1989-12-11 ~ QUEENSBUR Y RECREATION COMMISSIþN MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 11, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Comm ssion of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, December 11, 1989, at the Queeq.sbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:28 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Simmonds, Sperry, and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembers Montesi and Potenza (7:40 P.M~), Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Schaefer ABSENT: Commissioners Carusone (Ex.), Labatore and La:Bombard VISITOR: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Sperry moved to approve the minutes of tþe November 15, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after p~11ing all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. WEST MOUNTAIN PARK DISCUSSION The Director distributed a handout (West Mountain ParkInformation) and there was discussion regarding whether or not to recommend ~cceptance of West Mountain's offer of property in lieu of the recreation fee. Th~ Director pointed out that the property information had been previously request~d by the Commission at the November meeting. Commissioner Bly requested to kn~w how the Town of Luzerne felt considering that the proposed Queensbury Towln park would be within their boundaries. Councilman Montesi responded with some i~formation about the Town of Luzerne's subdivision local laws and pointed out tþat they (Luzerne) would undoubtedly create a Town park from property receivedj via the West Mountain development project. The Director mentioned that it was pos~ible that the two communities might work jointly in the creation of one park fa¢ility. However, if this does not occur, he expected that the proposed Queensbt\try park would be a passive public recreation area and would include cross-coun~ry skiing, nature trails, picnicking, etc. I Commission members along with Councilmen Potenza a~d Montesi discussed a number of park related items including the tramway (funicu~ar), facility parking and vehicular traffic within the development, AP A restrictionþ and a proposed nature trail to the southernmost scenic overlook. There was fFther discussion -2- about park rules, Senior Citizen usage and how the Town's par~ facility would mesh with the total West Mountain Development project. . Chairman Simmonds summarized the discussion and poll+d all of the Commissioners with regard to which option they would choose (fee vs. proper~y). The consensus was that considering the amount of development within the Tqwn of Queensbury, that the recreation subdivision fee (approximately $129,000.), Iwhich would be received, , would be less when compared to the value of the property and Ithe subsequent park facility which would be created there. Furthermore, the prop~rty, because of its uniqueness and location, would, at this time, be of greater be~efit than the cash. There was subsequent discussion regarding the trails andiroadways through the West Mountain Development and who would control and m~intain these access right-of-ways. Councilwoman Potenza explained that the pat~ways and roads throughout the development were private property and that West Mountain Corporation would undoubtedly exercise control. As such, any trails or roadways beyond the Town's park boundaries would be maintained by West Mountain. In tefms of a deeded right-of-way from the Town park to the southernmost scenic overlook area,1 this would, no doubt, be a matter which would best be addressed at the Town Board{West Mountain Corp. level. After additional discussion on this matter, Councilwom¡m Potenza mentioned that if the Town desired such a right-of-way then such a requ~st should be included I when the Town Board and West Mountain discussed the situati~n. The Director agreed but pointed out that he did not think we (the Town) co~ld guarantee a right-of-way to the summit (southernmost scenic overlook). Councilman M~ntesi disagreed and questioned why then would the Town want a park site without la guarantee. The Director explained that the small park was adjacent to over 5@0 acres of State/ AP A land and would therefore, be accessible for passive public rec~eation activities including hiking, cross-country skiing, etc. Even without a "g\farantee" to the summit, the small park was both unique and natural, per se, as a recre~tion facility. I After further discussion, it was agreed that such matter$ with regard to a right-of-way and access to the scenic overview at the souther*most part of the West Mountain Development project was a matter which shouIki and could only be determined at the Town Board level. Chairman Simmonds ~ummarized the discussion and pointed out that the unanimous consensus of those presentl seemed to favor recommending that the Town accept acreage in lieu of funds ~ith regard to the West Mountain Development project. Therefore, the ChairmaÞ. directed that a letter of recommendation, as such, be drafted and sent to the ITown Board, as quickly as possible. COMMISSION MEETING DATES A tentative schedule of 1990 Recreation Commission m~eting dates was distributed and there was considerable discussion with regard to changing ithe meeting date from the third Monday of every month to a different Monday. I It was explained that because of holidays and school vacation periods, 4 of the ~2 "third" Monday dates would have to be changed. In addition, Councilman Pot~nza mentioned that Town Board meetings, which are scheduled on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, would, therefore, cause a conflict (on the second iMondays) and preclude attendance by the 2 Councilmen. After further discussion, CoimmissioJ'!.Sperry suggested that the Commission's meeting date be changed to t~e first Monday of every month and that this should accommodate everyone. Thi~ was agreed on and the Director was instructed to change the meeting date sched~le and send out a -3- revised calendar. It was also pointed out that the first meetinß in January would, because of New Year's Day, be moved to January Bth. ! RECREA TION COMMISSION SELECTION NOTIFICATION Chairman Simmonds requested information with regard ~o the notification of applicants for the Recreation Commission, who were not se~ected. She explained a situation and pointed out that someone who had applied for ~he Commission vacancy had never been contacted. She questioned if there was an SOFf (standard operating procedure) with regard to acknowledgment as well as rejectiori of applicants for Town Commission vacancies. In addition, the Chairman reque~ted to know if Commissioner Carusone's appointment had been made public at a Town Board meeting and also announced in the press. . Both Councilmen present, though not 100 per cent sure, ~xplained that the Supervisor's Office had the responsibility for both types of co~espondence and it was assumed that all parties concerned had been contacted.' With regard to public announcement of appointments, here again, it was the belief tþat such press releases had been issued. However, Councilman Montesi explained tha1 in the case of Commissioner Carusone, because of the time period and the number of openipgs on the Planning and Zoning Boards, that the press announcement may have be~n overlooked. Chairman Simmonds mentioned that this type of public rþlations was important and of concern to her and she hoped that future situations cou~d be dealt with in a more timely and professional manner. SCHOOL LIGHTING PROJECT Commissioner Bly requested an update with regard to thþ joint lighting project and the Director explained that the agreement between the 2 :mtities (School District and Town) was being finalized. The Director explained that tl~ere were some minor changes in the agreement's wording but reassured the Commis~ion that once the agreement was finalized and approved, that the project to lig~t the tennis and basketball courts on the Queensbury School grounds, would qui!ckly go out for bid. Furthermore, he pointed out that much of the delay regarding !this project has occurred because other Town projects have been moved ahead on the a*orney's priority list. Hovey Pond is another example of this situation, in that Mrs. Pierce's linear parcel of property, on the east side of the pond, has still not bben purchased. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director reviewed his report, which had been includ~d in the monthly packet, and also updated the Commission on the South Queensþury Park basketball court project. It was explained that Rist Frost was in the pro¢ess of drafting specifications for this facility and that the Highway Department had alread~ agreed to undertake construction of this facility in the springtime. Tom Nace of ~ist Frost had calculated that the cost saving to the Town, by doing the project "in hou~e," would be substantial. The Director also reviewed the status of the Hovey Pon4 project and diagrammed and explained the tasks which would be accomplished by High~ay/Parks and Recreation Department personnel at the site over the winter months. -4- The situation with regard to Murman Associates and the ¡Department's Master Plan were also reviewed and it was pointed out that the secon<II copy of the preliminary draft should be available around Christmas time. Thereafter, ~t was anticipated that a public meeting, sometime after the first of the year fori the purpose of comments/ criticism, would follow. Pat Borgos' summer program report was almost complet¢ and it was expected that the Commissioners would receive their copy in time for sbme holiday reading. The Director briefly detailed the Department's 1990 budget and explained that his request for funding/expenditures, had, in almost all c~ses, been approved by the Town Board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjour~ed at 8:48 P.M. The next meeting will be held on January 8, 1990, at 7:30 P.M~, at the Supervisor's meeting room (upstairs) in the Town Office Building. ~~/ Sharron Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen