1984-06-25 "- " .~ , . QUEENSBURY RæREATIOO CCMofiSSlOO MINU'l'ES OF ~ JUNE 25, 1984 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Carmission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, June 25th, 1984 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairperson Little called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENI': Carrnissioners Bly, Granger, Little, IBœry, Martin, Cotmci1man Monàhan am Morrell am Director Hansen ABSENT: Camù.ssioners La.Bc::ITbard (ex.) and Teti (ex.) VISI'lúRS : Dana Harris Director Hansen introduced Dana Harris, the Recreation DepartIœnt' s sU['('('ter play- grourrl coordinator and Chairperson Little welcaned her. Dana explained her job re- sponsibilities with the DepartIœnt and recounted saœ of her past recreation experiences. Dana expressed her desire to help organize the best sumner playgrourrl program possible. APPROVAL OF MINlJI'ES The Director explained that the minutes of the May 21st 1984 meeting were not yet typed and requested that the Cœmission defer approval until next m:>nth. CORRESPaIDENCE CarmissionerGranger advised the Cœmission that he had done SCJœ checking regarding the possible use/sale of the Paradise lake beach property, and there was saœ discussion. The oonsensus was that the purchase of this property, at this t.i.ræ, was not in the best interest of the Recreation DepartIœnt. Chairperson Little advised the Ccmnission that the Supervisor had requested that all Ccmnission nanbers plan on attending the Jtme 26th 1984 'Town Board meeting to show support for the pool project. A resolution regarding the renovation of the Gurney Lane Pool was on the agenda and Ccmnission support would be welcaned. The Director briefed the Camtission regarding the Glen lake property and it was explained that based on the ordinance/law passed by the 'TCMn Board in May, No Parking signs for the property had been ordered. '!he posts are already on hand and when the signs are received, a joint group of Highway,lRecreation Department personnel will finish the project (canoe access site). '!here was saœ discussion regarding the area set aside for parking but this had been decided by the Town Board and reaffinœd by Cotmci1man M:::>nahan and Morrell. Both Cotmci1man also ITeI1tioned that the Board did not anticipate indicating, by Ireans of a sign, that this was a boat access site, but suggested the Director contact the Supervisor for final clarification. ~ DIROC'IOR'S REPORT The Director gave a verbal report and highlighted the st:n1'I1'M;!r program brochure, the new children's soccer program arid the playground program including the all day training institute which was conducted today. The status of the installation of the semi -pennanent playground equiprent was also discussed. Dana explained sane of the areas covered in the training institute, am overall, the Cornnission was pleased with the preparations for the surmer activities. The Director and the Camri.ssion are both lDping that the changes and improvanents made this smmer will make for a better surmer recreation program. The Director explained the new specialist program and Dana reviewed sane of the tr:ips and special events planned throughout the sumner. The Cœmission inquired about publicity through the radio station am it was ex- plained that Dana will be on the radio twice a week to explain am publicize playground activities. The Conrnission was upjated regarding the West Glens Falls play area and the work yet to be done. , '!here was sane concern about security of all playground equipnent at West Glens Falls as well as other locations in view of the fact that this equiprent is left out over night. It was explained that based on the circumstances the playground supplies and equipnent are as secure as possible. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 23, 1984.