1987-12-14 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1987 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreatillon Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, December 14, 1987, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Due to the lack of a quorum, those present conducted an informal discussion (recreation park projects) until additional Commissioners arrived. RECREATION PARK PROJECTS DISCUSSION The Commission briefly reviewed the West Glens Falls/Hudson River Town Property Analysis handout sheet and it was decided that this subject should be tabled until Commissioner Simmonds arrived. The Director reviewed the circumstances with regard to the repair/replacement of the Ridge Road Park barn roof and there was considerable discussion between Commissioners and Councilman Montesi regarding this matter. It was explained that the repair of the barn roof had been informally bid out this past summer and that two roofing contractors had submitted repair estimates of $6,850. and $8,000. The Director provided information with regard to the municipal bid ceiling limit (under $7,000. need not be bid out) and reiterated that the Department could certainly make use of the barn as a storage facility. The consensus, after further dis- cussion, was that due to the lack of communication, the project to repair or replace the barn roof had been delayed far too long. In order to expedite the Ridge Road roof repair situation, Councilman Montesi volunteered to discuss the matter at an upcoming Board meeting (12/16/87). At that time, he would ask the Board to make a decision to either accept the low estimate which had previously been received or re-bid the project formally. Chairman Granger called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, LaBombard, Lettus and Simmonds (8:01 P.M.) ALSO PRESENT: Councilman Montesi, Recreation Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Wilson -2- ABSENT: Commissioners Lemery (Ex.) and Teti (Ex.) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Bly moved to approve the minutes of the November 16, 1987 meeting. Commissioner Lettus seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was un- animously approved. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Commission reviewed the correspondence (Town Board letter 11/17/87) which was included in the monthly packet, and Councilman Montesi explained that the Board, at their December meeting, had deferred any action on the subject of Hovey Pond, until after the first of the year. Some of the Commissioners present expressed their dissatisfaction with the Board's lack of action with regard to the park plans at Hovey Pond. The Commission again pointed out that as an advisory body, they had completed their assigned task and done as much as they could do. Councilman Montesi agreed and explained that the Board was still negotiating with the néighbor adjacent to the park and that this was part of the reason for the delay. He reiterated that the Town Board would address the topic of Hovey Pond Park sometime after the first of the year. The Director briefly reviewed his letter (11/17/87) in response to Mr. Alton Dubois' correspondence (10/13/87) and there was no further discussion. JOINT SCHOOL/TOWN CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT - DISCUSSION Councilman Montesi briefed the Commission with regard to his discussion with L. Paltrowitz, Attorney for the School District. The School Attorney was in the process of drafting a contingent liability usage agreeement between the School and the Town and this document would probably be forwarded to the Town Attorney shortly. With regard to an agreement to undertake a project jointly, Councilman Montesi explained that L. Paltrowitz mentioned that such an agreement was usually drawn up at the time such a project was decided upon. The Director explained that the December 3rd joint School/ Recreation Commission meeting had been cancelled due to a conflict (School personnel) and that a January 14th meeting has been re- scheduled at the Town Office Building in its place. Commissioner LaBombard pointed out that it was imperative that as many Recreation Commissioners and Town Board members as possible attend this upcoming meeting. The Director mentioned that reminder notices about this meeting will be sent out after the first of the year. -3- WEST GLENS FALLS TOWN PROPERTY DISCUSSION The Director explained the WGF/Hudson River Town Property Map/Analysis which was included in the monthly packet. (Commissioner Simmonds arrived 8:01 P.M.) He reviewed the map and the attached property sheet and pointed out that Commissioners LaBombard, Lettus, Simmonds and Teti had recently toured the property with the Director in November. Both Commissioner Simmonds and LaBombard expressed their assessment of the two parcels in terms of having potential for future development as a recreation site. The Director agreed but pointed out that based on present Town tax maps, that the two parcels were land-locked. Commissioner Bly disagreed with the map and explained that the Town had been granted a right of way/access behind the Carey property (Northern Distributors). Commissioner Bly further explained that both parcels had originally been pur- chased for $87,000. and this was to be the site of a future Town landfill. Councilman Montesi questioned the value of a Town land- fill which had no access and again Commissioner Bly explained that the maps were incorrect. Commissioner