1988-03-21 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 21, 1988 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, March 21, 1988, at Chairman Granger's business office location, #10 Harlem Street, Glens Falls, New York. Chairman Granger called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Granger, Lemery, Lettus and Teti ALSO PRESENT: Councilman Montesi, Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson ABSENT: Commissioners Bly (Ex.), LaBombard (Ex.) and Simmonds (Ex.) VISITORS: Mr. Robert Leaver (LA Group) APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Director apologized to the Commission for not having sent out the minutes of the previous meeting prior to the monthly packet being sent out and explained that this was due, in part, to the renovation work at the Town Office Building and the Department's work load. Commissioner Lemery pointed out that the location site, stated in the 2/22/88 minutes, needed to be amended to reflect that the meeting was held at Chairman Granger's business office location rather than the Town Office Building. The Director again apologized for the oversight and assured the Commission that the official minutes would be corrected to reflect this change. Commissioner Lemery moved to approve the minutes of the 2/22/88 meeting (including the amended change of location). Commissioner Teti seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS The Commission reviewed the copy of the Trout Unlimited newsletter which was included in the monthly packet. The Director again briefly -2- summarized the 2/3/88 joint meeting and explained that there were mixed feelings as to whether the comments in the newsletter warranted a response. The Director offered to draft a response, however, after further discussion, (creating a stream vs. a pond), it was decided that a written response was inappropriate at this time. Councilman Montesi assured those present that he would relay the Commission's sentiments to the Town Board with regard to Hovey Pond. Furthermore, if representatives of the Trout Unlimited Organization attended a Town Board meeting, he would be able to address the situation. Councilman Montesi updated the Commission on the initial construction plans for the project and his discussions with D. Morse, Project Engineer. He explained that the, Engineer has been in contact with a local contractor regarding gravel, matting material and the fill material that is available from the sewer project. Councilman Montesi also relayed that the Highway Department will raze the Hovey Pond building as soon as the Parks and Recreation Department removes all the equipment and supplies being temporarily stored there. The Director confirmed that he had been contacted regarding demolition of the structure and anticipates that the work will be completed shortly. The Director updated the Commission on the status of the other park projects including the WGF/Riverside Park property access and the School/Town cooperative project. It was mentioned that the Town was awaiting a response from Mr. Carey (No. Distributors) to the letter from the Town Attorney which reaffirmed the Town's legal position, regarding the right of way. Town Counsel Mathias reaffirmed that the deed granting the Town a 50' right of way, through Mr. Carey's property to the Town-owned parcel on the Hudson River, was still valid. The Director relayed that the Attorney expects a reply shortly. The status of the School/Town project was reviewed and the Director explained that the Town Board, at their upcoming meeting, would approve a joint agreement between the 2 organizations with regard to usage and liability. The Director also responded to questions about àthletic facility lighting at the School and relayed that negotiations between the Town Supervisor and the School Super- intendent were still ongoing. Regarding School pool usage for the coming summer, the Director advised the Commission that the facility, which is used extensively for lessons and other aquatic programs, would, because of repairs, not be available this season. The Director assured the Commission that the Department would still be able to offer a varied summer program of swimming related activities at the Gurney Lane facility. RIDGE ROAD/GURNEY LANE PARK PROJECT UPDATE The Director presented a short synopsis of events as it pertains to LA Group's planned development of the Ridge Road and Gurney Lane -3- Parks. He reviewed the details of previous meetings and pointed out that Phase I of the Ridge Road Park project had been completed. He presented previous correspondence between the LA Group and the Town which showed conclusively, that the development of both park master plans was behind schedule. The Commission briefly questioned the Director and Councilman Montesi with regard to the Town's con- tinuing with this firm. There was additional discussion pertaining to capital funding for these projects and shortly thereafter, B. Leaver (LA Group) arrived to present his firm's concept plan drawings of the Ridge Road and Gurney Lane Park facilities. B. Leaver reviewed his firms's progress regarding both parks and explained the specifics of the Phase I Ridge Road Park facilities. He pointed out that, initially, the cost of these facilities was estimated at over $300,000. The project was subsequently trimmed and the cost for the park facilities, planned for in Phase I, was reduced to $150,000. However, the revised project cost escalated because of unplanned expenses for the water well drilling, the maintenance/storage building and the need for additional underdrainage which was deemed necessary. Mr. Leaver explained that these additional items were not included in the initial contract estimate and have resulted in the project cost, to date, approaching the $300,000. level. A number of Commissioners voiced their concern with the project cost figures that Mr. Leaver mentioned and there was con- siderable discussion regarding the subsequent phases which are planned. Mr. Leaver next reviewed the specifics of the Ridge Road Park concept drawing which he presented. The Commission discussed the items depicted on the plan including the cross-country ski trails, the entry/egress roadway and the other athletic facilities, and it was agreed that the entire Commission should have a chance to review the plan before a final recommendation was made. The Director again reminded the Commission that Mr. Tierney, a park neighbor, had also requested to be advised so that he might be present at Commission meetings where the Ridge Road Park project was to be discussed. After some additional discussion, it was the consensus that the entire Commission should be given the opportunity to review Mr. Leaver's plan and then discuss the alternatives at the next meeting. This was agreed on and the Director was instructed to send out copies of the plan to all Commissioners to review. The Commission perused the Gurney Lane Park concept plan and here again, it was decided that the entire Commission should be given the opportunity to review the plan before making a recommendation to the Town Board. The Director will also duplicate this plan and send it out for review prior to the next meeting. The Commission thanked Mr. Leaver for his presentation and assured him that they would get back to him with recommendations regarding both projects as quickly as possible. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director distributed copies of the 1987 Summer Youth Program report and requested that the Program Review Committee (Commissioners -4- Lemery, LaBombard and Lettus) meet to review and discuss the report prior to the next Recreation Commission meeting. Committee Chairman Lemery agreed and requested that the Director contact Commissioner LaBombard, who was not in attendance, regarding the Committee meeting. The Director updated the Commission on the status of the Department's capital fund accounts. He also reiterated that there would be a shortfall in the Department's operating budget with regard to major project items planned at a number of park sites this coming summer. Councilman walking tour of view the site. soon as terrain Montesi suggested that the Director schedule a the Gurney Lane facility for those who wished to The Director agreed and will schedule the tour as conditions warrant. The Director briefly reviewed his monthly report and highlighted information about the 2 new Department employees, the 1 ton truck, which the Department will purchase, and the conflict with regard to the upcoming state conference dates. The Director explained that this year's conference is scheduled during the school's spring vacation week and that he would be unable to attend because of a previous commitment. As an alternative, the Director requested to attend the national conference which would be held in Indiana some time in October. The Commission agreed that this would be a worth- while alternative and suggested that the Director make the necessary application when the time comes. The Director reminded the Commission that the regularly scheduled April meeting would probably have to be cancelled also because of the spring vacation. The Commission concurred and agreed to postpone the April meeting until Monday, May 9th. Councilman Montesi and the Chairman both reminded the Commission that it was important that each member review the concept plans for both parks and be prepared to discuss them at the next meeting. Commissioner Lemery requested an Executive Session at 9:11 P.M. to discuss personnel matters. Commissioner Lettus seconded the motion and after polling the Commission, the motion was unanimously approved. Returning to open session at 9:19 P.M., and there being no further business, the Commission adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 9th at 7:30 P.M. alrman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director