canal Alliance Board. Commissioner Schachner volunteered to be a backup in the event of a conflict and the Director will advise K. Kathe (Alliance Director) of the Commission's action. 1994 COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE The Director explained that the enclosed copy of the meeting date schedule for 1994 which was approved at the December meeting had been distributed to all concerned (Town Board, Town Clerk, newspaper, etc.). BIKE TRAIL CONCEPT - RECOMMENDATION The Commission's recommendation (tentative) with regard to the bike trail concept proposed by the Environmental Advisory Committee was reviewed and the Director explained the maps attached there too. He pointed out that the Freiberger situation (property owner who at this time, is less than supportive of the bike trail) was of extreme importance because the trail as it was now proposed had to traverse their property. Commissioner Schachner commented on the text of the recommendation (Commission approved concept but not funding or acquisition) and suggested a word change in the last (over) -3- sentence. The Commission agreed and the Director will make the change, re-date the recommendation and submit it to the Supervisor/Town Board in the morning. 1993 SWIM POOL/LESSON ANALYSIS The swimming pool/lesson program analysis sheets were explained by the Director and the Commission asked a variety of questions in order to better understand the charts. What elements were included in direct and indirect labor, supplies/equipment, etc. and how the attendance/registration figures related to each other as well as compared to previous years. In summary, the Director pointed out that these figures plus additional information to follow would be the basis for the Department's recommendation this spring with regard to swimming pool fee and charges in 1994. Commissioner Hersh suggested a better "yardstick" in that future charts should only compare actual to actual figures instead of to budgeted figures. This will be corrected before the recommendation is presented later this spring. RECREATION COMMISSION GUIDELINES The Commission briefly reviewed the legislative authority (Municipal Law, section #243), and the Town Board Resolution (#44 of 1964) which created the recreation commission and after discussing the situation, Commissioner Schachner volunteered to chair a committee (Schachner, Simmonds, Auer & Carusone) to draft bylaws (guidelines/procedures) and a mission statement for the Commission. The Director has examples of bylaws from other organizations/boards and will send them on to Commissioner Schachner. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT Ass't. Director Lovering reviewed the Department's monthly report and there were no comments. The Director relayed the situation with the Hovey Pond Park ice rink and explained that it was his administrative decision to open Gurney Lane and not the pond last weekend (time and resources to do one facility only). A local resident had complained to both the Supervisor and his ward councilman and the Director had been asked to come to the Monday evening board meeting to explain. A number of Commissioners questioned how the Department would maintain and supervise the ice area at Hovey Pond Park and the (over) -4- Director outlined the Department's plan. He assured them that through barricades, signs and a weekend monitor that the public would not be at risk when using the facility. The Director distributed a copy of the 1/10/94 letter from Mr. Stec regarding the sale of approximately 275 acres of land on West Mountain. Mr. Stec is again offering the Town a number of parcels which are for the most part inaccessible and surrounded by Glens Falls watershed property. The Director displayed an area map in order for the Commission to see the parcels in question and he commented on a similar offer three years earlier. After further deliberation, the consensus was that it would be incorrect to render a decision without additional information. Therefore, the Director was instructed to relay this information to the Supervisor, meet with Mr. Stec to determine accessibility, cost etc. and then report back to the Commission at the February meeting. Commissioner Auer suggested for safety/accountability sake that the Department use a "sign-in" sheet at the adult evening swim program and this will be implemented immediately. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 9, 1994, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. repared by Harry R. Hansen