1981-10-26 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1981 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, hèld Monday, October 26, 1981 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Yasko called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M.. PRESENT: Commissioners Bly, Champagne, Roop, Yasko and Director Hansen. ABSENT: Commissioner Lavigne (ex.) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Roop moved to approve the minutes of the September 28, 1981 Å“eeting. Commissioner Champagne seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: The Director explained the two letters of correspondence regarding the Queensbury Little League's request for assistance, which were enclosed in the monthly packet. It was explained that Little League representatives had on October 13 made a presentation to the Town Board and that no decision regarding funding had been made. DISCUSSION ON HOVEY POND: The Director briefly explained the information concerning the proposed gift of Hovey Pond and a two-story residence to the Town of Queensbury by the Finch Pruyn Corporation. The gift which totals approximately 11 acres, is valued at about ~90,OOO and is located between Route 9 and Quaker Roads in Queensbury. The appraisal report prepared by Jordan and Hafner was shown to the Commission and the Director further explained, that the Town Supervisor had requested that the Commission discuss the futuref~recreation potential of this area. The Commission was initially concerned that the cost to clean up Hovey Pond and to maintain it as a recreation area, might eventually be more than the value of the actual gift. Page 2 Hovey Pond is rapidly filling up due to silting and in addi- tion,raw sewage from area retail stores may also be emptying into the pond. The question of parking for recreation activities, the reaction of local residents to a "neighborhood" recreation aesa and the consequence of removing this property and its' revenue from the active tax rolls, was also diséussed. The Director was asked what plans the Recreation Department might have for the pond and it was explained that initially such an acquistion had not been planned for in the Department's master plan. However, due to the increase in Senior Citizen activities, and considering the possibility that the two-story residence might be used as a Senior Citizen Center, the de- partment was optimistic about such a gift. In addition, the Hovey Pond property, because of its size and location, might easily lend itself to a passive type of recreation area (picnic tables, cook-out facilities, fishing area and ice skating). In as much as a passive recreation area requires relatively little in the way of capital outlay and maintenance, the acceptance of this gift by the Department would seem to be within reason. The Commission had some additional questions concerning the actual terms of the gift and whether or not the Town could dispose of the property if it became a liability. The Director was instructed to research answers to the Commissions questions and report back at the next meeting. The Director will also physically inspect the area prior to the next meeting to further determine if the pond is suitable as a potential recreation site. The Commission also suggested that the health department and/or other appropriate individuals be contacted to help determine if a problem with raw sewage exists. The consensus of those present was that additional information was needed before the Commission could recommend to the Town Board acceptance or rejection of this gift. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: The Commission reviewed the Director's report and the department's monthly budget update, and there was some discussion. The Recreation Director's job discription was discussed and it was felt that the responsibilities and priorities which were applicable in July 1978, when the Director was hired, were now outdated. Therefore, the Commission instructed the Director to re-evaluate his present job responsibilities and submit a new job discription for the Commission's review. There being no further business, the mee.ting was adjourned at 9: 17 P.M. The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 23, 1981.