2008-02-05 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the February 5, 2008 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Office Complex Basement Conference Room. Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. Present: Commissioner's Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott Excused Fusco, Conboy Staff Present: Director Lovering, Recreation Program Specialist Lori O'Shaughnessy Others Present: Dave Kisselback Glens Falls YMCA Motion for Executive Session for personnel issues 6:51 PM Motion by Mott, second by Maine, all approved Motion to adjourn Executive Session 7:04 PM Motion by Irish, second by Maine Approval of the Minutes: Motion made by Commissioner Maine, second Mott all members present approved. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) • Chairman LaBombard complimented Lori on an excellent job preparing the monthly activities report for the commission • New vehicle purchase due to cost of repairing maintenance issues with 2000 Dodge Ram pick- up truck • Email from Irene Jurek re: kudos to Lori O'Shaughnessy for a well run "kid's movie night" • Memo reminder to all staff re: annual review of DMV driver records • Miller Associates Proposal for West End Park Improvements Unfinished Business • Motion by Commissioner Maine, second Commissioner Irish, to award West End Park project to Miller Associates based on proposal submitted to Commission, all present agreed • Discussion item Van Dusen& Steve's have already completed a TOPO survey • Projected completion date unknown anticipated completion mid-summer • Discussion re: ice rink location, functionality, and usage no action taken New Business • Director Lovering briefed the Commission on discussions held between Chairman LaBombard, Director Lovering, Dave Kisselback, and Doug Kenyon • Mr. Kisselback gave a brief history of examples of partnering, collaborating and managing venues for different entities • Mr. Kisselback agreed with the assessment that the area needs another pool, and more community space, gave the example of the Woodbridge N.J. Community Center • Explained the types of cooperation include management, lease space, or fee's for programming • Consensus of group was to pursue a strategy that would be accepted by community to build a facility which would meet the needs of the area • Invite stakeholders to brainstorming session and needs assessment • Include Glens Falls Hospital, Queensbury School representative, possibly ACC representative • Meeting scheduled for February 28, 2008 9:00 AM Supervisor's Conference Room • Next steps—present draft proposal to Commission Committee Reports: • Budget-no report • Bylaws-no report • School Liaison-no report • Personnel-no report • Planning Committee • Program Review-no report Monthly Department Report • Program Announcements included with mailing. Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Doug Irish, Acting Secretary Jack LaBombard, Chairman