LaBombard and the Director pointed out, that the current map indicated, that the closest point of access was to park at the end of Merritt Road and continue on foot across Mr. J. Lebowitz's property (parcel #19 - Town map). Commissioner Simmonds, speaking on behalf of the Land Use Advisory Committee, mentioned that the existence of these two parcels had just come to light and that the site should be investigated as a potential recreation area. The Director explained that he had walked the property initially in 1978 with former Supervisor Brandt. His assessment, at that time, was that the river seemed to flow too quickly and was not suitable as a swimming facility. There was further discussion regarding the unauthorized use of the property by off road vehicles and Councilman Montesi requested information on a number of topographical aspects of the site including: the intermittent stream, the elevation of the bluff area and the lower boggy/marsh area. The consensus was that the site (parcel #1 - Town map) was ideal as a semi-wilderness recreation area. However, parcel #2 - high bluff area) was fairly flat and a portion of this site could be developed for use as an active recreation area, ie. ballfields, tennis courts, etc. The dilemma regarding legal access to the Town's property was again argued and Commissioner Bly pointed out that the Allen Organization (Rist/Frost) had completed a study on the suitability of this property as a recreation facility. The Director distributed the Department file copy of the 1971 Riverside Park Plan, which Commissioner Bly had alluded to, and there was some discussion. Commissioner Bly explained that Town Board action on the report had been deferred at that time, primarily because of the estimated cost of the entire project. Chairman Granger pointed out that Commissioner Simmonds seemed to be extremely interested in the development of this property as a recreation area, and requested that she accept the chairmanship of the Riverside Park Committee. The Chairman also asked Commissioner LaBombard to serve on the Committee and both agreed. The Committee will investigate, in more detail, the Riverside Park property and -4- make recommendations as to the future development of this property. Councilman Montesi ment~oned that the Town Board had been contacted by the owner (W. & M. Carey) of Northern Distributors (parcel #30 - Town map) which borders the Town's property on the east. Mr. Carey is considering developing a subdivision (residential/ industrial park site) in the West Glens Falls area and would be interested in purchasing the two Town parcels. Therefore, before making a decision, the Town Board was seeking input from the Recreation Commission with regard to: actual property value and/or resale value, the potential as a recreation site, the question of access/right of way to the parcels, and the cost to develop all or a portion of the property. Furthermore, Councilman Montesi pointed out that there were many options available and that the Town Board did not desire to make a hasty decision. Chairman Granger mentioned that it was imperative that the Riverside Park Committee analyze and evaluate the potential of the Riverside property quickly and report back to the entire Commission as soon as possible. Thereafter, the Commission will make a recommendation to the Town Board. Commissioner LaBombard requested additional information about parcel #45 (Town map - 7.20A vacant lot) and Councilman Montesi confirmed that this was the Town's sand pit. Chairman Granger reiterated that the Committee should make every effort to determine if there, in fact, is access to the Town-owned properties (parcel #1 and #2 - Town map) and requested that Commissioner Bly undertake to investigate this situation further. Commissioner Bly reaffirmed that a Town right of way did exist, that it was a legal road, and agreed to research the matter and contact Commissioner Simmonds (Riverside Park Committee Chairman) . DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director briefly reviewed his monthly report which was enclosed in the packet and there was discussion on winter programs and the 11 month budget update. Commissioner LaBombard and the Director explained an incident which occurred the previous Saturday at the School gym that involved the Department's Saturday basketball league program. Following further discussion, it was agreed that there had been a lack of communication between School personnel and the program supervisor and the Director will visit the site to alleviate any future misunderstandings. The Commission reviewed the 1988 schedule of monthly meeting dates and they were approved. Chairman Granger suggested that open communication between the Recreation Commissions of Glens Falls and Queensbury was something -5- that could benefit both communities. He mentioned that the two program directors had been working jointly on programs for some time and that it was time for the two Commissions to begin working together. The Commission was supportive and after further dis- cussion, Commissioner LaBombard moved, "...to have the Cháirman draft a letter to the Chairman of the Glens Falls Recreation Commission to open avenues of dialogue. II Commissioner Simmonds seconded the motion, and after polling all Commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 8:56 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 18, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director