1981-11-24 1 TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 243 1981 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Frances Walter, Supervisor Mr. Daniel Olson, Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart, Councilman Mr. Daniel MorreZZ, Councilman Mr. Hammond Robertson, Councilman Mr. Joseph Brennan, Councilman Pledge of Allegiance Zed by Councilman Robertson Meeting opened 7:50 P.M. -, PRESS: Glens FaZZs Post Star, WBZA, WWSC I GUESTS: Mr. Frank Burt, Representatives from the CSEA OFFICIALS: Mr. Lynn, Mr. Dean PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Frank A. Burt - of 8 Mission St. to Zocate a mobile home on Eisenhower Ave. Mr. Frank A. Burt was present Hearing Opened 7:51 P.M. 4 Supervisor Walter- is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak for or against the application? No one spoke Declared the public hearing closed. 7:53 p.m. ANNUAL REPORT-Queensbury Block Grant Program Mr. Mike Ryan- (copy of speech on file) reported to the Town Board the annual report of the Town of Queensbury Community Development Block Grant Program West Glens FaZZs Neighborhood Strategy Area . . The Warren Co. Office of Planning and Community Development has processed a total of sixty six target area--;applications which represents fifth four percent of the total target area. Of the sixty six processed applications, fiftyone homes are completed and fifteen appZications are in process. Two other program activities in addition to private housing rehabilitation included the installation of water Zines and the renovations to John P. Burke Apartments. Supervisor Walter- Mr. Ryan is the Rehab. specialist who was in charge of the Queensbury Project. . .indicated that we are on scheduZe. . . Mr. Ryan- we are approximately a couple of months ahead. . . Councilman Morrell-I have seen some of the results and it is amazing-the upgrading that has been done on the outside. . . Councilman Olson- Thanked Mr. Ryan for his report RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES r ro,�,N;,. z, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption econded by Mr. Daniel Morrell RESOLVED, that the Minutes of November 10, 1982 be and hereby are approved. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: Mrs. Walter (out of town at time of meeting) 2 i RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS j gg"70T'UL�Q'a NQ 9-5R Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: WHEREAS, the Building and Zoning Department wishes to purchase needed equipment and l WHEREAS, there is a need for a transfer of funds for these purchases, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT i RESOLVED, to transfer $300.00 from A8010. 100 Building and Zoning Personal Services to A8010. 200 Building and Zoning Equipment. Duty adopted by the fo UoOing vote: j Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Monett, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter i Noes: None i ' Absent: None i 1 Councilman OZson- what kind of equipment? Supervisor Walter- bulletin board, cork panels and scope set. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, the Police Telephone and Utility bills are exceeding budget appropriations and WHEREAS, the Workers Compensation appropriations exceeded the annual bill, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to transfer $550.00 to A3120.410 Police, Telephone 670.00 to A3120. 430 Police, Utilities $1220. 00 from A3120. 840 Police, Workers Compensation Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BINGO LICENSE ,7?F—gnr79 QN„NG2.,. 900. Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption;; seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: RESOLVED, that Bingo License No. 17015 be and hereby is approved allowing VFW Post 6196 to hold games of Bingo from December 1, 1981 through February 16, 1982. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BUS GRANT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN QUEENSBURY AND COUNTY OF WARREN RF,-17Q4Z;QN Nn &1, Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its adoption; seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson WHEREAS, Warren County is participating in a New York State Division for Youth Special Delinquency Program, by establishing an intra-county youth bus program, and WHEREAS, a financial reimbursement program has been proposed by the Warren County Youth Board, and 3 1 WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has already entered into an agreement with i Warren County by Resolution No. 50, February 10, 1981 for the initial amount of $675. 26 for youth busing reimbursement, and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury is eligible to receive an additional sixty-three dollars and thirty-eight cents ($63. 38) pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned agreement, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Torun of Queensbury is hereby authorized to enter into a supplemental agreement between the County of Warren and the Town of Queensbury whereby the County of Warren shall provide a total amount of $63. 38 for youth busing reimbursement, to the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter i Noes:. None Absent: None RESOLUTIJ TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME i "J"rP4Q1 XQ, U9, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: i WHEREAS, Mr. Frank A. Burt has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE j FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, f WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated at Dawn Avenue, and i WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said ublie hearing g are sufficient to authorize the .issuance of the permit I requested by said application, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Mr. Frank A. Burt to locate a mobile home at property situated at Daum Avenue and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. r Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. -MOrrelt, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter I I Noes: None F Absent: None COMMUNICATIONS BID OPENING POLICE CARS 2:00 P.M. the following bids were opened by the Town' Clerk MaZtbie Chevrolet i Lake George, N. Y. non2coGeva� aeheTaZa $8,654.00 ea. Lakewood Motors, Ltd. Rt. 9 Chestertown, N.Y. 1982 Ford LTD $8,580.00 ea. non cot. attached Supervisor Walter- the bids will be turned over to the Police Committee and Police Chief for their recommendations. i i BID OPENING LANDFILL LOADER 2:00 P.M. November 17, 1981 the following bids were opened by the Town Clerk Contractor Sales Co. Inc. $131,902.00 P.O. Box 12010 Albany, N.Y. trade 44 970.00 86,932.00 non. cot, attached Burley Machinery Inc. $102,657.00 Clifton Park., N.Y, Trade 37,457. 00 65,200.00 Non eoZ. attached Schroon Lk. Tractors $142,002.00 Schroon Lk. N.Y. Trade 46,116.00 95,886.00 non eoZ. attached Ltr. Roger Gebo Deputy Supt. of Public Works, Warren Co. D.P.W. (on file) suggested that the bid be awared to Contractor Sales, Inc. 1 Ltr. Jim CoughZin-LandfiZZ Supt. -recommended that the bid be awarded to Contractor Sales Co., Inc. (Ztr. on file) Councilman Olson- using an evaluation sheet reviewed the various bids as received. . . (evaluation sheet on file) recommended that the board reject the bid of Burley Machinery noted that the low bidder did not specify in his proposal a warrantee also within the size of the cylinders for the bucket we required 6" diameter ' and they bid on a 5" diameter . . . we requested a six cylinder engine and Vze j bid was for an eight cylinder engine which makes a difference in the efficiency of the machine and the economy of operating the machine. . . Supervisor Walter- noted that she had spoken with the Two members of the Qsby. G.F. Landfill Committee from the City who have reviewed the evaluation sheets on the machines that were bid, both Mr. Allen and Mr. Bedore noted that they felt j that the low bidder did not meet the specifications and that bid should be rejected. Councilman Olson- in regard to the covering unit over the parking brake, the landfill Supt. who looked at the machine noted that it was not covered as required in the specifications. . Councilman Morrell- Did all bidders receive the same specifications? i Director of Purchasing, Mr. Chase- yes RESOLUTION TO REJECT BID PFRgLgLTO Q JaZ Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, sreconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, bids were received and opened as advertised for new loader for the Queensbury-GZens Falls Joint Landfill, and WHEREAS, after due consideration it was determined that the bid from Burley Machinery of Clifton Park, N.Y. did not meet the specifications as required 1 in the following areas: 1. No warrantee specified 2. 5" diameter cylinders for the bucket. . .6" required 3. 8 cylinder engine. . .bid requirement 6 cylinder NOW, THEREFORE BE IT j RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby rejects the bid I from Burley Machinery of Clifton Park, N.Y. for a Clark Michigan Model 75C Loader. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr, Robertson,, Bra, Walter 1 Noes: None i j Absent: None 1 Councilman Olson- requested that the bid of Contractor Sales be accepted, Lt spoke on the two year warrantee Supervisor Walter- Contractor Sales does not meet the specifications in two areas shipping weight and tipping load, in reviewing that, Mr. Gebo indicated that these were insignificant. . . 3 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT HID ON 3 YARD ARTICULATED WHEEL TYPE LOADER EESOLUTION Nn, 264, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson; a J � 5 i WHEREAS, Mr. James Coughlin, Landfill Supt. for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bids for a 3 Yard Articulated Wheel Type Loader, and WHEREAS, tham bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified time and place by the Director of Purchasing/Town Clerk Donald A. Chase, and such bids were then turned over to Mr. Coughlin for his recorrmiendation, and I � WHEREAS, Mr. Coughlin by letter has recommended that the bid be awcakd to Contractor Sales Co., Inc. of Albany, New York, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT 1 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts the bid of 1 Contractor Sales Co. Inc. in the amount of $86,932.00 and be it further ` RESOLVED that the financing for such materials vZZ be from a Band Anticipation Note. DuZy adopted by the following vote: :I Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None I Absent: None REPORTS The Police Report for October 1981 is on fiZe. . . OPEN FORUM 8:26 P.M. Mr. Joseph Daire-questionghow John Burke Apts. were helped by HUD when-it is not in the WGF area. . . Supervisor Walter- this was a special amendment to the Rehab program where John Burke was putting in matching funds. . . Statement read by Susan Goetz: November 24, 1981 According to published reports, an infraction of the Open Meetings Law took place on November 17, 1981. This involved a meeting between the Queensbury Town Board and members of the Queensbury Planning Board and concerned the development of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and its accom-; paning regulations. i The Queensbury Land Use Committee of the League has been scribing the minutes of the workshops, mini-meetings, and public informational meetings for the Planning .board on a monthly basis since November of 1977. When this work began, then Queensbury Town Supervisor, Mike Brandt, asked the League to research if these workshop sessions must be publicized according to the New York State open Meetings Law. I The Answer was "yes" because it was felt the workshop sessions are "meetings" that must be opened to the pubZic,and which must be preceded by the fulfillment of the notice requirement. The complete interpretation of our inquiry and response to it by Robert Freeman, Executive Director, New York State Committee I on Public Access to Records, are found in letters attached to this statement. j The League trusts that in the interest of good government, the town will make every effort to follow the Open Meetings Law in the future. Thank you. Betty Dodds j President Supervisor Walter- I think that the open meetings Zaw refers to a quorum, I do not think there was a quorum for either group. . . Councilman Robertson- there was not a quorum of either board. . . Mr. Turnbull- Where is the Park-,*..-,,- being placed in W.G.F.? i Councilman Morrell- that has not been placed yet, it is part of the second grant, . . I �lfJ r TomjSchweikert- The reason we are running ahead (placement of water lined and progressive in the quality of our work is because of increased productivity from the water dept. employees, the maintenance crew and the operators. We feel that the- length and the ' character of the contract negotiations are debilitating on the morale and productivity. We feel that it has taken this long perhaps the Town Board is =isolated from the workers themselves, maybe they do not care what kind of work we do. Ve do our best work,, { we are well ahead of schedule of the projects, Mr. Robertson knows that, it is because i of the increased productivity, we feel that we are productive, we feel that we are being unduly punished by the length and the character of the negotij.2tions. All we ask for ' is a fair shake from the Town Boards if they have a gripe or they do not get along with certain members, we feel it is vindictive on certain emp flees of the Town, we do, I do our best work as evidenced by the eight and tw:eZve inch 'Zater4a"Aiid aZZ the work behind it, the increased revenue from the Water Dept. I cannot Speak for the Highway Dept. ,ofl anyone else but I feel that someone should speak, maybe you do ; not know how we -feel, maybe it is because we are so far away, we would like you to support our cause. Supervisor Walter- I would agree with you, we are very pleased with the work of the ;4 water dept. and they have done a very good job. I would have to say that negotiations are just that, negotiations are a two sided thing I do not like to think that the Town Board was the only side of the negotiations that you people felt were dragging their feet, I am looking at it from another angle. As soon as it looked like we were coming to some kind of an agreement, we waited for quite some time to see a contract, I have been on vacation, when I got back I have a draft contract, I understand how you feel because it has been quite a long time but I do not think the blame for that length of time should be placed entirely with the Town Board. Tom Schweikert-This is my personal opinion I cOn not blaming it on the Town Board, I am not blaming it on the Union, but I feel rather than an adveaary relationship it should not be an, us and them, we do produce, we should be considered as a whole it should be more give and take, more open communications more readiness to sit down, we would rather work with the Town Board for the Town of Queensbury then have this adversary relationship. a Supervisor Walter- I would agree with that. . . Councilman Robertson- I would assure you that from the point of view of every _ member of this Torn Board there is not an adversary relationship-we basically { respect our employees, we want to do the best within the framework of our good judgement that we can for them, as Mrs. Walter says, there are other sides to that coin. It has dragged out unecessariZy, we regret that as much as you dog j without getting into an open debate we do not want to debate the contract. . . Supervisor Walter - asked for further input from the public hearing none the open forum was closed. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL AUDIT OF BILLS Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption seconded by Mr. Daniel MorreZZ: i RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 81-11D and numbered 2051 through 2053 and totaling $3,986.00 be and hereby is approved. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter j Noes: None i j Absent: None RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION ESO ULM Z. 266- Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss several legal contracts. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: None ! Absent: None I 7 i RESOLUTION TO REOPEN MEETING 7 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: I i RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves back into session. 1 Duly adopted by the following vote: i f j Ayes Mr. Olson, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter ^ i Noes: None j f Absent: Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell j (Mr. MorreZZ and Dr. Eisenhart, reentered the meeting) Discussion on acceptance of property from Finch Pruyn & Co. Inc. i Councilman Eisenhart-Against the proposal. . .this could potrenti- ,y 1e cost the town j' an enormous amount of money I do not think we have any business taking this pte of property, I think this is a bad piece of business. Councilman Morrell- I have to agree with Dr. Eisenhart, I will also vote against this resolution . . .I have a feeling that "it would appear to be in the best long-term interst of the town" I am not sold on that. . .I think, all gifts are not worth accepting raid that this could come p 9 I am afraid back to haunt US. Councilman Robertson- I believe that the benefit to the Town is long term in acquiring this property I realize that there may be some liabilities but I basically believe the -benefits to the Town outweight the liabilities. . . Councilman Olson- I support the resolution, I think this property has- a lot of potential. . . . i Councilman Eisenhart- I trust the Board remembers the meeting we had last spring when we had a delation from the neighbors of Hovey Pond who wanted us to clean up Hovey pond, at which time we were able to dodge the issue because we did not own it. I assume that as soon as we take possession of it we will have a de ygation again demanding that we take care of the problems. I have had a pond of my own for twenty years I am well aware of the enourmous amount of effort to rwintain the pond an,' endless problem of work and money. . . Supervisor Walter- I can very happy that Finch Pruyn and Company offered the gift to the Town I agree with Mr. Robertson and Mr. Olson that it will prove to be an excellent gift in the interest to the residents of the Town of Queensbury. I would have to add that I do not envision the town spending taxpayer dollars for any kind of clean up,I would just relate that I am meeting next week with the Soil Conservation Service in looking for any kind of help, technical or financial aid to enhansing the properties around the pond. I hope to contact other agencies .. . . i RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT GIFT BY DEEDS OF REAL PROPERTY FROM FINCH PRUYN & COMPANY, INC. I RESOLUTION 1Q ,,,6,y Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, i secon e by Mr. Daniel Olson: �- WHEREAS, Finch Pruyn & Company, Inc. has offered to donate to the Town of Queensbury for public purposes certain real property including Hovey Pond and certain premises contiguous thereto; and WHEREAS, Finch Pruyn & Company, Inc. has tendered to the Town of Queensbury as a gift, two deeds, copies of which are annexed hereto, which deeds more particularly describe the premises to be conveyed to the Town of Queensbury as a gift; and WHEREAS, Joseph R. Brennan, Esq., Counsel to the Board, has approved the form of the deeds and the legal title to the premises to be given by Finch Pruyn & Company, Inc. to the Town of Queensbury; and WHEREAS, it would appear to be in the best long term interest of the Town of Queensbury to accept the proffered gift of said real property; t NOW, THEREFORE BE IT j III fI k - f R l RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury accept as a gift from Finch Pruyn & Company, Inc. the real property described in the respective deeds, copies of which are annexed hereto; and be it further { ! RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized to cause said deeds to be filed in the office of the Warren County Clerk and, after recorda- tion of said deeds in the office of the Warren County Clerk, to maintain said deeds in the records of the Town Clerk's office of the Town of Queenbbury. 1 Duly adopted by the following vote I k Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Walter Noes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell Absent: None � Discussion held in regard to CSEA Agreement i Councilman Eisenhart- Once more I will vote against the adoption of this, on one basis, I can opposed to any labor contract that provides for an agency shop in 1 public employment. I feel that to require an individual to pay for the priv^-Zege of working for his town is wrong and I will not support any labor contract that includes agency shop. Supervisor Walter I would like to explain my vote on the 1982 contract. I will j also be voting no, I agree with Dr. Eisenhart and I have in the past, with the agency shop I cannot agree with that, I do not believe it has a place in the public employment sector. I feel that-the language of the contract is not in the best interest of either the Town or the Employees, I think in a careful review of the provisions of the contract the Town Board members have also pointed out the I same things that I feel strongly about. I think that you employees would also find in reading the contract that it really is not in the best interests of the employees. Councilman Robertson-My comments are really in the area of the future, as was expressed j here tonight, there is a great deal of frustration by individual employees, I fuzzy understand that. I will support Mrs. Walter's comments, as I think that the Zanguage of the contract should be looked at. I am going to support the contract, I think f it has dragged on way to long. I would ask you people to think carefully about reviewing the Zanguage it is unwieldy, it is ambigigous it leads to a lot of problems, without changing the intent of it and without changing what has been 1 barcgined away, I am not asking the CSEA to give that away but I think you should think very carefully about looking at a revised contract and iron out the problems. f { Councilman Morrell- I am going to vote in favor of the contract, I too am not i entirely pleased with the wording however I think we are failing to understand the needs of all the town employees that have done without this money, with the rt4iftr infZationery costs it has to have been some kind of a burden on them to.go all these months in doubt, almost a year,just for the sake to get half on track findnciaZZy, I am going to vote for this contract. We get our money, just by voting for it and they have been waiting for eleven months arguing over wording, I think we are 'IQaing the dedication to the town family by dragging j this on any longer. Even though I am not please with the contract I think we ought to get this part settled and start again on something else. Councilman Olson- I would urge the employees, the local union chapter and the Town Board Members next year to set an early date and try to bring Ae t years negotiations for 1982 faster. . . . 1 Supervisor Walter- I have to take exception Mr. Morrell and Mr. Olson, I think that the employees have been very patient but I think that as being part of the negotiating team we have to set down with proposals from the Union and - weed through them. I think as I have indicated before] negotiations are a two 1 sided things while you are negotiating you are agreeing on certain areas of the contract. I have no problem with the pay raises for the employees which is j something that they are interested in and how their paycheck is going to increase or the fact that the Town will be picking up coverage of $133.00 on the family plan for the employees which will also increase their paycheck, but negotiation is a a two way street and I refuse to take the blame of having the employees wait until this time of the year to reach agreement. Therel&s been lag time on the side of the Union and also I would say on the side of the Town, but I am not going to take the full blame nor do I think the Town Board members ought to. For the sake of how many votes you might be gaining with your comments I think they are entirely unfair. RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY UNIT OF CSEA f � 9 R . O ,/TTQ O. -26�, Introduced by Mr. DanieZ MorreZZ who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. DanieZ OZson: I WHEREAS, after e:,&ended negotiations a proposed agreement of employment has been reached between the Town of Queensbury and the Town of Queensbury Unit of CSEA for the year 1981; and I WHEREAS, said proposed agreement has been reduced to writing, a copy of which annexed hereto; and WHEREAS, the form of the proposed agreement as annexed hereto has been approved { ` I by Joseph R. Brennan, Esq., Counsel to the Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury accept the empZoyment agreement as proposed and enter into said agreement between the Town of Queensbury and the Town of Queensbury Unit of CSEA in the form annexed hereto, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and she hereby is authorized to execute said agreement on behaZf of the Town of Queensbury. DuZy adopted by the foZZowing voter Ayes: Mr. OZson, Mr. MorreZZ, Mr._ Robertson i Noes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. WaZter Absent: None Councilman MorreZZ introduced a resolution to reimburse the empZoyees aZZ interest that was made on the monies set aside for saZaries. . .no second. . . I CounciZman Eisenhart- I wouZd have doubts- on the ZegaZity of that. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, DonaZd A. Chase Town CZerk i i i I i I i I r i I I i f I t