1982-09-27 Jown 0/ Queenjbul'lJ QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING RECREATION DEPARTMENT BAY AND HAVILAND ROADS. R. D. I GLENS FALLS. NEW YORK. 12801 TELEPHONE: (SI8) 782·S832 POLl C E DE PT. 783· 2 S S S HIGHWAY DEPT. 783.7771 TO: All Recreation Commissioners FROM: H. R. Hansen. Director DATE: September 21, 1982 RE: Recreation Commission Meeting Change At the special budget review meeting on Monday, September 20th, the Director advised those present regarding a conflict for next weeks regularly scheduled Recreation Commission monthly meeting. It seems that the monthly meeting of the Warren County Youth Board, which is usually the third Monday of each month, has been changed, for September only, to the fourth MOnday (September 27th). This meeting is extremely important in that Queensbury·s application for 1983 Division for Youth Recreation funding, âlong with applications from other municipalities, will-be discussed and voted on. Considering the importance of this meeting it would be advisable that the Director be present to justify the Departments request for 1983 funds. Therefore, because of the conflict, it was decided that the September Recreation Commission meeting be cancelled and that the next meeting be the regularly scheduled meeting on October 25th. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns regarding Recreation programs or the budget, please do not hesitate to contact me. See you in October. ~~ SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE