1994-10-12 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1994 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Wednesday, October 12, 1994 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 8:34 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering ABSENT: Commissioner Maine (ex) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hersh made the motion to approve the minutes of the August 10, 1994 meeting. Commissioner Schachner seconded the motion. There was discussion with regard to the statement about non-resident fees at the bottom of page 2 (swim pool recap). It was the consensus that the statement should be amended to indicate that "in the Director's opinion" the lack of non-resident fees as well as unseasonable weather adversely affected revenue and attendance pool figures. The Director will make the change on the official copy and the motion to approve the minutes as amended was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS & REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Commission remarked about the complimentary letter regarding the Glen Lake youth program site/leaders and wondered if the Board had been copied. The Director explained that all correspondence is included in the monthly packet (agenda, minutes, reports, etc.) which Town Board members also receive. The Director reminded the Commission that at the August meeting they (the Commission) had requested additional information on fire company tax money and its restricted usage, if any. He (the Director) explained that Town Attorney Dusek had confirmed that once the funds were turned over by the Town to the fire companies, that they were free to spend it for the most part, without stipulation or strings attached. Therefore, leasing a portion of their property (North Queensbury fire company) to the Town for recreational development, even though it was purchased with fire tax funds, was certainly legal. -2- HUDSON RIVER PARK DISCUSSION The Commission briefly reviewed the Hudson River Park map which had been included in the grant application and there was considerable discussion on the funding guidelines, the neighborhoods feelings/input about the park and the results of the 9/29/94 public hearing conducted at the West Glens Falls firehouse. Those commissioners who were present at the public hearing highlighted some of the issues which were discussed that evening and the Director explained the details about the grant, and how and why, in his opinion, it was selected for funding. The Director cited the results (show of hands vote) on the park facility development alternative questions proposed that evening and there was discussion on how to get more input and involvement from residents of the a~ea. He (the Director) reminded the Commission that there were many factors which would affect the final park equation including; Warren County's input as the property owner and Federal/ State grant park facility development guidelines and parameters which would have to be adhered to. After further discussion it was decided that the Chairman and the Director would meet with Supervisor Champagne in order to explain how the Commission might assist the Town Board in making the decisions about the project. The Director will call the Supervisor's office to set up the meeting as soon as possible. The Director briefed those present on the status of Hovey Pond Park (gazebo, electricity, warming shed, etc.), and there were no comments. 1995 DEPARTMENT BUDGET DISCUSSION The Department's 1995 budget was discussed and a short budget summary sheet was distributed. The Commission questioned the Supervisor's proposed budget figures which were approximately $17,000.00 less than the Department had initially requested. The Director explained that he was concerned about with the Board's methodology for the "lump sum" reduction as shown in the Supervisor's proposed budget. He pointed out that the Board's comments at the 10/6/94 budget review meeting reflected the notion that since some of the 1994 actual line item figures were under budget and, therefore, this did not justify the increases shown in the Department's 1995 request. Documentation and explanations were presented by the Director and even though the Department's initial request was 1% less than the total 1994 budget, the Supervisor's figures remain as shown. Chairman Simmonds reminded the Director that based on the comments at the meeting that the Board was in favor of possibly adding funds to the Department budget for future conferences and training. In addition, a number of commissioners relayed suggestions by the Board with regard to sharing employees, better utilization of Department equipment and increasing cost -3- efficiently through inter-department cooperation. Overall, the Director was positive about the budget presentation and was confident of being able to justify the Department's request. In response to a previous comment about the amount of the Department's budget and staff in relation to size of the community the Director distributed a sheet which summarized five comparable communities/park and recreation departments. The results showed that Queensbury was at the bottom of the scale in terms of the size of the Parks and Recreation Department's operating budget. WINTER SCHEDULE OF SERVICES The Department's proposed winter schedule of services was reviewed and discussed and there were questions regarding the cartooning, rock climbing, jazz dance, computer fun camp and scuba programs in terms of their value as activities offered by the department. A number of commissioners commented regarding similar programs (rock climbing at ACC, scuba at the YMCA, etc.), and Ass' t. Director Lovering will provide more specific information (revenues, expenditures, number of participants, similar programs, etc.), on each of these programs at the next meeting. PROGRAM ANALYSIS DISCUSSION Ass't. Director Lovering distributed a sample program comparison analysis sheet and after some explanation, the Commission agreed that this type of seasonal program summary would be beneficial, especially in the analysis and evaluation of the programs offered by the Department. The Commission suggested some additional information (number of times program was held), and this will be included in the 1994 summer program report. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT A verbal monthly report was given by Ass't. Director Lovering and there were questions on the final registration numbers for both the soccer and the pigskin football programs. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m. The next meeting will be held on November 9, 1994, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~x~ /' Sharron L. Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen