1986-11-10 · QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1986 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission 'of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, November 10, 1986 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chair- woman Little called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Little, Martin, Teti, Councilwoman Monahan and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioner Bly (ex.) VISITORS: Greg Moran (Post Star) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the October 20th, 1986 meeting. Commissioner Granger seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS Chairwoman Little distributed copies of the Commission's monthly letter to the Supervisor/Town Board and also gave out copies of an informative article, "Parks Face Squeeze Play" which appeared in the October 1986 issue of American City & County. Inasmuch as the other correspondence enclosed in the monthly packet, dealt with the Gurney Lane Pool, the Commission chose to review those materials later on in the meeting. HOVEY POND PARK DISCUSSION Chairwoman Little elaborated on her correspondence to the Town Board and explained her discussion with the Supervisor re- garding Hovey Pond Park. In essence, the Board agrees with the Commission regarding the need to hire an engineer for the project, however, it was suggested that the Commission provide a complete scope of services list first. -2- Commissioners Martin, Granger and Lemery (Hovey Pond Committee) agreed to draft a list, including cost estimates, but it was pointed out that an engineer would be more accurate in estimating the cost of specific portions of the project. Therefore, in order to save time, Chairwoman Little agreed to talk with the Supervisor and get a list of engineers, one of which the Committee could talk with, informally, in order to put figures to the items planned for in the project. The Chairwoman agreed to provide the list of engineers within a few days and the Committee agreed to complete the scope of services list in time for the December Commission meeting. GURNEY LANE POOL UPDATE The Director reviewed the correspondence which was enclosed in the monthly packet and there was discussion on the pool filter elements and the situation in regard to the level of water at the pool. Councilwoman Monahan and the Commission commended the Director regarding his initiative in writing a letter (pool water level) outlining the Department's apprehension, to the engineer. The Commission also asked about the final inspection of the facility by appropriate individuals, including the Town's Build- ing Department, Fire Marshal and electrical inspector. The Director was unaware of the necessity of these inspections and also about the subject of written warren tee documents on specific pool items, but he will check on both topics and will report back at the next meeting. Correspondence from the Town's Fire Marshal was reviewed and the Commission was upset about the situation. It was suggested that the Director research the facts, including: the initial review of the plans for the facility, which included the stove and were approved by the Fire Marshal previously, and determine if anything could yet be done to change his opinion. SUMMER PLAYGROUND ANALYSIS Chairwoman Little suggested that a committee be formulated to evaluate, in more detail, the past summer playground program. In light of the registration and attendance figures, in the 1986 playground report, it would seem there may be other factors which have negatively influenced participation at some of the summer playground locations. She suggested surveying the public in re- gard to the possible busing of participants to one central location, as an alternative to the present program of neighborhood sites. Councilwoman Monahan mentioned that the Town Planner had just recently sent out a survey, which should provide some input re- garding recreation in the Town. The Commission expressed hope that the Planner would share the recreation information received and Chairwoman Little, Commissioner Lemery and the Director all volunteered to form the committee and undertake the pr~gram analysis. -"-3- DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director's Report, including the monthly budget update was reviewed and there was discussion on the insurance line item and revenue accounts. The Director could not answer why the insurance account had been overspent but w~ll check with the accounting department and report back. There was discussion on winter programs and the Director explained that the Department's informational flyer advertising the complete winter program of activities, will not go out until the first of December. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Commission adjourned to executive session at 8:43 P.M. to discuss personnel related matters. Returning to open session at 9:23 P.M., Commissioner Lemery suggested that for the next Commission meeting, that all Commis- sioners develop and prioritize a list of future recreation pro- jects, for the next meeting, and this was agreed on by all in attendance. Based on the discussion in executive session, Commissioner Granger suggested that inasmuch as this was budget time, that it might be appropriate for the Commission to draft a letter to the Town Board in support of the Recreation Director. The Town Board will be reviewing administrative salaries in the very near future and such a letter would be beneficial in helping the Board evalu- ate the Director's performance. commissioner Granger made the motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Martin and unanimously approved. Chairwoman Little was directed to write and send the correspondence. Commissioner Granger requested to know if the Glen Lake Park Association had been contacted regarding the broom ball/parking usage on Glen Lake. The Director relayed that he had contacted the Association and that they had no objection to the program. There was some discussion on the Ridge Road property and the Director pointed out that the southern boundry, as depicted in the conceptual plan by the L.A. Partnership, was somewhat inaccurate. The Director was asked to research this and report back in December. The Commission also inquired about the funds being received by the Town, as a result of the recently adopted subdivision regu- lation (money in lieu of land for recreation use). The Commission felt it was important that the public know that this money was being put into a reserve account for future recreation projects. The Director explained that he was unaware of exactly where and how these funds were accounted for, but would attempt to find out for the next meeting. -4- Commissioner Martin brought up the topic of a School/ Recreation Department joint project in regard to the creation of a workout/exercise room at the school. There was discussion regarding the cost, legality of a joint venture and the need for such a facility in light of other similar facilities, such as the YMCA/Nautilus. The possibility of other joi.nt ventures (i.e. lighting tennis courts) were discussed at length and it was sug- gested that this could possibly be considered and listed along with the other projects, which the individual Commissioners were developing for the next meeting. Commissioner Martin volunteered to stay in touch with school officials regarding this project and it was agreed that possibly a joint meeting, in the future, might be advantageous. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 8th, 1986 at 7:30 P.M.