1994-03-09 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 9, 1994 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Wednesday, March 9, 1994, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice- Chairman Auer called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, Maine and Schachner (8:01) ALSO PRESENT: Councilwoman Pulver, Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering ABSENT: Commissioners LaBombard (ex) and Simmonds (ex) VISITORS: Bob Eddy (FHP) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Maine moved to re-approve the minutes of the November 10, 1993 meeting (correction additional sentence - page 2), and approve the minutes of the January 12, 1994 meeting. Commissioner Hersh seconded the motion and after polling all commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS/REMARKS FROM VISITORS Vice-Chairman Auer welcomed B. Eddy (FHP) and the Director distributed Mr. DeMar's photos showing how the Hovey Pond Park benches would be secured and stabilized. There was some discussion as to whether the concrete slab would be poured in place with the benches secured afterwards, or were the benches and the attached pad going to be formed as one and then set in place. The Director will ask Mr. Demers, however, it was agreed that this idea was a viable method of securing the benches and should ease the Commission's concern about vandalism. The Director will contact Mr. Demers to coordinate the installation of the benches as soon as possible this spring. The Queensbury Central Fire Company letter (2/23/94) which was included in the monthly packet was reviewed and discussed and Councilwoman Pulver, mentioned that Councilwoman Monahan would be initiating a dialogue with the fire company to ascertain why the request (botanical garden site) had been rejected. She assured the Commission that she (Councilwoman Monahan) would report back and that they would then relay the information to the Commission. -2- PARKLAND ACQUISITION The Director briefly updated the Commission on the status of the parkland acquisition proposals which had been discussed previously and were still under consideration. A map including information about the Stec parcels on West Mountain was displayed and reviewed. Councilwoman Pulver interjected and explained that the Board had sent a letter to Mr. Stec explaining that the Town was not interested in purchasing his property or any property at this time. The Director pointed out that he was unaware (letter) and had not received a copy of the letter and a number of commissioners mentioned that this was contrary to the instruction/direction the Commission had received previously. After considerable discussion, it was agreed that this was a communications problem and, therefore, a joint meeting to more clearly outline and define the role and responsibility of the Recreation Commission would seem to be necessary. The Director advised those present on the status of the Girard parcel (Cronin Road), and pointed out that the parcel adjacent to the Bay Meadow's golf course (Cronin Road - G. Allen subdivision) would also continue the "green belt" corridor already begun along Halfway Brook. It was also mentioned that the 2 parcels associated with the subdivision projects which Haanen Engineering was working on were still on the docket and would be inspected (site visit), in the spring. GRANT APPLICATIONS PENDING The status of the Town's two grant applications (Hudson River Park and trees/bushes for Hovey Pond Park) still under consideration were briefly reviewed and there were questions with regard to where, if approved, the Town's share would come from. It was explained that in both cases, funds were available in the subdivision capital fund and could be allocated, but only by the Town Board. Commissioner Maine briefly updated the Commission on Environmental Committee's bike trail project and mentioned finding available funding was still a problem. the that SWIM POOL/LESSON COST INFORMATION (ADDITIONAL) The additional pool/lesson operation information sheet was briefly outlined by the Director and there were questions with regard to the "one time" supplies and equipment which were purchased in 1993. Overall, the Commission was pleased with the additional information which along with the previous reports, will be the basis for the Department's 1994 fee recommendation. Thereafter, the formal -3- recommendation from both the Commission/Department will be presented to the Town Board. NEW COMMISSION BYLAWS A rough draft copy of the proposed Commission bylaws was distributed and Commissioner Schachner reiterated that they (proposed bylaws), were developed from a number of other documents primarily as a starting point to generate comments and discussion by the entire Commission. It was requested that this first draft be reviewed and that all Commissioners be prepared to discuss the bylaws at the next meeting. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The monthly Department report was presented by the Ass't. Director and Commissioner Hersh pointed out that a number of percentage figures included in the report were incorrect. These will be recalculated and included in next month's report. There was discussion on the adult volleyball program fees which are levied and it was explained that the fee is calculated based on the operating expenses necessary to conduct the program. Commissioner Hersh also inquired about the annual joint School-Town meeting and requested that this year, a representative from ACC be invited. The Director agreed and will contact all parties including ACC in order to set up a meeting as soon as possible. The Director briefly mentioned that the Department had been contacted by Warren County Parks & Recreation (P. Beland), with regard to a trout derby at Hovey Pond Park. The Director thought it was a good idea provided the event is scheduled for late spring (banks stabilized). The Director will find out more info and report back later. Councilwoman Pulver mentioned that the Supervisor's Recreation Committee was desirous of meeting with the Commission as soon as possible in order to facilitate better communication between both groups. It was decided that the Director would poll the Commission by phone, after the committee meeting (3/10/93), and choose a date and time best suited for the majority and then advise the recreation committee. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 13, 1994, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. .,y.~ "'Sharron L. SimÌnonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen