1989-10-16 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, October 16, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:25 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Labatore, LaBombard, Simmonds, Sperry and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Schaefer ABSENT: None VISITORS: Mr. Michel Brandt (West Mountain Development) and Ms. Wanita Hoag APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the September 18, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Labatore seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICA TIONS - WEST MOUNTAIN PROJECT Chairman Simmonds introduced Mike Brandt, owner of West Mountain, who was present tonight to brief the Commission on a possible donation of land to fulfill the subdivision recreation requirement. Mr. Brandt displayed a property map and explained that the West Mountain corporation was desirous of gifting the Town 5-10 acres of property just west of the Luzerne Mountain Road in the Town of Luzerne. He explained about his development project and updated the Commission with regard to the status of the project including: the FEIS (Final Environmental Impact Statement), traffic/sewage impact surveys and planned West Mountain recreation facilities. He briefly explained these and other aspects of the project including specifics about the parcel which he hoped to gift to the Town. He mentioned that members of the Town Board were aware of this proposal and that previously a number of Board members had toured the site. He explained that the parcel in question was adjacent to more than 500 acres of State and Adirondack parkland, which would be accessible to Town residents by way of the parcel to be gifted. In addition, a temporary access road through the parcel,is connected to the West Mountain project and park users would thus have access all the way to the south end of the mountain. Furthermore, he explained that there were numerous hiking trails throughout the acreage and that the parcel he was offering would make an ideal "jumping off" point for nature/hiking enthusiasts. He went on to explain, in some detail, the history of the area and then requested comments from the Commission. The Director took a moment to explain to the Commission the subdivision regulation/ -2- Local Law :fI:8, 1988, and reiterated that the Commission would undoubtedly, at some point in time, be asked by the Town Board for their recommendation with regard to this parcel. Furthermore, he mentioned that this had been the case scenario with regard to the Hiland Park parcel, which was gifted to the Town in April 1988, and was primarily the reason why Mr. Brandt had been invited this evening. A number of Commissioners questioned Mr. Brandt with regard to specifics about his development and how this Town park might affect his plans. In addition, it was pointed out that the parcel he intended to gift was located in the Town of Luzerne and there was concern regarding the legal ramifications involved. A number of Commissioners also wondered about the question of taxes on this piece of property and whether or not these could be waived. Mr. Brandt responded to those questions he could answer and explained that the acreage in question would be ideal as a passive recreation site (hiking, nature/interpretive trails, bird watching, etc.). Furthermore, he stated that even though the property was located within the Adirondack Park, that Queensbury should have no difficulty with developing this site as a recreational facility. The Director mentioned that this situation had yet to be discussed with the APA, however, it would seem that the creation of a small passive recreation facility should not meet with APA resistance. At least 3 of the Commissioners present questioned the Director with regard to the specifics about Local Law :fI:8 of 1988, and requested to know how Mr. Brandt's subdivision would be impacted. The Director explained that, based on the size of the West Mountain Development within the Town, that Mr. Brandt and his corporation, by local law, would be required to donate a parcel - no larger than 5 acres. Mr. Brandt interjected and mentioned that based on his attorney's interpretation of the wording in Local Law :fI:8, that the park he intended to develop as part of his overall project would, in their opinion, meet the subdivision criteria as stated in the local law. In reality, therefore, the development of "his park" would, in his opinion, negate the need for West Mountain to give funds ($500. per lot) or acreage as required by the local law. There was further discussion by those present with regard to this situation (local law interpretation) and it was the consensus that the Town Attorney/Town Board were the ones to decide the legality of this situation. The Director relayed that he had previously walked a portion of the property and that the Commission should consider to do the same within the very near future. The Commission agreed and asked Mr. Brandt with respect to the timetable for his project. Mr. Brandt responded that the Town Board had hopes of making a decision with regard to the recreational aspect of his project by the middle of October. Furthermore, he pointed out that the Town Board had been slow to meet other deadlines in the past and undoubtedly a decision, regarding this question, would also be delayed. As has been the case with the entire development, there have been numerous delays and changes, which have lengthened the entire project. Considering this and other delays, Mr. Brandt explained that it would be at least 9 months to a year before the financing was arranged and the engineering work completed. In summary, Mr. Brandt pointed out that his organization had no actual timetable with regard to beginning or completing the West Mountain Development Pl"oject. The Commission discussed a number of other project specifics including the funicular, the village center and a number of West Mountain project recreational facilities; the golf course, tennis facilities, etc. Mr. Brandt explained his views with regard to the rules and regulations, which he hoped Town park users would be r-equired to adhere to. He explained that the rules within his development would be somewhat harsh and restrictive, especially in terms of behavior for those within the development boundary. Furthermore, -3- he hoped and expected the Town, if it were to accept and create this passive recreation facility, would adopt a similar set of behavioral rules and regulations. In other words, Mr. Brandt expected that the Town would be able and willing to influence and control the behavior of those using the new Town park, adjacent to his development. There was additional discussion by the Commission with Mr. Brandt, regarding employment opportunities, a name for the development, and setting a date and time for the Commission's tour of the West Mountain parcel. Chairman Simmonds thanked Mr. Brandt for his presentation and reiterated that the Commission would discuss, among themselves, and contact him with regard to walking the property. Chairman Simmonds also welcomed another visitor, Wanita Hoag, who mentioned she was there only to view the proceedings and did not wish to speak. COMMUNICA TIONS The Director briefly reviewed the correspondence, which was included in the monthly packet and responded to questions from the Commission on his letter to the Supervisor (subdivision fee comments). A number of Commissioners requested additional clarification of the 1988 Local Law and inquired why the Director felt compelled to draft such a letter. The Director explained that the new subdivision regulations (revised - 10/88) had unknowingly created situations regarding subdivision's which had not been anticipated when the local law was first drafted in 1986. A number of challenges by residents required to pay the subdivision fee had recently surfaced, because the revised regulations were being interpreted differently. After further discussion, the Commission concurred and supported the Director's position and statements as outlined in his letter to the Supervisor. Furthermore, the Commission agreed with the Director that Local Law #8, 1988, needed to be changed as quickly as possible (for clarification purposes), and that it be administered for everyone in exactly the same manner. In any case, it was the consensus that both the subdivision regulations and Local Law #8, 1988, as it applied to subdivision/recreation fees, be reevaluated and changed. The Director's Ridge Road Park letter was also briefly reviewed and there were no further comments. The third item of correspondence (cross-country ski trails) was discussed and the Director distributed the 10/11/89 letter from the Supervisor, regarding the joint cross-- country ski trail lighting project. He reminded the Commission that this topic had been discussed last fall (November 1988?) and that it had been the consensus at that time to table further discussion until more information (cost estimates) was available. The City of Glens Falls is again desirous of erecting lighting fixtures for a cross-country skiing mass starting area. In addition, the City has estimated the cost for purchasing such equipment and is requesting the Town's assistance in this re~pect. Supervisor Borgos is also in favor of this project and has indicated that he desires to have the Commission make a recommendation regarding this project. After much discussion, it was the consensus that a joint venture with the City of Glens Falls to light the mass start area at the Crandall Park cross-country ski trails, though worthwhile, was, npnetheless, not a high priority with the Recreation Commission at this time. Those present felt that such a project, even though the trails were used by Queensbury resideþts, was the sole responsibility of the City of Glens Falls. It was noted that the Town of Queemjbury was presently -4- engaged in various stages of development of a number of Town park projects for its own residents. Many of these park projects had been ongoing for some time and it was the consensus that the Town should direct its resources and efforts more in these areas. The Director was asked by Commissioner LaBombard in regard to previous joint ventures, and a number of Commissioner expressed concern over the 2 municipalities working jointly on a project. Mrs. Hoag asked to speak to the Commission about the cross-country ski trails, and informed them about trail grooming responsibilities and that the residents of Queensbury had an obligation to help maintain the trails. There was also additional discussion on the snow machine used to groom the ski trails and Chairman Simmonds thanked Mrs. Hoag for her comments. The Director pointed out that the discussion might, in fact, be irrelevant due, in part, because the Town Attorney had yet to rule on a "joint venture" between 2 municipalities on a piece of private property owned by a third party. In light of this, and after additional discussion, the Commission requested that the Director draft a letter to the Supervisor on behalf of the Commission relating the Commission's concerns and recommendations. MASTER PLAN UPDATE The Director reviewed the status of the Master Plan Steering Committee and relayed information with regard to the preliminary draft document. He explained that the preliminary draft had been reviewed and that based on both Town Board and Steering Committee comments, that a second draft was being written. This document, which should be back some time in mid November, will be distributed tQ everyone including Commission members and also made available to the public. Public reaction and comment at a public meeting, (date and time yet to be determined), would follow thereafter. MEETING LOCATION WRAP-UP Chairman Simmonds briefly highlighted the 3 summer "on-site" Recreation Commission meetings (Gurney Lane, South Queensbury and Ridge Road Park) and thanked all of those who attended. She explained that such meetings were extremely beneficial in helping Commissioners see the Department's facilities, firsthand. She promised that additional "on site" visitations will be scheduled in the near future so as to acquaint all Commissioners with other Town recreational facilities. The Director reminded the Commission that a date and time to visit the proposed West Mountain recreational site had yet to be agreed upon. After some discussion, it was the consensus that a Sunday afternoon meeting was best and it was decided that all who wish to attend be at the site Uust west of Luzerne Mountain Road) at 1:00 P.M.. on Sunday, October 29th. The Department will send out a reminder notice and directions the week before. The Director advised the Commission with regard to a Niagara Mohawk subdivision just west of the Corinth Road on the Hudson River. He explaineð that Niagara Mohawk was being forced to relocate at least 7 seasonal residences and Were creating a 17 lot subdivision in West Glens Falls, just west of the water plant. As mitigation for creating the subdivision, Niagara Mohawk was proposing to grant the Town (Parks and Recreation Department) a public boat launch site. The Director explained t»at this project was still in the preliminary stages and that a recommendation by the Commission was not necessary at this time. He agreed to keep the Commission advis¢d on this project and will endeavor to visit the site, accompanied by the Senior Plannet, as soon as possible. -5- DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director reviewed his report, which was enclosed in the monthly packet and highlighted the new children's soccer program, which has begun in October. It was mentioned that over 160 boys and girls were participating in this 60 minute program, which meets twice a week for 4 weeks, at the Queensbury School fields. The Commission was updated with regard to the park projects which the Department is involved in and there were some questions with regard to the barn roof and the picnic area seeding project at Gurney Lane. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 P.M.. The next meeting will be held on November 20, 1989, at 7:30 P.M.., at the downstairs meeting room in the Town Office Building. ~1fmtnàf.:~ Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen