1989-07-17 - QUEENSBUR Y RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JULY 17, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, July 17, 1989, at the Gurney Lane Recreation Area Pavilion, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Labatore, LaBombard (7:48 p.m.), Simmonds, and Sperry ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembers Montesi and Potenza, Director Hansen, and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioner Teti (Ex.) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Sperry moved to approve the minutes of both the May 15 and June 19, 1989 meetings. Chairman Simmonds seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICA TIONS The Director reviewed the 2 items of correspondence which were included in the monthly packet and there was some discussion on the letter of resignation submitted by Commissioner Lettus. Chairman Simmonds mentioned that she had spoken with Commissioner Lettus earlier in the day and, at that time, had been advised by Commissioner Lettus' of his resignation. The second item of correspondence was the Supervisor's note (7/14/89) which had requested that Town Board members consider possible representatives to the Master Plan Steering Committee. The Director mentioned that only one Town Board member had responded to the Supervisor's initial request (6/15/89). It was pointed out that Murman Associates had already begun work on the Master Plan and was in the process of collecting park and recreation field data for the plan. Hopefully, the steering committee will be in place shortly and can assist in this aspect of the Department's Master Plan development. RECREA TION COMMISSION RESPONSIBILITIES DISCUSSION The Director circulated a list of all Recreation Commissioners which included '- -2- information on their terms of office, and Chairman Simmonds commented on the Commission~ task and responsibility as an advisory group. She briefly reviewed some of the highlights of her meeting with the Town Supervisor and pointed out that the Commission's role in terms of pertinent park and recreation related input to the Town Board is both vital and viable. Chairman Simmonds also mentioned other topics of discussion at the meeting and these included personnel evaluation, Commission representation and more involvement by the Commission in the Department's plan of work. Councilman Montesi questioned how the Commission desires to become involved in the personnel process. Chairman Simmonds responded that the Commission would hope to be able to provide input relative to the evaluation of full time employees especially as a part of the budget procedure. There was additional discussion regarding the timetable for the Department's 1990 budget including the problems which the Department had experienced this past year attempting to use funds from the subdivision reserve account. The subject of Commissioners terms of office was discussed further and Councilwoman Potenza suggested that in the future, that a Commissioner should automatically submit a letter of resignation when his term of office expires. She pointed out that this was SOP at the Federal level and should be something that the Town consider for all advisory boards/commissions in the future. The Director pointed out that the appointment/dismissal to the Recreation Commission was solely a Town Board function, however, it was the consensus that the "automatic letter of resignation" might be a worthwhile improvement to the present procedure. There was subsequent discussion on the appointment to fill Commissioner Lettus' vacancy and it was mentioned that the Town Board would undoubtedly be seeking recommendations from the Commission. A number of specific names were mentioned and it was explained that these individuals should write a letter or complete an application and submit it to the Supervisor as soon as possible. In addition, the Board will also announce the vacancy at the next Town Board meeting and place an ad in the Post Star. HILAND PARK PROPERTY DISCUSSION Commissioner Bly expressed concern with regard to the Town's ownership of the 60+ acre parcel, which Hiland Park deeded in 1988. He mentioned that the deed had never officially been filed and recorded at the Warren County Clerk's Office, and therefore, because of Hiland Park's rumored financial problems, that the Town stood the chance of losing this property. The Director responded that he was in possession of a copy of the deed and map which indicated by the stamp that it had legally been filed at the Clerk's Office. However, he assured the Commission that he would check these items tomorrow to insure that our position with regard to ownership of this property was valid. There was further discussion on this parcel including the DEC easement and the 3 year moratorium on development which the Town had agreed to in the 4/88 letter. Chairman Simmonds asked for Committee reports and there 'were none. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director presented a verbal report and stated that all o~ the programs which had been advertised in the summer brochure were ongoing at this time. He circulated a number of program flyers and praised both Pat, the Summer Y04th Pl"ogram Coordinator, -3- and Amanda, who supervised the swim lesson program. Overall, the Director expressed his satisfaction with the Department's variety of programs and activities and requested comments, either positive or negative, from the Commission. The Director was questioned with regard to personnel and the situation at the South Queensbury Park i.e. new facility construction. There were also comments by the Director on the 4 new programs (Aquaerobicise, Adult Swim, Synchronized Swim, and Junior Basketball) which will begin shortly and the difficulty with getting these activities advertised in the Post Star. There was also some discussion by a number of Commissioners on the subject of program fees and nonresident usage of facilities, and the Director pointed out that this topic will be addressed in detail in the Master Plan. Commissioner Simmonds again mentioned that if anyone knew of an individual to fill the present Commission vacancy, that they contact the Supervisor/Town Board as soon as possible. In addition, she reminded everyone that the August 21st meeting had been scheduled at the South Queensbury Firehouse and the Director promised to include a reminder notice in the monthly packet. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on August 21, 1989 at 7:30 p.m., at the South Queensbury Firehouse. The Commission and the Town Board members accompanied the Director on a short walking tour of the park including inspecting the pool/bathhouse facility, the proposed amphitheater area and the recently completed NatUl"e Trail. JMIUltI¡;{ J~u¡d<L/ , Sharron Simmonds, Chairman '" Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director