1989-09-18 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, September 18, 1989, at Ridge Road Park, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Labatore, Simmonds, Sperry"and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioner LaBombard VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Sperry moved to approve the minutes of the August 21, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Bly seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICA TIONS The Director reviewed the 3 items of correspondence which were included in the monthly packet and the Commission requested additional clarification of the Gurney Lane break-in information sheet from the Warren County Sheriff's Department. The Director explained that the 4 individuals who were apprehended are being charged with criminal trespass and burglary, both of which are felonies. The Commission questioned the time frame lapse noting that the incident had occurred in July and the Director explained that he had no control of this situation and was only distributing the memo for information purposes. MASTER PLAN UPDATE Chairman Simmonds and the Director updated the Comm~ssion regarding the status of the Department's Master Plan which is being compiled by Murman Associates. It was explained that the Master Plan steering conilmittee is on board and functioning and will meet with Murman Associates represeþtatives early in October. Murman Associates has completed a preliminary dra~t which is a collection of data/information which will eventually be the basis for the ¥aster Plan. The steering committee will review the data and act as the soundi~g board for the community. Commissioner Bly mentioned that a number of Recreation Department Master -2- Plans had been done previously and, for that matter, the one completed in 1982 was still viable. The Director agreed with Commissioner Bly regarding the 1982 Master Plan, but pointed out that change and growth in Queensbury, especially since 1982, has almost mandated that the Department update the old plan. There was further discussion on the 8 month time frame for completion of the Master Plan, and the Director pointed out that Murman Associates was still only in the preliminary stages with public meetings and a revised preliminary draft yet to follow. SUMMER PROGRAM UPDATE The Director briefly updated the Commission with regard to the status of the Summer Youth Pl"ogram Report. In addition, he distributed a youth program attendance/registration summary sheet. He mentioned that the numbers would seem to indicate that this summer's program had attracted and most certainly maintained a large number of youth participants than ever before. RIDGE ROAD PARK PLAN The Director displayed the Ridge Road Park Phase II concept plan map which B. Leaver of the LA Group had presented at the March 1988 Recreation Commission meeting. He reviewed the plan and familiarized the Commission with regard to the property boundaries and what the Department hoped to do in the future. It was mentioned that an architect/engineering firm would undoubtedly have to be retained in order to develop the athletic facilities which the Commission and the Department were advocating in the near future. Furthermore, he reminded the Commission that a prioritized list of park facilities had been presented to the Town Supervisor earlier this summer. The Director mentioned that he intended to correspond with the Supervisor regarding the status of both a park name and the grand opening/ dedication ceremony. Chairman Simmonds relayed that she had been in contact with the Supervisor with regard to this very topic and that the consensus of the Board was to postpone the dedication ceremony until the following spring. With regard to a park name, this subject had yet to be resolved. After further discussion, the Commission agreed with an early spring dedication ceremony and suggested the 1st Monday of softball league play. The Director agreed to draft a note to the Supervisor and relayed the Commission's recommendation regarding both the park name and the tentative date for the dedication ceremony. 1990 DEPARTMENT DISCUSSION The Director distributed a Department 1990 budget summary sheet and there were comments and questions with regard to the personnel servkes category and the capital expenditures line item. It was explained that the fitgures were only tentative and were, in essence, the Department's request for n~xt year. The next step in the budget process is up to the Supervisor who must, by ~aw, submit a tentative budget by mid-October. Thereafter, Department heads will be lable to justify their budget requests in workshop meetings with the Town Board. A number of Commissioners questioned the Director with¡regard to the new full time administrative personnel, which the Commission and the Director had -3- discussed previously. It was explained that this individual is included in the Department's request, but undoubtedly would have to be justified in more detail at the workshop meeting. NEW PROGRAM DISCUSSION The Director reviewed specifics regarding a new children'$ soccer program, which he hoped to begin later this fall. It was explained that T. Rosenkrantz, Queensbury High School Soccer Coach, would coordinate this twice a week.,. 4 week early evening instructional program (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for both boys and girls, in grades 1 - 6. He reminded the Commission that they had discussed this program previously this spring, but that a problem with logistics have resulted in the program being postponed until fall. Furthermore, the Director mentioned that he had been in contact with the YMCA which runs a similar program and assured the Commission that there would not be a conflict. A number of Commissioners questioned the time and days (weekdays) for this program and the Director reiterated that this activity was being tried to determine if a need exists. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director presented a verbal monthly report and outlined a number of items including the 1990 Division For Youth recreation program funding application, and a tentative fall program schedule. The Director mentioned the South Queensbury Park project and clarified a situation with regard to the basketball court and the park's ca.pital project fund. He mentioned that the wording of the resolution, which created the fund, specifically outlined the criteria under which the money put aside for this park project could be expended. He pointed out that information about this fund l).ad been incorrectly mentioned at the last Commission meeting and that the Town 4ttorney clarified the situation in that the funds put aside for a specific park proj~ct may only be expended to complete that project. The Director also explaine~ that unless there were extenuating circumstances, that the basketball court at the South Queensbury Park location would go out to bid and be completed in 1989. The Director briefly outlined a number of other park projects including having the old pool site at Gurney Lane topsoiled and reseeded, fertilizing and reseeding West End Park and reliming and reseeding the Ridge Road Park softball fields. Chairman Simmonds updated the Commission with regard to the vacancy which still exists on the Commission and then requested more iþformation on the waterwell testing at Ridge Road Park. It was explained that a~ outside company (C.T. Male), due to the nature and scope of the water tests necþssary, had been retained by the Town Board to conduct the tests. The Commission had some additional questions regarding Iprograms and activities which are schedule this coming fall/winter. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned a1 8:04 P.M. The next meeting will be held on October 16, 1989 at 7:00 P.M., at the Queensbury -4- Town Office Building (downstairs meeting room). ~/lIlJl -<.J :-A~ on immonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director