1982-04-26 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 26, 1982 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation. Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Monday, April 26, 1982 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Vasko called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Champagne, Granger, Little, Roop, Vasko and Director Hansen ABSENT: VISITORS: Commissioner Bly Councilmen Morrell and Monahan, Lee Tugas (Post Star) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Champagne moved to approve the minutes of the March 22, 1982 meeting. Commissioner G~anger seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Director temporarily assumed chairmanship of the meeting and requested nominations for the position of chairman and vice- chairman of the Recreation Commission for a period of one year (April 1982 - April 1983). Commissioner Roop nominated Commissioner Vasko as chairman and it was seconded by Commissioner Granger. The no- minations were closed and Commissioner Vasko was unanimously elected for another year. Commissioner Little was then nominated by Commissioner Champagne and seconded by Commissioner Roop for the position of vice-chairman and after nominations were closed, was subsequently elected unanimous- ly. COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE The Director briefly reviewed and explained the request by Prospect School for use of Gurney Lane. Due to the situation with only one swimming pool, Mrs. Cohen has withdrawn the School's request for use of the Gurney Lane facility. INDOOR SWIMMING POOL AND SWIM LESSOO UPDATE The Director updated the Commission regarding the school pool and the subsequent investigation of other swimming facilities as alternatives this summer. The school pool will definitely be closed and will not be available. other possible outdoor and in- door facilities including the YMCA pool, the Glens Falls School Pool, Glen Lake and Paradise Lake are either not available or being used and cannot accomodate the Recreation Department's needs. Therefore, the Director recommended that the Department make use of the Gurney Lane Recreation Facility for swimming lessons and the open swim program. The majority of "learn to swim" lessons can be adequately taught at the facility with only a minimum of inconvenience to the participants and in reality this is the only alternative. The Commission had questions regarding tiny tot and beginner lessons and were assured that Gurney Lane, with its shallow areas, was an ideal facility for such lessons. The Commission also ex- pressed concern with the safety aspect and inquired what precautions would be taken. The Director pointed out that shallow and deep areas wer~sep&rated by ropes and it was explained that each group of 10 children were supervised by an adequate member of instructors and assistants. The Commission åfterdiscussing the matter approved the Director's recommendation and authorized the use of Gurney Lane for swimming lessons. DIRECTÅ’'SREPOOT The Director's report and monthly budget update was presented and there were comments regarding the Senior Citizen trip and the new Recreation Commissioner to be appointed by the Town Board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m. the next meeting will be held on Monday, May 24, 1982.