1984-05-03 ~~ ! .- QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MAY 3, 1984 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreàtion Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Thursday, May 3, 1984 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chair- person Little called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Granger, LaBombard, Lemery, Little Teti, Councilman Monahan and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioner Martin (ex.) and Councilman Morrell VISITORS: None Chairperson Little introduced the two new Recreation Com- missioners, Marv Lemery and Jack LaBombard and welcomed both oftaern. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Director explained that the minutes of the March meeting were not yet typed and requested that the Commission defer approval until next month. CORRESPONDENCE The Commission briefly discussed the joint letter to the Supervisor concerning the disposition of the Glen Lake property. The Director relayed that the Town Attorney was still investigating the situation and that no further action had been taken. The Commission reaffirmed their desire to have the Department make use of the property as soon as possible, once the legal questions regarding right-of-way were answered. Chairperson Little advised the Commission that she had sent a letter to the Supervisor regarding the Commission's disappointment over the Town Board's decision to wait on the swim pool project, until after the grant application is processed this fall. NEW BUSINESS - SUMMER PROGRAMS The Director reported on two programs which are under consider- ation for this year. A fact sheet regarding a two week summer basket- ball camp for boys was distributed and discussed. Mr. Mott (Queensbury High School) has proposed this program and along with four or five assistants would organize and conduct the activity during July. .i 2 , Registration would be limited and there would be a $45.00 per week cost for this intensive instructional/competitive camp. The Commission discussed the program and were concerned about the cost and the idea of a profit making program. Overall, the Commission questioned whether the Recreation Department should be offering clinical programs such as this. Commissioner Granger point- ed out that possibly there was a need, however, cost factor and the limited number of participants made this a very specialized program which might not be considered recreational. The consensus was to have the Director explain this to Mr. Mott and determine if the areas of concern, expressed by the Commission, could be rectified. If Mr. Mott could structure the program in a more recreational mannèr, the Commission would be willing to consider it at a later date. A second program (competitive swimming) was also explained and discussed. Jim Young, a teacher and swim coach, felt there was need to offer a swimming facility for anyone interested in preparing for the swimming/diving competition in the Empire State Games. Mr. Young contacted the Director in hopes of co-sponsoring, with the Department, a one hour, three to five day per week, eight week early morning train- ing program at the school pool. There might be a minimal cost to cover supervision and instruction for this activity which would be open to both children (13 years of age and up) and adults. The Commission was concerned that the program should pay for it- self and not be a cost to the Town. Under these circumstances, the Commission approved the concept and instructed the Director to work out the details with Mr. Young. DIRECTOR'S REPORT The Director presented his report verbally and alerted the Com- mission regarding the School pool problem and the consequences which may result. Action on the summer brochure and many other summer programs are directly affected by the Department's use of the School pool and if usage is not permitted for the coming summer, major pro- gram changes will occur. In the meantime, the Director will investi- gate other alternatives, including suitable outdoor sites and other indoor pools in the area. The Director then briefed the Commission on the status of the Gurney Lane swim pool project and the Town's application for HCRS federal funding. The application has been completed and been for- warded to H. Hagamman, who is the reviewing agency for this region. Mr. Hagamman advised the Town that a decision on the application would not be forthcoming until at least September. In view of this, and considering the situation with the school pool, the Commission felt compelled to draft a recommendation/letter to the Town Board advising them of the situation and the Commission's concerns. Commissioner Bly moved to recommend to the Town Board and it was seconded by Commissioner Granger that: - ~ 3 In view of the fact that the Recreation Department may not be able to use the School pool for swim lessons again this summer, as in 1982, we feel that the Gurney Lane project has taken a new urgency and should become a matter for immediate consideration, regardless of whether we get a grant or not. The Gurney Lane project would involve an additional $300,000.00 to what has been set aside to date for the project. We would like to know the extent to which this funding would involve our taxpayers over the next few years. The Recreation Commission unanimously (T. Martin absent) urges the Town Board to take the first step and hire an architect, investigate the bonding possibilities and proceed with the project. Unless we begin immediately, the people of the Town of Queensbury could find themselves without a suitable swim- ming facility in 1985 as well. The members of the Recreation Commission would appreciate a joint meeting with the Town Board to discuss the project as soon as possible. The recommendation was unanimously approved and the Director was instructed to have this typed and given to each Board member as soon as possible. Commissioner Granger also brought up the role of the Recreation Commission and there ensued a discussion about the Commission's re- sponsibility and purpose. A number of Commission members felt there was a lack of adequate communication between the Commission and the Town Board. Councilwoman Monahan agreed and also stated that the responsibility of the Commission should be written in the form of a job description and that to date she had never seen such a document. Commissioner Bly relayed that most of the instructions to past Com- missioners were verbal, and that their charge initially, before a Recreation Director was hired, was to organize and conduct recrea- tion programs. The Commission agreed to improve communications be- tween the two groups and requested that the Board members who attend the Commission's meetings relay information both up and down the chain. The Commission also discussed past attendance and the problem with a meeting quorum and vowed to improve their participation or advise the Chairman or Director early enough when unforseen problems arose. The Commission requested an update from the Director regarding the West Glens Falls play area and were advised of the progress to date. The Director 'also relayed information on the adult softball leagues, the status of the summer brochure and the preparation for summer programs which had begun. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 21st 1984.