1986-12-08 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING DECEMBER 8, 1986 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, December 8, 1986 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice- chairman Granger called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, Lemery, Teti, Martin, Councilman Monahan and Montesi and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners LaBombard (ex.), Little (ex.) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Martin moved to approve the minutes of the November 10th, 1986 meeting. Commissioner Teti sedonded the motion, which was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS The Director briefly reviewed the correspondence enclosed in the monthly packet. The Commission discussed the pool punch list, including the probability of a leak at the pool and they expressed concern regarding the possibility of frost heave this winter because of the level of water in the pool. It was the consensus that the Director should draft a follow-up letter to both engineer and the contractor expressing the Commission's concern with the pool situ- ation as it pertains to a possible leak and the damage which may result this winter if such a leak exists. The Commission also suggested that a local pool company (i.e. Bob Baker Pools) be contacted regarding an alternative method of testing for a pool leak. HOVEY POND REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Commission discussed the request for proposal regarding the Hovey Pond project. The Director explained that he was directed by the Supervisor/Town Board to re-write the scope of services for the project, and that this was sent out to six engineering firms with instruction to return their proposal by December 12th. -2- The Commission was somewhat confused regarding the need for this new request and the circumstances which have evolved since the last Commission meeting. It was pointed out that the Commission, at their last meeting, had suggested a particular course of action regarding the project, and that now, one month later, the project was no further along. In light of the latest events, the Commission again questioned their purpose in this project, and there was discussion with the two Town Board representatives in regard to the need for such a formal scope of services. Councilwoman Manahan also questioned the need for such an elaborate "request for proposal" and pointed out that the new request has very little similarity, when compared with the Hovey Pond Committee's recommendations, which were agreed on some time ago. After further discussion, it was decided that the Commission would wait until after the proposals were received before making any further comments. The general consensus was that in regards to this project, that the Commission, as an advisory group, had gone as far as it could go. JOINT MEETING WITH SCHOOL PERSONNEL The possibility of a joint meèting with school personnel, after the first of the year, was discussed and it was agreed that Com- missioner Martin would lay the ground work and report back after the first of the year. FUTURE RECREATION PROJECTS Vice-chairman Granger reminded all Commissioners that, based on the last meeting, each had been charged to list and prioritize future recreation projects which he/she felt were the most important. After canvassing all those present, the majority of Commissioners felt that further development at Gurney Lane was the number one priority for the Recreation Department. Secondly, and almost concurrently, the majority present felt that it was important to begin the Ridge Road project as soon as possible. Other areas which were listed were the expeditious completion of the Hovey Pond project, the South Queensbury Park project and some type of School/ Town joint recreation venture. The Vice-chairman was directed to outline the Commission's list in a letter to the Supervisor/Town Board as soon as possible. In conjunction with future recreation projects, the Commission also discussed the subdivision regulation (money in lieu of land for future recreation use) and what input the Recreation Commission has in this process. It was agreed on that this and some of the other concerns, voiced by Commission members, could best be resolved at a joint meeting with Town Board members sometime after the first of the year. -3- DI RECTOR'S REPORT The enclosed Director's report, including the monthly budget update, was briefly reviewed and there were no questions. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 12th, 1987 at 7:30 P.M.