1990-04-09 " QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 9, 1990 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, April 9, 1990, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Carusone, LaBombard, Simmonds and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Councilmem bers Monahan and Potenza, Director Hansen, and Recording Secretary Schaefer ABSENT: Commissioners Hersh (Ex.), Labatore, and Sperry (Ex.) VISITORS: Mr. David Hodgson (Environmental Advisory Committee - Bike Trail Network) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the March l2, 1990 meeting. Commissioner Carusone seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Director briefly reviewed Mr. Todd Gordon's letter inquiring about the possibility of a skateboarding park in Queensbury. He mentioned that he had not had a chance to contact the Glens Falls Recreation Department and subsequently had also not responded to the young man. A number of Commissioners mentioned the liability factor for such a recreational activity/facility and it was the consensus that more information was needed before a decision could be made. Commissioner LaBombard mentioned his previous experience with a homemade skateboarding ramp and this generated additional discussion with regard to who had the responsibility to construct such a facility. The Director summed up the discussion and explained that he would answer Mr. Gordon and, in addition, would invite him and some of his enthusiasts to a Commission meeting later this fall. Mr. Dave Hodgson was welcomed by Chairman Simmonds and he explained that, based on the comments/discussion at the February Commission meeting, he was back to outline, in more detail, a prioritized plan of action. He indicated out that his group hoped to create a trail system and thus connect the many small/isolated pockets of population in Queensbury. He mentioned the wagon wheel principle and pointed out on a map how different areas of population would all be connected via these newly created bike trails. Dave spent considerable -2- time indicating his group's list of proposed bike trails and also mentioned that a tentative cost estimate of approximately $5 - $10,000. per mile was a ballpark figure for construction. A number of Commissioners questioned Mr. Hodgson regarding coordination between the adjoining municipalities· and other public/private corporations (NIMO) who would need to be included in such a project, and Dave mentioned there had been none. He did indicate that he had been in contact with the Feeder Canal Alliance (Jeremy Franco) and they were receptive to the project (bike trail). There was additional discussion and Dave pointed out that the total trail system was estimated at approximately 36 miles in length. The material surface for the trails was also discussed and Dave mentioned that ideally a macadam surface would be best. Furthermore, he explained that the previous per mile cost estimate was based on the use of that material (macadam) and therefore, if a different surface material were to be used, the cost would undoubtedly be less. There was additional discussion about erosion control, landscaping, and how and where the bike trail might cross the Exit 20/Municipal Center/Miracle Half Mile area. Dave mentioned that this area was still a matter of concern which had neither been discussed or resolved at this point. Mr. Hodgson was questioned regarding his group's next step and how the Commission could assist. Chairman Simmonds pointed out that Dave's group had done a lot of work and that overall the Commission was interested in lending its support to this project. Dave explained that ideally he was seeking financial assistance from the Recreation Commission to help underwrite the project. If that were not the case, then his hope was that the Recreation Commission would undertake the leadership for this project. Dave pointed out that basically he was a committee of one with a few friends who were also interested in this type of recreational activity. There was further discussion and the Commission pointed out that at the last meeting, after receiving approval from the Commission, that Dave had indicated his next step would be to talk to the Town Board. There was some disagreement regarding this point and the discussion shifted to the matter of a financial commitment by the Commission. As a suggestion, a number of Commissioners mentioned that there is strength in numbers and therefore Dave should endeavor to seek additional support and assistance from other organizations including the Adirondack Runner's Club, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, etc., who might also be interested in this type of project. Chairman Simmonds summed up the discussion and mentioned that this was a viable project which seemed to lack only more involvement and support from other organizations. Furthermore, she pointed out that this type of recreational activity had the blessing of the Commission and she thanked Dave Hodgson for his presentation. The Director briefly reviewed the 2 letters of correspondence (Ridge/ J enkinsville Park dedication and Planning Department meeting notice) and there was discussion on the exact date and time with regard to the park dedication ceremony. The Director mentioned that he was still awaiting input from the Supervisor's Office, inasmuch as this type of activity (park dedication) was a Town function and should be organized at that level. After additional discussion, Councilwoman Potenza and Chairman Simmonds volunteered to organize and make all the arrangements for the park dedication, and this was agreed on. The Director -3- mentioned that the Department would also help and a meeting to finalize all the arrangements was set. WEST MOUNTAIN PARK DISCUSSION Chairman Simmonds distributed copies of a letter which she received from the Supervisor regarding the West Mountain Project. She explained that it was important that the Commission follow through with the Supervisor's offer/suggestion of a meeting to discuss development of a park and the emergency road access situation. There was considerable discussion among those present with regard to the 20 acre parcel, which West Mountain Corp. intended to deed to the Town as a future park site. The Director reviewed the sequence of events pertaining to this site and he explained that if the Town intended to construct a macadam road, for emergency access use through this 20 acre park parcel, that he would not be in favor of accepting the land for park purposes. , ;f The Commission had numerous questions and comments about the West Mountain Project including total acreage, the APA's involvement from a regulatory standpoint, and the possibility of using Cormus Road as an emergency access route. It was the consensus that the question of the emergency road access was the key to the whole dilemma. There was also concern with regard to the Adirondack Park and blacktopping this road, however, Councilwoman Potenza relayed that West Mountain's attorney, who once worked for the APA, explained that this (the macadam road) would not be a problem. As a matter of fact, the road predated the creation of the APA and, therefore, improving the road by blacktopping would not be a problem. Additional discussion about a joint park with the Town of Luzerne followed and overall, the Commission expressed apprehension about this park project. It is the consensus that the Commission may have either misunderstood or been incorrectly informed with regard to the development of a passive park area within the West Mountain P.U.D. In summary, the Chairman reiterated that it was imperative that a meeting of all parties concerned (West Mountain personnel, Town Board, and Recreation Commission) be held, as soon as possible, in order to clarify the situation. Chairman Simmonds and the Director agreed to organize the meeting and notices, regarding the time and date, would follow. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS The Director briefly outlined a number of new programs which are being considered as part of this summer's activities. He detailed the jazzercise and scuba diving program and also talked about the Merry Mohicans (Square/Round Dance Club) who have asked to come under the Department's umbrella of sponsorship for the coming year. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director highlighted his monthly report including the 2 new positions (Laborer and Recreation Program Specialist) which the Department is seeking to fill. The summer intern/field work program was explained by the Director and he -4- mentioned that an individual from Green Mountain College would be starting with the Department this coming summer. Brian Bearor, a former student at Queensbury School, is the individual who will complete his 12 week practical work experience towards his degree in parks and recreation. This is the Department's first attempt in this type of program and if everything works out, it undoubtedly will not be the last. The Director indicated that Pat Borgos would be back on board this summer as the Youth Program Coordinator and that Amanda Maine has requested to return as the Aquatics Director. The Chairman mentioned that David Hersh was appointed to the Commission by the Board on April 2nd to fill Commissioner Bly's vacancy. She explained that Mr. Hersh was unable to attend this evening and requested that the Director forward him a packet of materials (reports, minutes, etc.). There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 9:04 P.M. The next meeting will be held on May 14, 1990, at 7:30 P.M., at the Supervisor's meeting room (upstairs) in the Town Office Building. ~~~ Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen