1980-09-22 EXE ,\- QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 1980 EXECUTIVE SESSION The Executive Session began with a discussion of the accident to Keith Tougas, which occurred at Gurney Lane. The Commission was in agreement that the Tougas family should not be responsible to pay, out of pocket, for any of the medical bills which resulted from the accident. The Director was instructed to write a letter to Mr, & Mrs. Tougas relating this thought and requesting that the Tougas family write a letter requesting payment. The next step would then be to present the request to the Town Board for subsequent action. The Commission then discussed the need for hospitalization coverage for participants of all Recreation Programs. The Commission was concerned that the Town had no such coverage and the concensus was that this type of coverage was definitely needed to protect both the Town and the Department in the event of future accidents, Comm- issioner Champagne then made a motion that the Director check with the Supervisor and Town Attorney concerning hospitalization coverage for all Recreation Program participants. Mr. Bly seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. The Director was also instructed that in the future, following an accident, that a follow up letter by the Director should be a routine procedure for the Department. In addition, the Director will alert the Commission through the Monthly Report, concerning the total number of accidents which occur in Recreation Department programs. The Director reviewed the 1981 Recreation Department tentative Budget and the attached Budget Analysis sheet which the Budget Comm- ittee had requested. There were no additional changes and after some further discussion, Commissioner Howe moved to adopt the 1981 Recrea- tion Department Budget as presented. Commissioner Yasko seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. The Director updated the Commission concerning the possibility of lighting a portion of the Queensbury School complex. The Town Supervisor was contacted and is in favor of the ~igþ~tng· proposal. Basically, they would be willing to make the land available if the Town (Recreation Department) would be agreeable to installing the lights. Regarding cost for usage, they agreed that this should be the responsi- bility of the user organization ie¡ Recreation Department pays for usage by the Recreation Department and the School for their usage. Maintenance of the area and the lighting equipment was also discussed and this too should be on a shared basis. QUEENS BURY RECREATION MINUTES CONT'D. Page 2 v The Commission was pleased with the information and felt the Recreation Department should now move to the next step of getting cost estimates and writing up the total proposal for the Commission and the Town Board to look at. The Commission briefly discussed the $100,000., in the 1980 Recreation Department Budget, under Capital Expenditures and re- quested that the Director attempt to encumber this money through a Resolution to the Town Board if the Department cannot spend it before December 31, 1980. The Commission also discussed the possibility of acquiring the Sunnyside Pavilion property, which Commissioner Champagne feels could be purchased for $20,000-$50,000. The Director explained that the Department still has a reserve account of approximately $50,000. for possible future land acquisition and that a decision to purchase land at this time need not be made.