1990-05-14 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MA Y 14, 1990 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, May l4, 1990, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Carusone, Hersh, Labatore, LaBombard Simmonds and Sperry ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Schaefer ABSENT: Commissioner Teti (ex) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES None COMMUNICATIONS The Director reviewed his correspondence to Todd Gordon, the young man who had written on behalf of a group of teenagers who desire a skateboarding facility in the Town. He explained that he had contacted the Town Attorney and the Glens Falls Recreation Director on the subject (skateboarding facility) and that the question of liability/insurance was of primary concern. The Glens Falls Recreation Department, contrary to published reports, does not anticipate creating such a facility in the near future. Furthermore, the Town's insurance carrier (W. Jos. McPhillips, Inc.) stated that because of the nature of this activity, that we (the Town) would not be covered, liability wise, if such a facility was to be constructed and operated by the Town. Nevertheless, the Director explained that he would still like to invite young Mr. Gordon and his friends to a Commission meeting at a later date to hear their proposal and explain firsthand the Town's position. The Director distributed copies of the April 16th Citizens Advisory Committee on Environmental Affairs meeting minutes, which Councilwoman Monahan had received, and there was considerable discussion regarding Mr. Hodgson's remarks (Recreation Commission/bike trail proposal). Overall, the Commission was surprised with Mr. Hodgson's comments, and it was the consensus that Dave had obviously misinterpreted the Commission's position with regard to support for the bike trail proposal. Therefore, it was agreed that the Director should draft a letter, on behalf of the Commission, to Mr. Hodgson reiterating once again, the Commissions supportive position with respect to the bike trail project. -2- RIDGE/JENKINSVILLE PARK DEDIC A TION CEREMONY Chairman Simmonds briefly outlined the upcoming Ridge/Jenkinsville Park dedication ceremony which has been tentatively set for Sunday, June 3, 1990. Commissioner Sperry volunteered to help the chairman organize the dedication activities and after some discussion it was the concensus that the ceremony should be held at 3:00 P.M., rather than 5:00 P.M. PARK PROJECT UPDATE The Director updated the Commission regarding the construction of the basketball court at the South Queensbury Park site. He reported that Highway Department equipment and personnel had broken ground this morning and that the project should be completed in 2-3 weeks. In addition, he also reported that new bleachers, a swingset (4 swings) and permanent softball bases had been installed at the site, and that the proposed water line with hydrant/drinking fountain would follow, as soon as the fire company made a final decision regarding expansion of the firehouse. The status of the Ridge/Jenskinsville Park barn (maintenance facility) projects were briefly detailed, including the roof repairs and other exterior/interior work which the staff is in the process of completing. The Director outlined the new Boy Scout Eagle project (walkway) which is planned at Gurney Lane this coming summer, and also, updated the Commission on the negotiations between Mrs. Pierce and the Town for the purchase of her Hovey Pond property on the west side of Glenwood Avenue. Purchase of this linear parcel, which is extremely important in the total project has never been finalized. The Commission was updated regarding the joint lighting project and the Director answered questions on the general operation and layout of the facility and the engineering firm's (Rist Frost) role, now that the bids were almost ready to go out. The location of the winter ice rink was also discussed and it was pointed out that the lights would be used in the wintertime to illuminate this facility as well. NEW SUMMER PROGRAM INFORMATION The Director briefed the Commission on a number of new programs which he hoped to offer to the public in the summer/fall. A fall-weekend flag football league for students in grades 3-6 was again discussed as it had been the pervious year, and it was explained that, if the situation presents itself that the Director and Coach Ellement hope to offer this program for 5-7 weeks this coming fall. Information about a summer jazzercise, scuba and adult dance (Merry Mohican) programs were presented and discussed at length. The Commission was concerned that the jazzercise program would, be in conflict -3- with the aerobic dance classes which have been offered by the Department for a number of years now. Therefore, it was decided not to co-sponsor this program. Regarding the scuba classes, the consensus was, that the cost, which is approximately $200.00, maybe, somewhat prohibitive. However, the Director and the Commission both feel there may be a need, and therefore, if the price can be negotiated lower, the Department may want to try this activity this coming summer. Chairman Simmonds also mentioned that the YMCA had offered a similar program which, due to lack of registration, because of the high cost, had to be cancelled. The situation regarding the Merry Mohican Dance Club was also discussed in detail, and here again it was the consensus that the Department should assist this organization in helping to co-sponsor their school year activity at the Queensbury Middle School Gym. DÅ’ECTOR'S REPORT The Director presented a verbal monthly report and outlined the preparations which are underway for upcoming summer programs. With regard to personnel, the Director advised the Commission that Pat Harrington had just been hired as the Department's 4th laborer. Pat was one of 26 individuals who were interviewed for this vacancy (52 applicants) and will work with the other Department staff personnel who have maintenance responsibility for all parks and facilities. The Recreation Program Specialist position has not been officially confirmed by the Town Board, although the Director has unofficially offered the position to Mrs. Renee Harris. Renee, a Granville schoolteacher and summer recreation program director, was the top candidate of the 13 applicants who interviewed for the position, and she anticipates beginning in June. Commissioners Labombard and Carusone expressed displeasure with the hiring of a nonresident for this full-time position, and the Director explained that Mrs. Harris was, by far, the most qualified applicant for the position. Furthermore, he pointed out that residency was not a primary factor, and did not enter into his thinking when it came time to make the final decision. The Director also briefly mentioned the summer intern from Green Mountain College, and advised the Commission that Pat Borgos would be back again, as the 1990 Summer Youth Program Coordinator. There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 9:22 P.M. The next meeting will be held on June ll, 1990, at 7:30 P.M., at the Supervisor's meeting room (upstairs) in the Town Office Building. ~m!~ /Ø~ Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen