04-23-2013 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda (Dw First Regular Meeting: Tuesday April 23,2013/Time 7–11 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 Administrative Item 1.1 Site Plan 48-2012 Steven&Jennifer Kitchen for further tabling consideration 2.0 Planning Board Recommendations to ZBA Applicant(s) KATHRYN TABNER REV. Application Type Site Plan 17-2013 TRUST Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stewart& Lot size 0.23 acres Rhodes;Hutchins Engineering Location 89 Mason Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 226.12-1-23 i Ordinance Reference 179-6-050, 179-4-10, 179-6-0H_] Cross Reference AV 11-13,SP 20-95,AV 14-95, Warren County Referral April 2013 BP 01-346, BP 95-209 Public Hearing Not required APA,CEA,Other L G CEA,APA Wetlands Project Description:Site Plan: Applicant proposes removal of existing residence and construction of a new residence. Filling and Hard surfacing within 50 feet of the shoreline and construction on slopes greater than 15% in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Variances: Relief requested from side,shoreline, FAR&height requirements of the WR zone. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) QUEENSBURY PARTNERS I Application Type Site Plan 62-2011 L _ll Freshwater Wetlands 6-2011 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Agent(s) Matthew Fuller,Esq. Lot size 34.050 acres Location Southeast corner of Bay&Blind Zoning Classification I 0-Office Rock Roads Tax ID No. 289.19-1-23 through 35 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-9, Chapter 94 Cross Reference AV 61-11,S U 13-99 —I Warren Co. Referral April 2013 Meeting Date 3/19/2013-Seek LA Status Warren Co. DPW Referral March 2013 Public Hearing 4/23/2013 APA,CEA,Other NWI Wetlands,Stream Overlay Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of 11 buildings totaling 132,000 sq. ft. on a 34.05 acre parcel. The intended uses for the site include office, business retail,and multi-family. Activities also include land disturbance for installation of parking area and other infrastructure and utilities associated with the project. Site Plan review and approval is required for multi-family, office and business retail. Variances: Relief is requested for building setbacks on Blind Rock Road, residential setback from Blind Rock Road; building height and building canopies and such setback from Bay Road. PB may acknowledge Lead Agency status, conduct SEQRA review, and make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. 3.0 Sketch Plan Review Applicant(s) JENNIFER BALL Application Type Subdivision 3-2013 �MLJ I Sketch Plan Review Owner(s) Pamela Harris SEQR Type II Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 20.88 acres Location Pickle Hill Road Zoning Classification RR-3A-Rural Residential 3 Acres Tax ID No. 266. 1-1-9 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183,Chapter 147 Cross Reference NOA 1-96,AV 51-90,SP 56-91, APA,CEA,Other L G Park CEA SP 43-91,BP 92-289 Public Hearing Not required Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 20.88 acre parcel into two lots of 16 &4.89 acres. A single family dwelling is to be constructed on the 4.89 acre parcel. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. 4.0 Tabled Item Applicant(s) PAUL&MARGARET Application Type Site Plan 76-2012 SHEEHAN Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 0.63 acres Location 31 Birch Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 289.13-1-20 Ordinance Reference 179-9,179-6-060, 179-4-050 Cross Reference AV 62-12,BP 89-508 APA,CEA,Other NWI Wetlands,Glen Lake CEA Public Hearing 12/20/12, 1/22/13,3/26/13, Tabled to 4/23/2013 Project Description: Applicant proposes to demolish existing 1,352 sq.ft. residence and accessory structures and construct a new 3,950 sq.ft. four bedroom residence. Construction of a dwelling within 50 feet of 15%slopes in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and approval. 5.0 Old Business Requiring Public Hearing Applicant(s) J CRM HOUSING DEV.,INC. Application Type Site Plan 8-2013 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type I Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 17.01 acres Location Abbey Lane Zoning Classification MDR-Moderate Density Residential Tax ID No. 302.9-1-28.1 Ordinance Reference 179-9; 179-3-040 Cross Reference AV 5-2013 Warren Co.Referral February 2013 Meeting Date 2/19/13-Seek LA Status 2/26/13-Acknowledge LA Status Public Hearing 2/26/13,4/16/13,4123/2013 Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes senior housing complex with 7-8 unit two story buildings on a private access drive. Each unit will have a 1 car attached garage. Multi-family in an MDR zone requires Planning Board review and approval. 6.0 New Business Applicant(s) ROBIN INWALD �J Application Type Site Plan 16-2013 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.66 acres Location 38 Gunn Lane Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 227.17-1-16 Ordinance Reference 179-13-10 Cross Reference AV 7-11,SP 6-11,AV 45-10,SP Warren Co. Referral April 2013 39-10,AV 26-10,AV 68-08,SP 38-08,SP 8-89; BP's Public Hearing 4/23/2013 APA,CEA,Other L G Park CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes the addition of a 2,541 sq. ft. second story to existing single family house. Expansion of a non- conforming structure in a Critical Environmental Area requires Planning Board review and approval. Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board