1989-03-27 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH Z7, 1989 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, March 27, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. In the absence of a Commission Chairman, the Director volunteered to assume the duties as chairman for this meeting and all those in attendance agreed. Director Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:34 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Labatore, LaBombard, Lettus, Sperry and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioner Simmonds (Ex.) VISITORS: None WELCOME TO NEW COMMISSIONER Mrs. Mary Sperry, the newly appointed Recreation Commissioner, was welcomed and introduced. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the February 27, 1989 meeting. Commissioner Lettus seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICA TIONS The items of correspondence which was included in the monthly packet was reviewed and a number of Commissioners expressed displeasure with the 2/1/89 Trout Unlimited letter which had only been sent to Councilman Montesi. The Director pointed out that the Trout Unlimited letter suggested a number of worthwhile items including possible funding alterna- tives for the Hovey Pond project. The Director relayed that the letter has been forwarded to the project engineer (Rist-Frost) for his review and comments. The Commission commented on the Northern Distributing subdivision right of way resolution and there was discussion on whether or not the Town Board could legally require that the owner blacktop the right of way.' The Director reviewed some of the history with regard to this 60 acre West Glens Falls parcel and there was further discussion by a number of Commissioners with respect to an alternate right of way and the intent of the original deed with regard to paving. In summary, the Commission was enthusiastic that the Town Board had finally taken some action with regard to this situation. The Director was instructed to stay abreast of the right of way situation and report back to the Commission as soon as possible. The Director reviewed the 1989 Department Capital Pl"oject Information letter which was included in the packet and pointed out that the Town Board would address this subject at the upcoming Board meeting. The Director anticipated that the Board would approve the Director's request and allocate the funds necessary to initiate the capital park projects which the Department hoped to undertake yet this year. The Commission requested additional specific information on a number of park projects and, overall, was pleased with the list of tasks to be accomplished. Commissioner LaBombard asked about the Hiland Park parcel and Commissioner Labatore had some additional questions with regard to Ridge Road Park. The Director briefly outlined the March Trout Unlimited newsletter, the ARC request and the recreation fees summary sheet and there were no additional comments. A number of Commissioners were concerned over the development of the park at Ridge Road and requested to know what would be done at the facility this year. The Director reiterated that the Phase I park plan had already been completed and refreshed everyone's memory with regard to Phase II planning. There was some discussion with regard to children's playground equipment and other facilities at the site. The Director pointed out that the Department had plans to provide some picnic tables, a small amount of playground equipment and to use the site as the summer youth program activity location. However, he noted that additional park facilities had been discussed previously by the Commission and would be included in the Phase II construction some time in the future. A number of Commissioners disagreed with the Director's evaluation of the site and how the park would function this year. After further discussion, the Director agreed to do as much as possible at Ridge Road in order to make this a recreational facility for all ages. Commissioner LaBombard requested additional information on the adult softball leagues and the Director relayed that the leagues could experience as much as a 50% growth this year because of the new fields. MASTER PLAN UPDATE The Director briefed the Commission on the status of the Town Board's appointment with regard to hiring a firm to update the Department's Master Plan. He relayed that the 6 member committee had recommended to the Town Board that Murman Associates of Rensselaer be hired to rewrite the Department's Master Plan. Murman Associates estimated that the project would take approximately 7-8 months to complete. If possible, the Director will attempt to have Mr. Murman present at the next Com- mission meeting to brief the Commission. HOVEY POND UPDATE The Commission reviewed the latest Hovey Pond project materials (Rist-Frost, March 17th, Hovey Pond Development Plan letter) which had been included in the monthly packet. The Director reviewed the newest project map and the preliminary park construction cost estimates (January 1989) were again reviewed and discussed. The Director pointed out that the Department maintenance staff had erected the protective siltscreen fencing at the site in accordance with the Article 15 DEC permit directive. In essence, the fence -2- would enable additional sewer project fill material to be dumped at the site. The Director spoke at length on the project and expressed his concern with the cost estimate which, including engineering fees, might reach as high as a million dollars. Even though Rist-Frost has recommended some cost cutting alternatives, the project may still cost in the neighborhood of $500,000. In summary, the Director expressed his disbelief with a $500,000. passive recreation project which only includes a 1 acre pond and a lot of green area. Furthermore, the Director pointed out the disparity between the Gurney Lane Swimming Pool facility which cost approximately the same amount ($500,000.) and the passive park facility planned at Hovey Pond. The Director mentioned a number of other factors with regard to the Hovey Pond park project and overall he was skeptical that the cost benefit ratio for this project at a $500,000. price tag was worth it. Additionally, he explained that some of the expensive labor related tasks, (dredging, bulldozer work, excavation, etc.) might be accomplished with in-house labor over a period of time and this would help reduce the cost. The Commission discussed the options which were available with regard to this project and were concerned that the capital reserve account HII - subdivision fees) did not have enough funds available to accomplish this and the other park projects, which were either underway or planned for. It was relayed that the capital account had somewhere in the neighborhood of $500,000. and that approximately half of that was tentatively committed to park work at Ridge Road, Gurney Lane, South Queensbury, West End Park, and the joint lighting project at the School. The Commission had mixed feelings on the Hovey Pond project considering the length of time that has elapsed since the project began and the newest cost estimates for this park. After further discussion, the Director attempted to summarize the situation with regard to this project. He pointed out the the site would be "dressed up" using in-house labor and that if needed, additional sewer project fill material would be brought in. In the interim, it was anticipated that Murman Associates, as part of the Master Plan update project, would have an opportunity to evaluate the site/project in terms of its recreational potential. Based on their analysis of the site as a future park, the decision to either continue or scrap the project would then have more validity. The Commission agreed with the Director's assessment and with the current situation and they suggested that the Director relay the Commission's comments to the Supervisor as soon as possible. APRIL RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING As previously agreed on and after some discussion, it was decided that the Recreation Commission meeting, originally scheduled for April 24th, be cancelled. The Director mentioned that the April meeting was traditionally the annual meeting when Commission officers were elected and therefore, this formality would be postponed until the following meeting in May. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director highlighted his monthly report and answered questions on the adult softball leagues, the planned work at Ridge Road Park and the status of the lighting project -3- at the Queensbury School area. He also reported on the New York State Parks and Recreation Conference which he had just recently attended. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 P.M. The next meeting will be held on May 15, 1989 at 7:30 P.M., at the Town Office Building. Jl1; Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director -4-